Voodoo Detangled (Patreon)



Can we play this field alongside others?

Do you feel any sensations along your spine? It could be a sudden wake up of kundalini due to the clearing of blockages. If so, try to keep your spine straight, and just relax, so the energy raises unbothered


Sometimes, on some fields, yes.

But when I listen to Entity banishing/Clearing type of fields, i feel sensations throughout the body, like the navel area, bladder and lower areas, Throat, on my skin, etc.

I’m not saying that it’s 100% confirmed thst it’s entities, but if not entities or attachments, then why am I having such shaking, and jerks and all those movements throughout my body, but mostly in those areas (and in/on the legs too).

Heat was also present around my belly area, a little bit of pain, also heat on my left foot (as I was looping Voodoo Detangled), and other sensations, but More fleeting, including on my tongue, mouth area (a buzz, plus jerks), and involuntary bodily movements, like moving my legs or it made my stand up on my butt (I was laying on my back).

So, yes, it could be the nerves, my own energy, Kundalini or any other rational explanation, and maybe ive got 0 Entity problems, Idk.

However, why these reactions occur only when I’m playing these type of fields?

Now, some sensations are present when I play/listen to Energy Clearing, but like waaay less intense.

Basically Idk what it is lol.

It could be anything.

Still, some objects were popping while playing the field, kinda sus lol, kinda points towards entities or related issues (or it could have been a strange coincidence).

Conclusion: I have no idea what is the problem, or maybe it’s just how my body and energy reacts, who knows.


I looped it and it made me fart a lot.
I think all the negative influences disappeared with the fart.
This part must be one of the Captain’s magic sauces.
Thank you, Captain.


Love that :rofl:


I also feel sensations in my forehead area as well as in top of my head. I felt pinches in my heart chakra during first few loops as well.


Thank you :pray:

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(post deleted by author)


I see this is why when ever I think of or discuss the LA elite weirdos her name always comes to mind straight away….


This one knocked me out real good. I have just collected some energy and can write a post lol.

Where I grew up pretty much everyone goes to those charlatans who practice black magic for getting their kids married, health, money and what not. It’s truly atrocious what people do in their lack of consciousness. Some years ago I received some cookies from the sweetest old lady in the neighborhood and went under one of the worst psychic attacks in my life. Needless to say I don’t talk to anyone there when I’m visiting my family. God bless them.

I am also grateful it came as a patreon release, otherwise I wasn’t even aware how much it could’ve been helpful! Thank you



Thank you thank you thank you

ALL negative influences, energies & entanglements begone

And so it is


Voodou is a religion of sorts from Haiti. I believe it’s Hoodoo that uses the dolls and bits of nails and hair and pins to create an entanglement with the “voodoo doll.”
Hoodoo is practiced in the south of America it’s a blend of African, French island, Christian folk magic. It was a sort of resistance during the slave days where the people had no rights. It’s really interesting I’ve done a fair bit of reading into it. I definitely need this field and probably stepped on way too many booby traps :pray: you are the best!


This field is STRONG.

If you feel that the initial pains and things dont go away easily or fast, its ok…

Its the first day, the field might take a few days to create the vaseline to settle the process consistently and forward.

Everybody’s experience is different, but worth mentioning mine today in case it may help some of you as well.

Some loops of Smart Cord Cutter after expedites the release of the stagnant energy through the pains.

And some loops of Myofascial Release and Anointing after SCC feels like a calming balm after the exorcism :laughing: besides i could feel the anointing filling up the spaces the tingy was buried deep in my back, along my spine, right shoulder and right side of the neck.

Funny tho, just 2 days ago something inside of me was itching me to loop again the stack i made with the fields for the spine, symmetry, neck hump even if i dont have it but because of the C1 & C2 vertebrae along the Myofascial and the Pinoline. Now i KNOW why. It was anticipating the shaking off something in that whole area.

The pains havent subsided completely but they are much better i was in so much pain earlier.

The thing is as i feel the pain i feel so much light pushing through my spine trying to come out, its fantastic to “see” that and feel it, but then the muscles around feel more tense because the light is looking for the way out but muscles are clogged.

Its taking me like a few minutes to keep writing every few sentences because here i am sitting processing what is unfolding and i just uhm… Captain is really pushing us to grow at exponential speed in all senses and ways. Its time.

The next days are going to be interesting :sweat_smile:

Thank you thank you thank you again for this Capi and all you do. It really is appreciated :revolving_hearts:

Oh and i cant ignore how cute and sweet the music is haha it made me laugh, like yeeeeted out of us with love :laughing:


This thread is why we’ll never have cool celebrity members


Just this one?




The thing is, even if I delete my comments from this thread, I still have a ton of comments left discussing the Supernatural:sweat_smile::pray:

Idk why I take those comments so personally - I still got a ton of healing to do.

I easily see triggers, even if I’m not tagged, nor it’s necessarily about me.
I guess me and feminists have this in common. :joy:

@Dr_Manhattan i just remembered about the Conspiracy stuff. :joy:
There’s that too.

Anyway, Doc, I wish You a Good Day.

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I’m just horsing around


We have one I think, saw someone’s profile which mentioned actor.