- What fat?

So I’m contemplating getting a fat-loss/weight-loss field (I own Sapien’s weight loss combo) because I’ve got some cash to burn and some flab to melt away. I could maybe commit 30 minutes per day to listening to it. My fat is a little bit stubborn, but it does go down when I diet and workout.

So would you beautiful people recommend this field or one of the other ones? This one sounds brutal on the fat which makes me interested. ;)

This one


For those who have a hard time processing and eliminating after listening to this, if you have a second device loop the infrared and plasma drink charger from patreon alongside it and see if that helps


Would this replace Swords of Adipose?

I still use them (not all) mixed with this.

But what fat is really good on its own, you just gotta help it in the release from your body kinda thing. If you read up thread youll see suggestions


The description says “We activate the CASP9”

I searched it up and it says it’s an enzyme which is programmed for cell death. Wouldn’t this impact all cells as it’s not an enzyme that’s inside fat cells or is it specifically targeted to fat cells only?

Just a little worried

only to fat cells.

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Poo h
This looks like an accidental “butt dial” reply I did in my pocket with the screen open…i apologize for any confusion :flushed:…with the “Poo h” above lol…
I guess it could be relevant and my subconscious was thinking of the “drop kick” :leg::rofl:lol


I played this all the time and never saw results.
Well, a few days ago I decided to have all my energy work automated by the dimensional pocket - I was so sick of picking up my phone to put on a new playlist and I was sick of always worrying whether I needed more or less or something

I have what fat in there and 3 days later and my waist is so freakin snatched :weary::sob:

Added lymphatic effusion in there as well and I’ve had zero side effects.


What is the dimensional pocket? How does one find it? Any ideas biw would that make it work better? Definitely something I want to try since I don’t see any changes using “what fat” and with the heavy cost associated, slightly disappointed.


I’m not the best at linking things but if you type it into the search bar you’ll find the thread on it.

Ok awesome thank you!

if you are still finding it difficult to get the best out of this audio…

if you dont have time to play it on loop for hours, to see results fast…

if you can only play a few loops a day because you have lots of other audios to listen to every day…

if you are sedentary…

if you work sitting all day, just eat quick in between and sit again…

if you like gaming for hours, munch food while at it but dont move much and thats why you gained weight…

try this i share here:

just the Pranayama trainer a few times before few times of What fat.

ideally after a few weeks jump to follow the guided Paranayama one and then eventually do it without the Pranayama audios, just doing the exercise while playing what fat.

even if you are sitting!

it will help expedite the results

Edit: I forgot this one that is only now on Patreon!


this one automates the process too, but again the idea is to use the patreon one and belly breathing to help you get to the point where you can do the pranayama while listening to what fat.


I love this suggestion! Not just to get better benefits from the what fat field but a good reminder how important belly breathing really does for the body! I admit I tend to overlook these things but your post has motivated me! Adding it to my stack. Thank you!


I pee like crazy with this one - anyone else?
If not I’m takin my ace to the dr for a checkup


It started as soon as I put it on my dimensional pocket though; pretty sure it’s this field.


I’m spamming it through my Zen Lion’s dimensional pocket as well, but I did not notice crazy peeing. But it stands to reason that it could have such an effect - fat release is going to involve stored water release, I believe.


It’s normal. You’re not alone


Same here. I was wondering I drink one glass of water and 4 glasses come out; what is happening with me?
I am listening 2 times a day.

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coupled this with 20e pepper, and what fat, guess what lost like 4 pounds in like 1 day.


the adverse effects of doing these things to subcutaneous fat were super destructive when i asked chatgpt. amazing to think this was pulled off safely (besides possible drainage or flushing issues)


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