Voodoo Detangled (Patreon)

We got Megan Fox at some point :joy: right @Dr_Manhattan? she was brainiac! Who would have thought lol






But Iā€™m pretty sure we will have some Gray Eminences if we donā€™t have them already


Thank you Captain this is very powerful

Can I share this with family members?

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I shared it with 2 sisters, its a regular patreon release not premium

Speaking of family.

I sent it to 2 sisters. I told them to play it once at home so they could relax because of the pains that may come up and i told them what i felt.

Just a while ago at 1am one of them message me saying quite literal:

ā€œI had that pain in the same area yeaterdayā€ (means before she even got the audio)
" i didnt play the audio yet,ive been busy, now (husbands name) woke up with the same pain and cant sleep (he doesnt even remotely uses any of the fields so not intertwined somehow)

ā€œI think you are radiating that same process to usā€


That powerful this is it seems.



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i recommend using skin and collagen fields after this. one more thank you for releasing it!


I looped for 20 minutes before going to bed and I dreamed about an insanely beautiful girl trying to seduce me. She was vaguely familiar, like I saw her in other dreams.


Black Magic has an underrated influence on humanity through rituals of black lodges sacrificing young humans loaded with much life force, like killing and eating babies. These magicians blind humanity by this magic of lustful self-indulgence in killing life and harnessing its power.

Some rituals are even public. And the public is not noticing it.




Looped this yesterday. Saw a mutilation and sacrifice of a body in my dream deep stuff. I donā€™t know what it does specifically, but it seems to go deeper than a lot of the other protection fields that I own.


This is different from exorcism and bhootā€™d, for sure. Instead of casting out per se, seems itā€™s making clear the manipulation and disconnecting, like going lucid and seeing the succubus for what it is, or at least thatā€™s the effect I can relate it towards.

This is one of those things that can help make clear whoā€™s manipulating you and who isnā€™t. Your manipulator expects an effect and acts in that manner, you donā€™t feel the effect they expect but they continue acting on in the manner congruent with that effect. You can immediately see and feel the disconnect. Itā€™s obvious.

Thatā€™s the way I see this one playing out for some. Woe be to thirst traps everywhere.

I think disingenuity was the word I was looking for.


So this fully disconnect you from all negative energies and beings? Like going right to the root cause instead of taking away the energy, and then it bounces back to you again? Fair enough.


I donā€™t know.

Maybe nullification is a better way to put it.


For me, any beautiful girl and any seduction appearing in my dreams means sickness and loss in our/the material world.

This is a Very Powerful Field.
It brought me some detox effects yesterday, after looping it.

I hope Justice will meet them with ALL Her Might!

I think so too.


Yes, Iā€™ve noticed less ā€œlibido dominandiā€ already. The lust energy gets even more repulsive the more obvious it gets, which I think this field may help with the noticing of it. Lust as a political and social weapon is always disgusting, and itā€™s basically unavoidable. Always good to highlight those who seek to steal the light from you.


Megan, you were on my mind a lot in my younger days. You were a lust bomb. Thank God for soul restoration! Wish I had this voodoo undoo-er, too!

To add to this deranged comment, listen to this audio and then look at a US Federal Reserve note. Take notice what you feel. Look at your driverā€™s license. Your insurance cards. Watch the news. Watch an ad. Notice how you feel doing all of these things before and after Voodoo Detangled.

When I was a kid, certain tv programs gave me headaches. Some still do. Different media and even topics of discussion would just make me ill, rundown. Droning. What was influencing me? Why did I react in this way? Some of it were things people even considered fun or entertaining. Now some things are stronger than ever and I have a hard time being in the same room with them because all I can feel is something trying to dominate me.

We live in a time and place ruled by domination and submission. If youā€™re not dominating, youā€™re submitting. Those who rule us can only think in this way and they export their thinking into us, they gave us that parasitic mind, along with language, money, even mathematics for a purpose: control and domination. Not to say language, money and math arenā€™t useful tools, but theyā€™re given to us so that we engage with the world on their terms, controlling perception to make steering the herd easier. The only reason people have been allowed literacy is so they can engage with the religious, political, and legal systems on a mass scale. Thereā€™s no reason to teach people how to read, write, or add formally if thereā€™s enough authority present to keep the people ā€œinline,ā€ soon to be ā€œonlineā€ permanently if they have their way. Words heavily regulated, spelling enforced, maybe not so much today as in the past. Itā€™s important to play with these systems, to test their logic, as it gives you a clearer idea of what they actually are. Itā€™s very good to learn these things, hone and master them, understand them inside and out, and then toss them away, at least let go of their rigidity. Thereā€™s an art to this and it canā€™t be faked, but you can do it much better with tools at your disposal like Voodoo Detangled ( I think a opportunity was missed to name this this VoodooUndoo, but I wonā€™t complain too much).


Dreamt about an aggressive grizzly bear in front of my house that would chase me and I had to lookout for it whenever I went to my car, it almost got me but I ran to my car and locked the door. At first the bear was a bunny then I guess it became a bear
Dreams felt more vivid jn general


The cute and fluffy growing quickly into the big and deadly! Lookout!


I think that ā€œShieldingā€ Card kind of did this, or well, better said it disrupted anything thrown at the user, while the Voodoo Detangled goes much further and nullifies or maybe/rather uproots embedded stuff - to use different words/analogy.

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