Urinary Incontinence

Yes, in fact I suggest start using this even before needing it. For the pleasure of both parties… :wink:


Yes, with some maintenance of course.


wanna ask, how does it benefit in that department? You can message if it doesnt feel writing it down here. THanks

Lol just Google what kegel exercises do for both men and women…
It’s all very scientific…lol no bad pics or anything.


Very basic.

Having control over strong, vaginal muscles feels good for both parties. Increased/ maintained circulation is good for vaginal lubrication and can help increase arousal and orgasms.

Simple as that.


So if you are trying to relax your pelvic floor, would this audio be a good idea to use? Not sure if it would be beneficial or detrimental :slight_smile:

This audio strengthens the pelvic floor so you do feel the sensation as to when you work out other muscles.

Maybe try instead

The Acu-Automaton (Acupuncture)

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Or this The Cold Laser Therapy: New Release

Both are Smart fields

Meaning they go where the issue is pointed out and it gets better and grows over time as they see it needed

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I have been using that too, it’s nice but I don’t think it’s helping what my problem is (which I’m still trying to pinpoint what that is). Will keep using it though. The Cold Laser looks breddy cool too.

I think what I have could possibly be “Pelvic Floor Disorder” (not certain though) specifically the one where the muscles are too tight. Maybe making the muscles stronger would initially hurt, but in the long run due to better strength, allow them to be able to relax better? Just wouldn’t want to make it worse. There’s constant pressure on my bladder and I have to strain to urinate

Hey buddy, I’d recommend first to try out vagus nerve stimulation, Pranayama and acetylcholine.
Next would be Muscle massage, Myofascial release, Muscle recovery 2.0, smart reiki or old reiki & utter relax from dream seeds.
I feel this stack would effectively deal with your problem. Please update the progress.


Just started using Muscle Massage about an hour ago, will check the others :sunglasses:


If you’re male, have you had your prostate checked?


I haven’t, but I’m young so I doubt that’s the reason, but hey, you never know! If this shit doesn’t get better I’ll see if that’s a possible cause when I go to my doc to rule it out.

The annoying part of everything is that there is multiple symptoms which makes it hard to find the root cause of what is actually the culprit. No biggie, that’s life for ya

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Your age has nothing to do with my suggestion to you.

If there’s constant pressure on your bladder and you regularly have to strain or you would not be able to urinate, that’s something to get checked out.


Agree 100%


Yes I said I will get that checked out regardless, I just said I don’t think that’s the cause.

This all seemed to start after I was having severe pain around my kidneys and went to get it checked it out and originally my urine test was fine and the pain kept on so I went back and did it again. UTI. Took Cipro for ten days but me having to sort of strain to get it out was still there. Had an ultrasound done, all good, no problems there.

So what’s the cause? Did me being a degenerate give me Pelvic Floor Disorder? Did me straining really hard mess me up? (Felt a pop in my stomach when it happened) Was this infection caused by some other underlying issue? :man_shrugging: Dunno lol, it seems like there could be a multitude of causes, I believe it could be PFD, but it could very well be my prostate, or who knows what

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Said 1000% truth

  1. Androgen receptor
  2. Urinary Incontenece
  3. Core restoration (soul)
  4. Enjoy.

The first thing that men need to understand is that we can actually split the orgasm from the ejaculation part.

meaning there is an involuntary muscle there that we can make voluntary. Meaning we can actually control this muscle much more. And til now since we were very, very young we’ve never actually been able to control it because that’s the natural way things work.

We have learned with time to split it. Now, first thing you need to understand, an orgasm is not the ejaculation. They are two different things. You can reach an orgasm without ejaculating at all.

The first tool is the easiest one to implement and that’s called the million dollar pressing point. It is just underneath the testicles.

Now when the sperm comes out or when the semen comes out, it goes from the testicles, in a loop through this point and out. When you press this point you’re actually stopping the semen from coming out. You’re putting pressure on it. It’s really easy to find.

You just put your two fingers two centimeters, three centimeters under your testicles and when you reach an orgasm just two seconds before that start pressing it strongly in the beginning. You might not get it right and that’s all okay. Just press it and see how it feels.
Now, when you’re reaching there by yourself or with your partner, you’re getting to that point, press it and don’t let go for at least 15, 20 seconds. Don’t let go.

You will see your orgasm is becoming longer,
you will see that you’re retaining your sexual energy
meaning that you can have sex once again
after five, 10 minutes, it doesn’t really matter.

  1. Where is the Million-Dollar point?
    The Million-Dollar point is one of the points in TCM, called the ‘Hui Yin’. It is between the anus and the external genitalia of the body. It is called the perineum in English.

  2. How do we exercise the ‘Hui Yin’?
    Lift up the ‘Hui Yin’ gently. Then connect to Dan Tian, (The Dan Tian is the very core of the Qi. It is under the navel, inside of stomach (abdomen). One of the most important theories of Qi Gong is to imagine it and then bring the mind into the body and picture it. Imagine and picture the ‘Hui Yin’. And then lift it up gently to connect it to the Dan Tian (the core of the Qi, life energy). Try to practice it every day. Start by practicing it a few times on a daily basis and then this will become a habit of yours.

  3. Why do so?
    The ‘Hui Yin’ is the strongest and biggest point of the Yin energy. (Please click https://www.traditionalqi.com/about-traditional-qi/tcm-sydney/ to find out about Yin and Yang). Lifting the ‘Hui Yin’ up gently is greatly favourable to strengthen, store and exercise the Qi (life energy).
    When we are lifting the ‘Hui Yin’ up, the anus, the external genitalia and the prostate glands are lifted up simultaneously, which helps relax and contract the muscles of these parts of the body alternately.(Please reference the articles ‘the Two Directions Wisdom part 1 &2’ at the link The Two Directions Wisdom (Part 1) - Traditional Qi and The Two Directions Wisdom (Part2) - Traditional Qi). The energy and circulation of these parts of the body become weak gradually as we grow old and even our physiological activities such as defecate, passing wind, urination, having sex, giving birth and having periods also consume the energy and circulation of these parts of the body. Therefore, by lifting the ‘Hui Yin’ up gently, both of the anus and the external genitalia can be helped to relax and tighten the muscles of these parts of the body, at the same time, can get exercised.
    For women, lifting the ‘Hui Yin’ up gently and connecting it to the Dan Tian can help to nourish the blood and tonify vital energy to the vagina and uterus.
    For men, lifting the ‘Hui Yin’ up gently can help get the prostate glands exercised.
    Lifting the ‘Hui Yin’ up gently, at the same time, helps to strengthen the deep muscles of the bottom and the preaxial thigh.
    Lifting the ‘Hui Yin’ up gently and then connecting it to the Dan Tian can also help keep the good body figure and maintain better posture. This is one of the important Qi Gong movements.

  4. What are the Benefits?
    Help nourish vitality, improve life span and anti-aging.
    Help keep body up right and posture.
    Help prevent and treat urinary and fecal incontinence.
    Help prevent and treat vaginal diseases and make vagina tight.
    Help prevent and treat hysteroptosis.
    Help prevent and treat prostatosis.
    Help prevent and treat the diseases of the colon and anus.
    Help improve sexual life.
    Help strengthen the deep muscles of the bottom and the preaxial thigh.

The Million-Dollar Point

Perineum - Wikipedia

The second thing is to start understanding that the muscle you need to learn how to control is that muscle that when you go to the toilet and you pee, if you stop in the middle when it’s on maximum current
you can say. Stop, hold it inside, and then let go and continue. And then stop and then let go.

It is that muscle that you can not control during an orgasm that creates the ejaculation process. When you learn how to control that muscle by practicing two to three times or even every time you pee stop it in the middle, hold it inside and then continue and then stop it and then continue. You will see that you’re getting more and more control.

Now, during intercourse, when you’re making love, go up towards 80% orgasm. When you feel that you’re getting there, stop, use that muscle, and then I want you to imagine that you are breathing the energy and moving it from the lowest chakra where all that sexual energy exists towards up through all the chakras and go up to the head.


I forgot to review this one, apologies.

Pretty simple, I had a baby and then I peed every time I sneezed.

After this field I don’t anymore and I’ve experienced a new level of gratitude. pretty fast too after just a week of daily listening for me. I still listen a few times a week for maintenance.


Thank you, Zen Warrior. Interesting stuff.

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