Voodoo Detangled (Patreon)

Idk what kind of attachments or entities I’ve got, but they clearly don’t like this field.

My body was jerking like crazy (it still is).

It happened before,but Only when I listened to certain fields for banishing or for clearing and when I do chakras work by myself.

Maybe it’s my own energy or my nerves, but Idk, why don’t I react to other fields like this (?).

I’ll loop it and în case it’s something bad within or attached, hopefully I’ll get rid of it for good.

Plasmafied chakras seems interesting as well, Captain mentioned that it clears stubborn entities.



Can relate to this and I’ll share review after having used it for few days.


Thank you!


@Dreamweaver thank you for releasing this. Extremely generous of you


Entities confirmed lol. Objects poping like crazy right now. Lol.
And I feel like something moving through me.

Nah, thus ain’t my nerves lol.

I just hope I can get rid if it/them/whatever.


Although for the most part, priests, witches and energy workers I visited years ago told me I was fine, one of them who was so strong that he took a huge headache just by doing something above my head, not even touching me, felt something negative from within me lashing at him.

Just told me that he won’t heal me anymore.
He was scared.

He even didn’t come near me, like he was a attacked or something.

Edit: @JAAJ I still hope it’s just Blockages for me too lol although quite the chance there’s more…


I am looping this field now.
Feeling some pain in my Third Eye.
As if something is doing acupuncture there.
Could be the release of blockages.

Thank you Captain for creating this!


I lost count on the number of times the Kardashians appeared in my dreams and visions while doing spell removals. The first time this happened was many years ago, before I had any inkling as to this kind of stuff. I haven’t followed them too much, but I have been an occasional social media spectator. Pretty much after every time I checked their Instagram.


LOL the Kardashians were not as evil years ago about 3 but they have gradually gotten more entangled in dark magick etc. I have seen them in dreams as well.


Interesting. Kardashians are sus as hell lol.

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@SoulStar33 this + soul contract by PU should get rid of them. Social Media influencers typically get to influencing you by utilizing media to entrap you in various types of contracts, cords, etc. Not all of them lol just ones that are involved in this type of stuff.


Sounds like it’s getting at something all the other fields weren’t. That’s exciting.


Thank You. I’ll check Soul contract too.

At I’m looping Voodoo Detangled like crazy.

It is, but my body is still reacting like crazy, or whatever it is inside me or attached.

This field gave me the strongest reactions so far: I stood on my back and my body jerked so bad, it almost made me get up on my butt, all done automatically by my body, not willingly.


My legs are moving too.
Damn lol, where’s the Exorcist? :joy:

If it’s my nerves or just my energy, why no other kind of fields are making my body react this way?

I’ve tried a lot of fields and only this type give me such reactions (energy clearing category does too, but to a fat lesser extent).

Edit: ok, one more update…
I don’t want to freak you guys out lol.

My neck is reacting too, it’s getting spasms (this too happened before) (this time were the greatest reactions I’ve EVER encountered).

Now, these things dont happen continously, but thry have their comeback.

If I don’t listen, no more such reactions.
It’s clear there’s something sus here, Idk, Entities, attachments, even old contracts, Idk what.

Somehow I’ll get rid of them.
No worries.


Other way , person invited you for tea or lunch at thy place and add something to it.

One time I was invited for tea in one yoga studio but as was clear to me that some troubles are on my back I decided to go with flow so I accepted.

I went for it and sitt with this Hare Krishna woman after she poured tea for us she went in the restroom…

While waiting for her I switch cups :laughing: just in case ! :face_with_monocle:

Well later she started to sip that tea while chatting and in one moment she started to hold her throat with both hands and roll her eyes .

I was just sitting there smiling :grin: looking .

But yes thy can do for example lunch or snack or sweets while hanging out with you .
Than you go home and start to feel not well , than thy call you asking what’s up and you say I’m not well .
Well , well than thy offer you to bring you food because you don’t feel well , very proactive people :thinking: and you eat more .
So become almost as circle :o: because thy will pause for a while and than change tactics inviting you to come to thy place because ufff really you still even weeks ahead , stillllll not good .

Ohhh dear come at my place let’s watch movie and snack on this delicious food what I will cook for you :star_struck: or just invite person for cocktails at thy place

So yes it’s many different ways !

Also I becoming more aware as I mentioned that other side of cake :birthday: people truly doing it more than one would think .

It’s always truly sad some petty bulshit jealousy or sometimes even just pure boredom…

Just because let’s spice 🫚 up a bit .

Also while thy doing it very nice very polite but if you truly look at that person in the eyes it’s clear to not have good intentions even face muscles show it , body language to .

Also be aware of people who cut hair as side job and come in your home …if thy truly did dispose your hair…or took it.


Kinda scared to play this…


Then you need to play it lol.

@Andromeda They are just nice friends inviting you for a coffee or cookie. :joy:
(of course they are filthy as hell lol)

@Rocket Apparently there are things to remove (maybe) or Blockages to clear.


Played 2x before training then during training I got a pain in my spine like the back of my solar plexus then a lil shaking as well…

Time to loop this one for a while


100% I’ll report back if anything else happens after this loop.

I feel like playing VoDL or VoT after might be a good idea


@SoulStar33 Hahahah yes :joy: such lovely sweethearts and truly thy look so cute and innocent in real life :sweat_smile:

Im starting to realize that people of this planet are boring 🪴 everyone just want hurt destroy so much pettiness all together …

Such low level of intelligence.

For example on this funny job what I’m doy now until I untangle my self :joy::joy: this woman’s while telling you want needs to be done she screem like a lot or just pure unfriendliness.

So I look at woman but also others and ask ok all good way so much screaming lol … literally you can see on that person in eyes confusion :roll_eyes::grin: like what I have to o something , it just low level of intelligence .
And wen asked by me you are aware if you telling me nicely I will still do the job .
Later some of this screening people even mentioned in department meeting that thy should be nicer . Lol :laughing:

It’s just inherited Intelligence where grandma was yelling mom was yelling I’m now yelling…
Grandma was doing bad spells mom is doing no I’m doin it’s looking to me .

This warlock what use me abused me , one time he told me that his mom poisoned one woman in his street . Wen I ask him way he told me , because nobody love that woman. I told him how you know nobody love her , his answer was because thy told him that nobody love her . So woman was poison because maybe couple people don’t like her …
So what he is doing now well he is poisoning people + other nasty stuff but still love to take selfy for public while happily smiling :grin:

So basically the most humans on this planet don’t use intelligence what is use is copy /paste inherited behavior + some adjustments to the Time now depending on year , century etc .


And if you’re female, be careful with any feminine products. Normally it’s not a concern, but only if you associate with people who know how to do these things. I know someone who needed a shaman after someone took things from her trashcan.

I had seen a photo of the guy before I knew this story and was instantly ill. Hindsight is 20/20.


Did shaman helped @AlreadyThere ?.

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