Undoing all results responses appreciated!

So, I’m hearing a few different topics going on here all at the same time. I think you’ll find more clarity as we separate things out.

The first issue is the “results” you want reversed. As you were told in your previous thread, none of these fields (not even Sapien’s) can create physical changes in the body as quickly as you’re describing. Even the glowing successes reported in our Results thread would tell of one-off listens, rather than the weeks-long (or months-long) regimes that we talk about there. (And I’m not dissing these fields. They’re still “miracles” and “godsends” compared to the other tools we have at our disposal.) The few minutes that you listened to those fields aren’t enough to effecti physical matter.

Now, please understand. I’m not dismissing your discomfort. I’m simply asking you to be open to and to explore alternaitve explanations or causes for what you are no doubt experiencing. This would include, if you’re that uncomfortable, consulting with a licensed doctor.

As you learned in your other thread, we don’t have much from Sapien to recommend to you because Sapien doesn’t usually create fields that need to be reversed. Even the Energy
Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleansing field only reverses energy work that was done within the 3 hours prior to its playing. (Perhaps our friends thought you had just made your mistake and that’s why they suggested it? :man_shrugging: )

Another issue to this discussion is your experience with Sapien fields. That’s something we can help you . If you’re wanting to know how to make your use of your Sapien fields more comfortable or more effective for you, we can answer some of that. For example, you mentioned that your field “has been taking a toll” (whatever that means). We still might be able to help you with that.

I will observe that, in order for you to have a meaningful discussion on that count, you will have to be way less general in your reports of your experiences, whether you’re having your discussion with us, others on the Internet or even a doctor.

The final issue of this situation (that I’ve identified thus far) is your skittishness to use the fields that we suggest to you. I understand the principle of “once bitten, twice shy” but we can post 1,000’s of titles and suggestions. None of them will do you any good when you don’t listen to them and stick with them (because as I just said, even these advanced tools require some time and some consistency to affect physical changes. See the Enlightened States blog and the Official Sapienmed FAQ (Updated) for information about how Sapien’s tools work to create change and, more specifically, physical change.) I’m sure you understand that the “best” medicine can’t be of any benefit if the patient doesn’t take it.

On this topic, you’re going to have to do some self-work of talking yourself into wanting to use these tools. Otherwise, you’ve sort of put yourself in the uncomfortable position of someone who’s afraid of needles who is subjecting themselves to accupuncture. Until they’ve lined up with their decision to undergo the therapy of their choice, they’re fighting against themselves. And that’s what I’m hearing you do, too.

I could suggest that you listen to Subconscious Limit Dissolver or the Amygdala healing (+ fear release): New release (or even the new [paid] Point of No Return field) to help with your skittishness, if that’s something that you might be willing to try.

To answer some of the questions that you did ask:

Under the clearest of circumstances, none of us would be able to answer that for you. Right now, I have too many unanswered questions to even try to guess for you.

We’ve made some suggestions about what you can listen to, so I think you’re going to want to take care of the other issues of this discussion first before looping back to this topic…

Have you considered a doctor who can investigate what else could be causing this instead?

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