Weight loss workout combination

Hey everyone! So I’m using these audios every day, is it too much? My goal is to build muscle and lose fat, especially on my belly and legs.

Enhanced Fat metabolism x3
Cardarine x3
Automated workout x3
Thermogenic weight loss x5
Stomach Shrinking x5
Core strengthening x3

Myostanin x3
Automated Upper Body x5
Automated leg day x5
Automated calves x3

and then listen to DHT x2

is it okay? what adjustments are needed in your opinion? I would be happy to hear your feedback :)

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Hi @russell,

See how you go with the stack and whether you feel overwhelmed with the number of repeats. The stack would still be effective with less repeats.

You might consider adding Hair Loss 3.0 to counteract the effects of DHT and Diabetes Type I and II Treatment.

Diabetes Type I and II Treatment helps reduce insulin resistance, which may contribute to fat storage or difficulty losing weight even if one does not have diabetes, and restores insulin sensitivity. It also contains a subfield which helps build muscle by increasing insulin sensitivity in muscle tissue.

Edit: It can be played before workouts or at the beginning of your stack.

The Myostatin field alters cellular expression and is only necessary once every few weeks, or at the rate of cell renewal.

From the Myostatin Patreon comments:


You might find this tip by @Genie helpful:

Finally, @Maoshan_Wanderer and @_OM have created excellent stacks with further discussion in the threads below. (The stack was created prior to the Enhanced Fat Metabolism field so does not include it.)


Thank you very much!! :pray:t2: Even though I’m just a teen, is it still better to be secured by listening to hair loss one?
And what do you think about cardarine, I’ve read somewhere that it should be listened to only for a few weeks, is that right?

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No worries, glad to be of help.

Yes. DHT can cause hair loss in persons of any age.

However, if you’re a teen it may be best to avoid the Cardarine field or altering your hormones as that may lead to unintended or undesirable effects.

It is possible to build muscle with the hormones naturally within your body and your natural growth potential.

You might consider adding Enhanced Cellular Nutrient Absorption and Food Charger and Enhancer for building muscle, and removing Cardarine, The DHT Overwhelming Presence.

Edit: And removing or reducing the workout fields which boost testosterone and HGH (Automated Leg Day and Automated Upper Body Workout).

The discussion in the thread below may also be of interest to you.

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oh, i didn’t know that :( so automated workout series is not suited for young people? i just don’t work out myself because of university and stuff, don’t have much time and this was my only way to build muscles

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It seems only Automated Leg Day and Automated Upper Body Workout boost HGH and testosterone. The other workout fields don’t boost hormone production.

What is suited to an individual really depends and can be unique.

It is possible altering hormones too much might affect factors involved in puberty, particularly in younger teens.

At university ages in older teens, perhaps you can try the Automated Leg Day and Automated Upper Body Workout fields as well, or reduce the number of repeats at first then see how you go with them.

Those fields are likely fine if not overused as they may be fairly similar to a vigorous workout, but results can be individual also.

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thank you!!! :blush:

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