Voodoo Detangled (Patreon)

No. He is able to fully separate himself from the energy products he creates.


I do not make anything with a part of myself in it.


gradually been using this over the past few days its increasing strength and pulling things out


I listen last night and today Iā€™m so dizzy :woozy_face:


A certain resentful individual has been sending me pretty hateful energy recently.

Today it happened again so I gave this field a try and man, such a night and day difference in my emotional world, just after a single loop! :slight_smile:


I donā€™t think this could have come at a better time. I might make a longer post, but there is some nasty stuff happening in the unconscious thatā€™s been brewing for a while now and itā€™s starting to manifest out in the world, in all drama. Just be careful everyone, itā€™s looking like it will be a very stormy summer. Itā€™s too bad we canā€™t just blast this in every public place, people need to free themselves from the black spells cast upon them, otherwise weā€™ll be acting out our worst impulses in short time.

Be very aware of your surroundings this summer, take extra precautions and trust your instincts. Be safe everyone.


Royal family are deffo an interesting bunch

The Crown has an interesting lineage history of manipulation etcā€¦whatā€™s being reflected in the current generation of Royals is very illuminatingā€¦
ā€œHeavy is the head that wears the crownā€


Yeah, peoples true intentions are starting to show.

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At like 6am yesterday she messaged me explaining the whole thing how it happened:

ā€œWe went to bed, normal, then at some point he started moving, left right, sat in the beds edge, put more pillows, threw them away etcā€ him: ā€œlove i cant get rid of this pain what happened? What is itā€

My sister did not say anything because he is (not skeptic) but he is just very catholic and only wants to use prayers for assistance and blessings, but he knows we do use SM things, he just does not.

Today he has no pain.

Now last year, his accountant was killed šŸ«„ and it was a shock because the accountant was just a normal girl, seemed honest and normal with a normal life.

My brother in law had to go to her house to collect some books and notes from the company she used to take with her to work extra time at home.

Her Mom took him to her room and said ā€œi dont know exactly what you are looking for but you can just search in the drawers where she kept her notes and thingsā€

So he proceedā€¦ he found a notebook with some notes that specifically spoke about some witch craft she was doing on him :exploding_head: what were the goals, etc. He took everything and left.

He did not say anything to my sister, but to his Mom and his Mom told my sister :sweat_smile: because again he just doesnt want to believe in anything like that (good) but stillā€¦ he did not let his Mom read what it said, just told her that the things there explaining the process were awful!!

Coincidentially (i guess not) they were having a lot of issues, arguments etc between them, with their son, at the company etc which is weird because if there is one couple and family i admire is theirs, and how things flow in life for them, they are beautiful people with so much love for one another. And my sister told me it was one thing after the other, some time before she was unalived so things did not progress as much but the past year has not been their best either.
Specially within him.


I think someone up thread mentioned that maybe it was not a coincidence that Captain had shared the entanglement video in The Dream Muse channel days before dropping this one as to remind us how things can impact us positively or negatively because of the entanglement we create.

Cool, we are getting detangled from the negativity

But then after this experience with my brother in law where he had not nor my sister played the audio, just meā€¦

Confirms to me that the entanglement is not too bad either when the intentions are positive, because we can also make good use of it to unfold and send good things to others, specially the ones we care about consciously and unconsciously :brown_heart::butterfly:

What if we can also play this when we have intrusive thoughts? So them quickly get nullified and thus not only free us from them but we make sure that our negative thoughts never reach anyone in our ā€œentangled netā€

Until our thoughts are always pure and clean, this can help us in the path of becoming the best version of ourselves, without affecting others in the process.



I got to know from an astrologer that I was affected by evil eye from closed ones, and voodoo things happened in previous lifetime sometime and has still little impact in this lifetime. When he said I somehow ā€˜knowā€™ that what he is saying is true so,
He asked to do some remedies etc. that I did it.

All I want to say is these entanglements are attached through lifetimes If someone attempted it on us, and we donā€™t know how/when/why someone did it.
This is a super important and Must field in every oneā€™s playlist, and take back your freedom!

Much Thanks to captain for this liberating release :pray::raised_hands::heart:
Enjoying the freedom :dove::dove:


Forgot to share my experience before,
I could feel the unplugging of something from my Heart zone ( deeper ) after playing this first time. Iā€™m feeling lighter after playing this and a bit Void, dizzy, lost too for few hours.
I played consecutively 2 days x 30 mins each time. Will do this for a week minimum.

I also think on the idea of entanglements (reverse detangled) approach to fields in the coming days that helps for :dna: :dna: :dna: life times and how will that look . I guess maybe the new Servitors are designed that way :thinking:

Excited what is about to come this year Captain :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::muscle::raised_hands:


Another 20 minutes loop before bed.
Stronger sensations than the other day, almost discomfort for the first few minutes, like something being vacuumed away.
Woke up feeling light.


No problem falling asleep?


No problem, Iā€™m a light sleeper but the music is relaxing. Also, I was super tired since I got home late


Bravo :+1:

Itā€™s basic account this?


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Idk why but I have intrusive thoughts like when somebody is celebrating something good a thought passes by like where I intend or hope for something bad but itā€™s like so foreign to me I would never consciously choose those thoughts or intentions but itā€™s almost like thereā€™s a second part of me that is listening and intending for negative things and I feel like somehow this is a solution I can use, this audio.
I also had felt this in my sacral chakra like it was cleaning it out completely, and I felt like lust was completely removed from me.


did you already tried this one? why not combine the voodoo with it? ;)


Yeah i think so


Iā€™ve noticed amazing mental clarity since using this so itā€™s deffo got rid of any intrusive and negative thoughts