Vibration of Creation

I have never felt like this before… which is why I got past the kosher thing and wrote the message.
I guess it might depend on where you’re coming from — how big the contrast would be? I come from 27 years of depression & co. and have been having some particularly rough few days.
Not ‘happy’, but OK. Which for me is Happy at this point, really. I was on my last hour of work and I have a big presentation tomorrow. Could not think. Suddenly, energized and full of inspiration from dropping the weight. Whatever I was upset about, the tiredness, the pain… I wasn’t sad about them anymore, definitely not mentally exhausted. Feels like I can still be ok regardless of circumstances or my body.

Again, check the description and follow the instructions, and don’t overdo it if you try :)


Why don’t you stick to dream’s fields?


I only seen this comment now.

Because somtimes people make audios dream hasnt made


This hurts my body like crazy, i dont know if thats a good sign up bad.

I remebmer being sick for like 4 days first time i listened to this.

Should i carry on right now?

Isn’t pain an important signal that you to change whatever you had been doing to produce your pain?

I can’t advise you how you “should” change what you had been doing because you didn’t give us that information. I’m sure you have many more options beyond Listen/Not Listen.


This field hurts my right shoulder. Like even when I’m not listening to this field. It hurts to where it’s like a shock out of nowhere. Makes me wonder what’s happening with me

I will go on record saying Spirituality Zone is top notch energetically and on point. High vibrational stuff.


Wow…what the hell? For the first time in a long time I had a seriously nasty violent dream. So I was in an elevator going down somewhere with my mom. All of a sudden she disappeared and then I get into this strange place. This strange place there were other people, i asked them where I was and asked for help to get out of there.

Next thing I know is that there were a bunch of violent dogs in a dark room biting people’s faces off and ears off. It was so disturbing…a dog even bit me to. Everytime I would try to escape it would be worse for me and it was inescapable…

What the hell did I just purge?


It is a subconscious detoxing.

As your vibration increases, low vibrational beliefs and stuck energy needs to be released and let go. So that you can rise to a new level.


I saw a belief vibrating at 1 Hz

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Does anyone remember a couple months ago where I looped voc overnight and got sick for 3 days, extremely painful and i never left my bed for 4 days

For some some stupid reason my dumbass decided to play VOC 4 times in a row yesterday.

Am in extreme pain same place, got a headache and haven’t left my bed in 6 hours, it has gotten better because the pain is slowly fading but it still their

Comment from yesterday

Always the worst timing, I just got a week of school. I should be better tomorrow I think.
I don’t understand why my body has this extreme reaction.


Maybe some part of you is healing? Idk how to say but the field must have identified certain areas where pain or energy must’ve been stored since a long time and must be targeting it to free you and make you eventually rise up in vibration?
Drink lots of water though


I’m going to interpret this as a “coming into your own dream.” Lol

You’re in an elevator with your mother. Mom- usually represents childhood, your comfort zone, familiar things etc.

You’re going down which leads me to believe you may not like where you’re going

She disappears now you’re in a room - alone (you’re all grown up now) with vicious dogs who are biting peoples faces off (view of the world? Adulthood? Perhaps you’re apprehensive about the challenges before you)

You get bit- but not your face. Seems a good sign.

Overall, you’re not entirely certain that you can handle the things you’re newly faced with, but you do have confidence in your luck

Sorry if that’s wildly off it’s my interpretation


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Prob best not to listen to any fields if the cause is listening to a field too much. If you must, listen to grounding and emotional release for a bit


I think with voc u dont need to loop it just once is enough.


am better now, Thank god. But my whole day went to waste

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Say someone edges to really filthy porn- would this be an option to play along with VoDL to raise vibration quickly again? Or is it better to spam enigma jing, bhooted boots, de-inhabitor?

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Better to heal whatever’s inspiring to your behavior.

This field could be a component in that healing, but you’ll want more than just this and those other fields you’d listed.

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Yes, first it’s not related to me, second, that’s obvious that the core root to the behavior needs to be cleaned but that’s a much longer process. I’m looking for something to bring back the person to a good vibration as fast as possible

I don’t care. That’s not any of my concern, one way or another.

I know you don’t care for my analogies so I’ll just leave this here for anyone else who might find value in my perspective.

What you’re proposing here is like someone taking a dump in your pool. (And I’m saying “your” here, not because you’re the one with the habit. I get that you’re not. I’m saying “your” here because you’re the one wanting to fix this problem, just like you’d want to fix the problem if it was really your pool.) And then you try to clean the pool up by pouring a bucket or two of fresh, clean water into the pool.

And maybe you could pour your bucket or two of fresh, clean water into your pool for many days on end. That might even make the water clear enough to seem clean. But you still have a dump in your pool. I think your approach is a much longer process than removing the dump in the first place.

And there’s only one dump in your pool. When we think about the dumper having a habit fo dumping in the pool, then that becomes a much longer process.