Voodoo Detangled (Patreon)

I can see it being much more involved than just shielding, nullifying and cutting-off, maybe even more of a revision of the whole thing, a somewhat turning of the tables?

Reading the description again, yeah it has all of those things, but it’s definitely not just that. It tastes different.

Last thing I’ll add for now is after listening to this yesterday and last night, this morning I went outside and had a moment with a robin just chillin’ in the street. I thought he might have been sick or injured at first because he didn’t move when I got closer to him, but he seem to fly off fine after the interaction. I squatted down and said hello, he turned his head and we just looked at each other for about a minute. Straight, unbroken eye contact. I told him it’s dangerous to sit in the street for too long, and as I stood up he flew off a little ways onto the grass. Maybe he was dazed from running into something? Can’t say it was this audio, although I’m sure it had some effect, but the feeling I got from him was intrigue, curiosity and maybe a little confusion. Or maybe he just flew into the window and I read into the whole interaction too much. Staring into the eyes of a bird and it staring back at you is a trip, anyways.


Possibly/maybe, Idk.
Only Captain can confirm.

I interpreted it as the impersonation of pornography. I struggled with this fucker for a long time and I feel it still lingering in the back of my mind. When I was an heavy addict, I almost felt like being possessed. Couldn’t control my actions and my emotions; I knew it was wrong, but I still did it.
I’m not familiar with the concept of black magic, but I’m guessing all the filthy porn sites have some parasitic beings/curses and all this crap to trap you energetically as well.
Just a guess


Think I’ve got a detox from this feeling very warn out physically but mentally I’m feeling very clear and some thought patterns have disappeared finally very interesting effect but I was expecting it to happen before using this due to the nature of those thoughts…

Also I’ve spent about 1.5hrs with it to get these effects since release


It’s the practitioner who chooses to do harm or misdeeds that’s the issue. The concept of voodoo can be very healing and life changing.
Just as everything in this world there are light and dark aspects. I’m thankful this fields nullifies the negative.


I had a dream once that a celebrity STOLE MY REALLY COOL PAIR OF GLITTERING PLATFORMS SHOES. Shoes I didn’t not have IRL but they were mine in my dream, the whole point was she was stealing my shoes and other celebrities other stuff.
I kid you not this exact person was wearing MY SHOES at the next Met Gala.
It was annoying to say the least


Oh my :flushed:

Who was it ? :eyes::grin: @Abcd

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I don’t know if we’re still beefing in my dreams. But it will come with no surprises: it was K-nd^ll J-nn"r.

And here are my beloved shoes


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And it was an horrible fit, she didn’t even flex


The pains i had would go lower then back up specially this am when i woke up, they were strong and i kept playing all kinds of stuff and very little relief as if the pain could not go away because the cleaning and clearing process was still happening.

Now i just realized pains are fully gone.





Portrait of the King Charles recently…


Maybe he just loves red :sweat_smile:

Royal family are deffo an interesting bunch


“Whenever a controversy over symbolism erupts in the media, it’s usually disguising a completely different symbolic message altogether.”

Absolutely. I believe they in part use the “confirm you’re 18” button as a confirmation to avoid blowback from violating your freewill. You’re given the chance to back-out before you engage and if you choose to keep going forward it is an even stronger energetic confirmation that you are agreeing to give up your energy to them. God help you if you make an account on one of those sites and partake in the great looshening.


Does this clear previous energies that we listened to or you can stack them normally?


Same question.

Couldn’t agree more with your comment. The entertainment industry particularly.

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Lots of feedback with important effects after listening to this make some considerations; this field is certainly effective and most likely works on a wide spectrum of situations. The other aspect is that if a large number of people feel the effects of removals and releases, it means that each person produces towards others but also towards themselves, consciously or not, negativity such as envy, even before extraordinary actions such as those of field title. In short, these behaviors appear to be more harmful than CO2, much hyped by the media around the world, and if we were more careful, even these extraordinary events would probably have less impact. Just my impression.


are we all quantumly entangled with dreamweaver for listening to fields? just had to ask thanks


Nah absolutely no, you can play it anywhere after of before whatever you want