What TV shows are youwatching?

Has any one watched this?


I’ve watched it now… The Wanting Mare.

Perhaps a story of the possibility to leave the state of suffering for a state of peace. And also the rejection of the “ticket” to peace when it appears, for different reasons.

And about our shared “memory” of our spiritual path, from nothing/everything to nothing/everything…

Perhaps… :wink:

Delivered with really nice and arty photo.

Yes, I think you do. :slightly_smiling_face:



Lol is in spanish? So subtitles or do you speak it?

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Lol subtitles… Mi español es muy malo…They also have English audio but sounds bad…I prefer original Spanish udio and subtitles…


Def better to hear the cussing in spanish in those type of movies - series :joy::laughing:

Wow it looks great. Spanish from Spain is so funny


Requiem for a Dream

Biggest anti-drug movie and anything I have ever seen. It shows what drugs really do to people, in all ages.
This made me soo uncomfortable.
Like really uncomfortable.
And i very rarely get uncomfortable watching movies.

Last episode of American Gods was good again.

Also, kinda opening this thread because I have no idea on where to put this, but this is a great movie on YouTube one should definitely watch:


Netflix voiceover is SO BAD lmao

It’s always the same group of voice actors as well :rofl:
I normally watch everything in original language, but sometimes I just have something playing while cooking/ironing etc so I listen more than watch. I turn to English then and it always amazes me how bad it is :joy::joy:


Yes, Bergmans Seventh Seal is a great movie.


I just finished the first episode of:

on Netflix and it’s okay.

I should’ve read it’s a docuseries/ docu-drama than a straight up drama, so I was surprised hearing the English narration. Furthermore, the commentators every now and then takes getting used to.

But the production value is good, although the CGI at times is not that smooth. Maybe most of the budget went into the samurai costumes and katanas, coz they were so beautiful. It’s kind of like watching a live action graphic novel. And yeah, it’s graphic.

Agree! :joy:

I’d rather watch in the original language, even I can’t understand it. And besides, I like hearing people speak in their native language.


I remember accidentally putting english voiceover for La Casa de Papel and it totally sucked. So awkward.


Pablo Escobar: El Patrón del Mal


I have been watching the weekly episodes of Wandavision, besides that nothing really

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House of cards anyone ?

Yes, that director is super talented to make one feel extremely uncomfortable :s , exceptions aside like The Fountain.

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I used to watch this but I stopped around the time… :thinking:

Ahh not sure how to say this without giving it away, this is an old show but spoiler alert just in case.

Before he ranked up from being the house whip.

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Good decision it goes downhill from there

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I’m still first season so I’ll see …
And he seems to be some kind of sex offender ,which makes watching sex scenes with him (spacey) a little weird …