- What fat?

Actually at home devices for these procedures are extremely safe and widespread, so ChatGPT likely just followed the tone.

Oh, i suppose you are right with the exception of uvc, you canā€™t really expose subcutaneous fat to uvc without penetrating through the skin and damaging dna.

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This has helped me lose fat everywhere on my body except my arms. My arms donā€™t seem to budge. Iā€™ve tried the arm fat removal audio as well, to no avail.


Im sure you will if you keep using

people lose fat in different areas first. there are all sorts of reasons that effects where u lose weight first, hormones, genetics etc

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Try adding a lymphatic field and/or a hormonal balance field. Obviously it could be many things but those are the easy ones that may help pinpoint the issue. I incorporated a lymphatic field and deep breathing field I use right before using what fat and my results are VERY slow but I am finally seeing them. I was using this field for months with no results but as soon as I introduced the other 2 fields I started noticing changes.


Keep going. I lost off my arms and back first. Then waist, hips. Thighs last.


How many times do you listen a day? And do you combine with any fields that you feel help it?


Is an accelerated heartbeat a normal side effect?!

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It depends on how many times do you listen to it, I think

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No tangible effects on me in any sense, doesnā€™t matter how long. Never observed any change from it.


30 mins yesterday for the first time and 20 today. Letā€™s seeā€¦

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Would anybody be willing to share any observed results with this one?

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Toby, I have been using it for some time (a couple of months) and have shed quite a lot all over in a healthy way. I still do not have abs as I tend to accumulate more on my belly but I am happy with the results and focusing on some other areas which are important to me.

I may continue with belly fat burner (Patreon) rather than reduce more fat on my arms and legs.


I am at a level where I should lose the last 5/7 kg, can this help me? I am not fat, on the contrary, I would just like to lose those kg to get to be extremely defined. The field is only audio right?. Thanks.

Just bought this thanks to the sale and after reading all the testimonials I am super excited to see how this field works on me. I really let myself go these past few months and now I am currently at 190 and a bit over 30% body fat at 5ā€™10 so I am hoping this combined with exercise and diet will return me back to my optimal self. Thank you for this release dream


Been using this non stop on loop the past 7 days and I am shockingly alarmed how much fat I have lost and I wish I was joking lol. I started at 190 last week on tuesday and weighed myself today and canā€™t believe the scale says 176 but at the same time I believe it cause I have been seeing visible fat loss all over my body. on day 1 i noticed my face starting to look more lean but other than that didnā€™t notice much of anything else. The next day I woke and looked in the mirror and noticed my stomach and chest area looked smaller than usual and thought I was imagining it and went about my day. When I put my jeans on I swear I had to wear a belt which I thought was odd but pegged it to water weight since it was still early to pinpoint. The next couple of days is when I really started to notice how much more defined my whole body was looking and it was shocking how the fat just kept coming off and havenā€™t changed my diet but have been exercising in the evening for 30min just doing cardio. I also havenā€™t got much of the backdrops but I suspect its because I am havenā€™t been eating as much which I believe this field has been curbing my appetite by quite a bit. Today I had to force myself to eat lunch cause I didnā€™t feel hungry for dinner last night which is very unusual for me lol. I canā€™t believe itā€™s only been 7 days and I am getting results that would take me months or longer with brutal dieting which I donā€™t feel like doing lol. Thank you so much dream for this field this is my most listened to audio since finding sapien medicine lol.


This is an awesome update! I am curious to hear an update to see how your body stabilizes once you stop listening. I know from previous posts the fat cell sort of evaporates (removed from the body like a liposuction) versus the cell shrinking from normal weight loss. I wonder if even if you gain that same amount of weight back, you actually look leaner because it is less cells? I donā€™t have any background in science so that may sound really dumbā€¦but just curious! Congrats!! Please keep us all updated!




Thatā€™s amazing! Congrats on your results!!

Quick question, when you say ā€œnon-stopā€. Do you play it on loop in your pocket? For like literally 24 hours in a day? Even overnight?


Yes I use another device that I keep looping at low volume in my pocket.