What TV shows are youwatching?

Nice Greek TV show :+1: Joking aside, I could not even imagine to see that poster on this forum :D My mom also watches that cringy show :woman_facepalming:t2:

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:p Yes, super cringy indeed. What is even more cringy is this: whenever I was abroad these last years with friends or family, most people were recognizing our language. And when we were asking “but how did you guess?”, their answer was “thanks to your tv series” :))) Happily though, there are still a few good exceptions worth watching.


Yesss, that is so true. When they say I watch “this show” I feel ashamed and at the same time I’m proud of it. I don’t know that’s weird:D

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Oh wowww I just realized now that you are a “compatriot”! :tada: Double welcome, then! ^^

Haha I can understand that! I’m mostly amused, especially about the limitless Can Yaman fandom :laughing:

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Haha yes we are, thank you so much! Can Yaman lovers :woman_facepalming:t2:

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Lol yeah my grandma loves Turkish shows as well :rofl:


Let us know which ones, if you have names :))


A lot… They have even a FB group where some people post the videos with subtitles that have not been purchased by a TV channel so there is no voice over :woman_facepalming:

There is one called the red Room
But it all started with Suleiman/ Muhteşem Yüzyıl.
After that, Turkish series everywhere


Wait the Suleiman the magnificent drama series? My mom is obsessed with that! :laughing:

That and the actress that played Suleiman’s mom look very similar to her, so she extra likes it.


Gee, really? :)) But now that you’re saying that… I think I saw some similar foreign groups on social media indeed…

I don’t watch regularly but the psychotherapy scenes are not bad, it seems. Another quite brilliant example of “shrink-series” was In Treatment, the American version (with Gabriel Byrne) of the Israeli BeTipul, a couple of years ago.

I really enjoyed that show. It was often realistic when showing the most common mistakes made by therapists :))

The guy playing Suleiman is a good one actually. But the success abroad started even a little earlier with Aşk-ı Memnu :))) (@MonkeyOwl, it was the actress in The Gift). And @Hyperion, the actress looking similar to your Mom was playing the role of the mother again in that one ;))

Sub-thread title: What Turkish TV shows are you watching :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I liked the actress in the gift, also the guy ( :upside_down_face: ).

I watched the protector actually since it is on Netflix… started interesting but after a while it all just gets a bit silly :yawning_face:
The gift was also a bit like that, it went to a weird place at the end of the 2nd season, a bit like… “yeah ok lol”


Alright, I’m pretty sure she has a crush on that guy… yeah… hahaha :smile:

I’ll mention The Gift to her when we talk. She reminds me of Meryl Streep’s character in that prada movie, but she has a soft spot for soap operas.

teşekkür ederim

Is that right? Let’s blame google if I said that wrong.


Both are often good indeed ;)

Ahhh I know… It’s typical of “us”: we’re good at starting things, but terrible when it comes to concluding :sweat_smile:

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: but the guy really has a certain talent and charisma (speaking also for the rest of his career).

Interesting comparison with Meryl Streep ;)) Also mention Aşk-ı Memnu, the actress she likes is starring there ;) (as a troublemaker :grimacing:)

Perfect, just like a native :grin: And “rica ederim” (which is the answer)


Any fans of Constantine?


Just got added to Netflix…


Dark season 3 already finished, I’m late :smile:

So are you all watching it in German original or is there a translated version?

Original please! I think they have a voiceover in English which sucks big time haha


My mother? Yes, very tough and driven, almost like Meryl’s character. Still a very busy-bee, too.

I’ll send her the title, she likes her soap operas.

Haha I liked this, obrigado (I like learning thank you’s, and help me I’m lost) :yum:

To answer the thread, I enjoy classic StarTrek re-runs from time to time, and HBO’s Rome, Carnivale, Soprano’s and Deadwood.

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Disaster Artist/The Room anyone?

You’re welcome!

I just finished the whole series tonight. I wish they’d continue it to the Meiji era.

I didn’t know Japan got into that maaaany wars/battles during that time. Which got me into thinking how much anti-war they are now, considering what happened during WW2. It parallels Attack on Titan’s Paradis Island renouncing war and taking a vow of peace. :thinking:

raises hands

I like the movie, buuut I also liked the series! Such a shame the original series on NBC was cancelled after one season. Ugh, I love it when Matt Ryan says “love”. I actually watch Legends of Tomorrow so I can keep on seeing his character. :blush:

But I read some news that they’re rebooting the series featuring a younger Constantine. So that means they’re casting a new actor to play the role.