- What fat?

Congrats man, losing that amount of fat in that short time is astonishing. Be mindful that a portion of the loss might be water, because of the lymphatic effect. I think the face part can be a result of that.

I am experiencing also good results with this field.

  • Bought it on release day.
  • Since that day till begin december 2023 i was looping it for 2 hours a day. Lost 4 to 5 cm waist size.
  • Stopped in december till mid January 2024 because i experienced congestion/stagnation and constipation. I thought it might had to do with this field, but with trial and error i found out it was all diet. I consumed back then a lot of low fat dairy, high protein and in comparison low fibers and carbs.
  • From mid January till mid April i wasnā€™t using it regular and in this period i messed up, like gained 10 cm waist size.
  • Since mid april i am using it for at least 4 hours a day. I lost 8 cm waist size. While having a diet which would normally result in maintaining weight.

So yeah, for me looping this field for 2-4 hours a day reduces waist size for like 1 cm every two weeks.

I donā€™t keep track of my weight because i also focus on muscle gainz. So mainly waist size and the looks on the mirror.


Due to some intense life stuff, things have gotten away from me a bit to the tune of about 7kg. Thanks @kennywest1 for the inspiration to start this one back up again. This time will be a very good measure of this fieldā€™s effectivenessā€¦

Results to come

Ps After a solid few hours of looping the drop kick is reeeal haha accuautomation helped out there a bit


I donā€™t have this one yet but hopefully sone !
Question for ladyā€™s!! ?

Do you loose size /fat in your booty & boobies :see_no_evil:
Is it possible to loose fat on all other places but not b&b ?

Wen I lose fat I lose evenly everywhere the same wen I get it , would be awesome to keep it in the b&b area . :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Not a lady but, you can try belly burn for Patreon premium ;) and there are other fat burning videos targeted for specific areas! @Andromeda

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If you read my posts in this thread above you will see I shared order of ā€œlossā€ for me:
Arms, back, ribcage, then waist, tummy/lower abdomen, then hips, thighs.

Pretty sure it has ā€œprotectionsā€ in it for these areas.


Thank you for answering will read up :grin: my bad :speak_no_evil: sounds awesome :sunglasses: @Muse

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Yes, in fact it would require two versions, one that also eliminates chest fat, for men obviously.

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I was expecting more instantenious results from this field, but I never got them so I stopped using it.

But thatā€™s fine. Iā€™m hoping to say ā€œWhat Body?ā€ in about 3 months since Iā€™m focusing on The Architect of Reality.


I really want this one now but canā€™t budget it for a few more weeks.

In the meantime I will use the Patreon fields for fat loss which do work well.

No weight loss yet but clothes just fit better.
Im 5ā€™7" at 200#. I should be 155#.

The sunfree tanning blows my mind because Im so white itā€™s not funny and this tans me.
I also am sure that it detoxes as a bonus as I need to go number 1 often and it is with unpleasant smell. Very strange.

So the comment I want to make is that I find just reading and re-reading the post at the gumroad site helps to feel the effects when I canā€™t buy the download.
Im not sure how that works but has anyone else noticed that?

Iā€™m not sure how any of this works. Wish I found this years ago. Thank you for everything! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yep, I experienced the same several times, albeit mildly. I think itā€™s part of our natural ability. Sometimes basic verbal instructions or visualization is enough to put things into motion. Iā€™ve invoked fields without playing the audio many times. Iā€™ve done other non-SM energy manipulation too, without any prior experience, leaving me very surprised at the beginning.

Hereā€™s something related I came across recently:

  1. Satya (Truthfulness)
  • Mastery of Speech: A perfected practice of Satya is believed to grant the power of speech that manifests truth. Whatever the yogi speaks will come to pass.
  • Clairvoyance: The ability to know or understand deeper truths, gaining insights into situations or people that others cannot perceive.
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Hi there,

Iā€™m reaching out because a friend I met through my IVF support group is now considering using this field since I shared how much success Ive had with itā€”unsure whether/not sheā€™s actually actually purchased, but I mentioned to her that I lost nearly 15 pounds without much exercise, and she seemed interested in trying it for herself. Makes sense.

Howeverā€¦Iā€™m concerned that she might be using this during her first trimester of pregnancy. Although I advised her not to the fat loss fields while trying to conceive or during pregnancy (per forum advise Ive received on this subject), sheā€™s struggling with weight and believes it might be affecting her fertility (her Dr. has her on a weight loss plan and I empathize with her frustration, of courseā€¦But She hasnā€™t conducted her own research and isnā€™t part of this forum.)

Iā€™m worried that she may be using or planning to use this at an unsafe time. Iā€™ve shared my concerns with her but feel a bit responsible for having introduced her to this option in the first place. Should I be more proactive in discussing this with her or even talking to her partner to ensure she isnā€™t making a risky decision?

Any advice on how to handle this situation would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Do what you think is best.

I would tell her about the risk and if the husband was my friend, I would talk to him.

Beyond that, there is only so much liability one person can take on behalf of others.

Congratulations on your weight loss :+1:


Hey thank you, and yes I feel the same way. You can only do/say so much, people will make their own decisions regardless.
I will more than likely talk to him, since weā€™ve all gotten closer at this point :) . At least then I know Iā€™ve done what I canā€¦thanks for the second opinion here!


Talk to her again and talk to her husband, it would be better if they were both present, especially because of the risk during the possible pregnancy. You also support her with prayer, in my opinion.


Impressive results, do share how long have you been using it and how much per day/ stack etc if you donā€™t mind :slight_smile: