What’s up guys… First, it’s a pleasure to be here in a group of like-minded people. Just finished a very deep meditation.
Before I give my breakdown of Vibration of Creation and few other audios, I’ll give a bit of my background:
I practice the path of non-dualism in the way Lester Levenson presented it and for the manifestation part, the way Vadim Zeland presents.
Overall premise, let go of the NEED/WANT of control, safety, and approval and you’ll reach a state where things just are, whatever you decide. By letting go of Ego baggage you allow yourself to HAVE control, safety, and approval.
My results so far: I haven’t worked a normal job in five years (Yes, I’m living pretty well. NYC next to Central park), my work has interested people in financial institutions (in progress), i’ve healed myself from an auto immune condition, and few other things big things. A lot of small “stuff” too.
My experience in the last few days with morphic field has been pretty interesting, my inkling is the these fields puts you in the space of having (non-dualistic state) and therefore you get the results.
I’ve done nothing different in my diet other than add fields and in three days I lost 10.4 lbs by running experiement because I’m “put” in the state of getting those results. The less resistance you have, the more obvious the results. This has been true for me in speed of manifestations as well.
Vibrations Breakdown:
First of all @El_Capitan_Nemo, thank you so much. You’re saving me many hours to get a result.
Vibration of Creation gave me the state of approval as a being, not the ego character you play and this is probably why it helps with manifestations. In the past I would need three days of meditation to reach this state, the audio did mid way. The things that were in the way of that immediately popped up, I let them go, and I was just being. If you allow yourself to be, you can “be the being that has everything”. Hold that and things come flying in.
Vibration of Divine Love gave me the feeling of safety not only was I “being” but I was safe and happy to do so. It is the “force” that feeds the being, the nurturer. It is a very disciplined energy meaning that it will only allow more of itself unless you as a being decide other wise. Once I was “cloaked” in it, the state from Vibration of Creation compounded.
Creation is more Mental/Causal where as Divine Love is Energetic. I have an inkling on what Transcendence will do but i’ll polish these two first for a few days or weeks.
Before doing these I did Ego Dissolution and Subconscious limits dissolver, Ego dissolution “melts” the ego characters you use on a daily basis and just presses pause on them. The Sub Limit dissolver “melts” the thoughts those characters would have and there stills the mind. That primes me for the other audios.
Look, all i’m trying to say is that we are lucky to have these audios, I would have saved myself months of meditation and in those months would have been at a higher and happier state.
That said, thank you for reading. I’ll keep up my experiments.