I really want this one now but can’t budget it for a few more weeks.
In the meantime I will use the Patreon fields for fat loss which do work well.
No weight loss yet but clothes just fit better.
Im 5’7" at 200#. I should be 155#.
The sunfree tanning blows my mind because Im so white it’s not funny and this tans me.
I also am sure that it detoxes as a bonus as I need to go number 1 often and it is with unpleasant smell. Very strange.
So the comment I want to make is that I find just reading and re-reading the post at the gumroad site helps to feel the effects when I can’t buy the download.
Im not sure how that works but has anyone else noticed that?
I’m not sure how any of this works. Wish I found this years ago. Thank you for everything!