Urgent help- Grateful

Hello everyone,

I’m reaching out to the Sapiens Medicine community and the experienced veterans here for some guidance.(Yes I’ve searched forums) I’m looking for strong audio fields to incorporate into my routine, as I’ve been working through some significant challenges and could use your advice.

An issue I’ve noticed is that the lessons the universe seems to be teaching me through various romantic partners keep repeating, always leading to the same outcome. I truly believe I’ve learned my lesson and am evolving, so at the moment things seem stagnant To address deep-rooted beliefs that might be holding me back in relationships, I’ve been vigorously using the Subconscious Limits Removal audio.

Another issue I’ve been dealing with is feeling a lot of jealousy around me, so I’ve been using the Jealousy Shield audio. I’ve also felt that there might be entities affecting me, which led me to purchase Booted Bhoots. I’ve been consistently using the Banishing and Exorcism 2.0 audios as well. I’m wondering if Booted Bhoots is powerful enough to remove everything from me or if there’s something else I should consider? Any experiences with Booted Bhoots (additional to whats already in the forums)?

Additionally, I purchased Kamadeva Rati Homam to open up avenues for marriage, and I feel like I’m on the right track with that. @lonewolf mentioned this audio opens up avenues for immediate marriage, but I was confused as to whether that’s an unofficial assumed description or if the audio holds the power for that?

As a Patreon premium member, I’ve also been using the Voodoo Detangled audio to remove any curses that might be affecting me. However, I’m wondering if this is enough? @Dreamweaver

I know @SammyG has advised not to focus too much on external factors like curses or entities and instead to work on healing ourselves, which is something I’m actively doing. I feel I’ve made a lot of progress in balancing myself and addressing my issues, but I’d really appreciate any advice on how to move forward from here.

What other audios would you recommend I incorporate for a solid relationship and to ditch the baggage and past programming?

Wonder if there are any strong powerful audios to help manifest, apart from “attract your desire”?

I’ve been using the forgiveness audios too. Thank you so much for your time and support!

Matchmaker 2.0 - The Energetic Journey To Love!

Have you had personal experience with this one? Would you mind sharing?

Yes it’s amazing but I used for enhancement of relationships not for a new one.

Emotional healing inside is profound get rid of all those past lingering emotions from past partners.

Makes you ready for love internally and you will attract someone who is more ‘made’ for you with it.

Read the thread as well. I think it’s exactly what your looking for :wink:

I was confused between whether to get Match Maker 2.0 and Kamadeva Rati Homam, and purchased Kamadeva Rati Homam as I feel that fit my needs better which is a solid forever union

Both is always an option.

It’s really expensive :(

How fast did it work for you? Did your present relationship at the time lead to marriage. ?

The Blossom of Abundance (Mind Program Series 3)

Lucky Flows (Patreon Shop)

Attract Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance (Energetically Programmed Audio)

And more!

Im wayyyy to young for this but it made a perfect relationship even better!

Marriage take a long time to bulit. And know each other. I don’t understand how you expect a field to use once and get married the next day.
Do you already have one partner in mind?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I completely understand where you’re coming from. I want to clarify that I’ve done a lot of inner work over the years. I’ve worked hard on balancing myself emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, and I’ve made significant progress in these areas.

However, I’ve encountered a recurring pattern where I’m close to marriage, but it doesn’t materialize due to external factors every time. That’s why I’m being specific in my request—because I’m at a point where I’ve identified certain blockages that seem to prevent this final step from happening. I believe that being specific about what I need can help me address these blockages more effectively.

I completely agree that no external tool or field can force someone into a specific outcome, like marriage. Building a strong, healthy relationship takes time, trust, and communication, and I’m fully committed to that process. I also understand that the right person and timing are crucial.

Ultimately, my goal is to clear any remaining obstacles within myself so that when the right person comes along, we’re both ready for a committed and fulfilling relationship. WHICH IS WHY I was wondering Kamadeva Rati Homam vs matchmaker 2.0 for my purposes?

It’s for $330 :(

But I already gave you the link that supposedly help with your way of getting your married with less difficulty.

I think this one alone is considered enough to support your marriage.

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I purchased Kamadeva Rati Homam


I was wondering overall too is it better to hear all these audios with headphones or without? I know the FAQs says use earbuds but then I read a description somewhere that said no earphones and just use speakers, so I’m confused.

Does Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 3.0 work the same way to get rid of all those past lingering emotions from past partners?

Do you know specific person you want to manifest in your life, if so use Maha Ganapati Yagna by setting your intentions. Not guaranteed but there is a % success to it.

Tho you can just listen to it by setting an intention towards marriage the deity knows what you really want.

Communication with that specific person would help a lot.
Knows deities won’t force someone to come up and talk if your the one who is blocking it.

A real life communication is still necessary.

I purchased Kamadeva Rati Homam and set intensions with it