What TV shows are youwatching?

I love the movies: Spartacus (Kirk Douglas) 1960
and Ben Hur.
(AND…all those fit men in skimpy clothing)


Vivy fluorite eye’s song


Currently watching Surviving R. Kelly on Netflix.

There are times, I want to punch his face through the screen for how low he stooped.

And the people that covered for his crimes :man_facepalming:

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How do you answer universe’s call?

The boondocks season 1 episode 2 « the trial of R Kelly » in 2005, they were already calling him out and showing that the community was protecting him.

That show never gets old
Anyway, now everyone is surprised


You saw how he threw a temper tantrum in his interview with Gayle King, when he was challenged on this topic? She literally had to calm him down.

54 year old man with so much material success and he behaves like a 3 year old. I feel sorry for him. What a pathetic excuse for an adult.

at least post the fun version of this


:rofl: :joy:


“How stupid of me would it be, with all the illegal things I’ve done in the past” :laughing:

No seriously. I hope he gets help and deals with his issues ASAP as it’s been too long. He was molested as a kid and so he’s got issues with powerlessness. Now that he’s being cornered, it’s coming out again.

Fake ego based confidence all these years.


:scream: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: set to release on Netflix on September 15, 2021


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Any good? Just got added to Netflix…

Bro I’ve seen this show like 8-9x all the way through! I think I can even watch it again. One of my top 3 favorite shows ever.


Do you guys have some “high-vibe” one man show to recommend?
English or French speaking :slight_smile:
Thanks :pray:

Was it just me or this was a terrible movie? Could not stay awake till the end lol

There are so many movies lately, trying to be Tenet and failing terribly …

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Reminiscence Spoilers

i liked it mainly because i watched with friends, but it was pretty generic for me.

gave me Memento vibes. what stood out was the memory machine.

i did appreciate Hugh’s acting.

I’ve been enjoying Q-Force! LGBTQ+ :heart:

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lol hadn’t heard of it but see “Co-creator of Westworld” which COULD be Chrstopher Nolan’s brother…the actual smart one… but it isn’t :stuck_out_tongue:

Also see Thandie Newton…Hugh Jackman…

Trailer has me intrigued…

Believe intriguing trailer or believe Mao? :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :sweat_smile:


Reminiscence is not a terrible movie., but it has the feel of tv pilot that got smashed into a feature film. This really should have been a series. The woman’s story could have been changed and stretched out. The issue of how trustworthy reminiscences, technologically assisted or otherwise–and what’s the question of what’s better a reality that doesn’t quite hang together or a narrative that answers our deeper needs-- would suffice as themes to push through a series. I could have done without the Southern Gothic, which is misplaced in story about a future Miami.

Still, I judge sci-fi movies generously if they show me something new. I liked the half-sunken city (it’s not Rapture, but it was nice take on visuals of global warming (the Manhattan of A.I. was better.) The reminiscence technology and the Russian Doll main plot (such as it was) held my interest. Of course, if I had paid money to see this in a theater, I wouldn’t be defending it, but as no cost addition to my HBO streaming service , it worked.

@_OM, the director is the smart one’s wife. Apparently she and Jonathan Nolan are developing a series based on the Fallout games. I hope they keep the comedic tone of the Vault-Tec commercials, but the Nolans are SO SERIOUS.


Possibly the greatest reality show ever is back!

Must watch TV…you will be hooked