What is your favourite thing for anxiety?

I mean, against anxiety lol
Field, nft, mandala, activity, whatever :slightly_smiling_face:


Cold shower or ice bath

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Anxiety relief, Gaba field, knight mindset and the silent mind.

I have been experimenting with the ptsd,outlook retainer and new perspectives in that order and it seems to help but I’m not 100% sure of it yet so use at your own discretion .


Which one is that?


Thank you

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the more you trynna do to relieve anxiety the more anxiety you got.

Just a deep breath is enough every time you catch yourself anxious.


Try five elements balanced

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When I was physically able to:
Very fast walking alternating with short periods of jogging for 1-2 miles.
Very fast walking involving also a good size inclines (hills)
Physical exercise involving moving the entire body for a period of time.

Leave anxious, annoyed or angry, come back tired but relaxed and in a good mood.
I got this from my father who did this his entire life-minus the jogging


1st. breaths and mindfulness (stillness, letting go, awareness), and self reflection (body, mind, feelings, origins), spending time walking with nature and exposing myself to sunlight, be away from people into quiet places + Chamomile + lavender tea

Full mind & body =

  1. 3x Automatic Grounding
  2. The Tree Experience
  3. Vitamin D

If it’s mainly body tension (can be for mind too. Use intent and visualization) =

  1. Cannibinoids album (mainly The Negentropic Smart Blend & Cannabichromene)
  2. The Tower album (Mainly Lavender)
  3. Spa day album
  4. Lymphatic Drainage
  5. Larvikite (detoxing)
  6. Blue Celestite

Thank you. What is the tree experience like? :slightly_smiling_face:

For me it’s like having a strong foundation. More firm placement and stability of body balance :balance_scale: and less racing of thoughts and brain fog to be more in the moment and be more aware. . I tend to stand taller and be more firm in my own convictions but also have more of an observer (ego-less) perspective on things. Depends on how immersed and self aware you allow yourself to be

I also noticed that i have more consistent energy and more oxygen

There’s calmness yes but there’s also more confidence and patience

Here are the benefits


Hope you’re doing well with your stack. What are your experiences with new anxiety removal and depression removal? I’m trying to figure out which one works best in general

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I don’t have a lot of experience with the depression field but the anxiety I tend to use it if I feel particularly nervous about going out somewhere like maybe half an hour before I head out, it calms me down a lot.

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PTSD Help or New Perspectives, especially the latter!



Also vouching for GABA field 100%

Think the new The Precarious Pinoline could also be very helpful!