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Rewatching this excellent movie,


I hate it.

Mostly because I’m in the background, not being appreciated enough for my directing skills.

Little do they know, I’m a very good Tarantino.

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I watched 1917.

1917: Directed by Sam Mendes. With Dean-Charles Chapman, George MacKay, Daniel Mays, Colin Firth. April 6th, 1917. As a regiment assembles to wage war deep in enemy territory, two soldiers are assigned to race against time and deliver a message that...

I’m really fed up of watching the Anglo-American propaganda distorting history.

BUT goddam they are so good at it !
The soundtrack, the actors, the shots, color. I lost myself in it. These scenes…
Good is good.
By the end I didn’t know who or what I was.

If you have a sound system at home, that movie is worth turning it on.


I’ve watched the first episode of Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency.
I would recommend it as something easy, if you like British shows :joy: Kind of absurd/funny/entertaining with a touch of “interconnectedness”


ohhh you’re the one I need to blame for watching this. :rage: :sweat_smile:

Yikes, this was all kinds of bad. Wasn’t it @Maoshan_Wanderer?


Hehe even several car crashes and the initial bridge scene did not make me like the movie lol…

They tried too hard to be smart like Tenet…

Now Tenet on the other hand, watched it thrice to get a fairly good idea of it all!!


The Boys, The Expanse, and the Sopranos. The Sopranos has a number of episodes that are genre-defying, with a lot of matter-of-fact references to Purgatory and more tangential takes on the bardos of Tibetan Buddhism.


@Bronyraur new season of the Gift is out :laughing:
the end of the 2nd one was… trying way too hard i think but i’ll give it a try :D


Rewatching this. The art of true love and acceptance. And being a pioneer.


The first season was awesome! The second season got a tad tedious… Hopefully, the third season is more fast-paced like the first one…


:))) Will be waiting for your impressions! Like I said, we’re generally good at starting things, setting the ambience, etc. but we mostly end up bad, ruining everything :)))

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Well I’m really impressed with the costume design, both Atiye and Cansu are so stylish but they have completely different styles, I have to look up the designers :joy::joy:
Hopefully it’s a Turkish one!

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I’ll check it out for you :)) I think Beren Saat (aka Atiye) works with specific local designers but I’m not sure :))

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Thank you!
Most of them don’t look like big international brands, certainly not like stuff from high street shops.
The bohemian style of Cansu looks super cool (it helps that she is beautiful), but I couldn’t really go to work looking like that :sweat_smile:

I’ve wanted to visit Turkey for many years anyway, so it would be a good synergy :laughing:


Oh oh when I saw the trailer… :face_with_monocle: I thought this should be fun for OM :sweat_smile:

One thing, the extra sci-fi … that I was not expecting it, was a bit over the top and killed a bit of the storyline :man_facepalming: but the concept of a secret society of people who possess total recall of their past lives, now that’s intriguing.

“Did you ever had a dream so real felt like a memory”:blush:


Yeah… there was much discussion about this probably being the original good premise and how it got massacred into the horrible mess of the movie it became.

Be glad your other recommendations have actually been very good.

Right now you’ve been demoted to the “maybe trust” list :face_with_monocle: :joy: :unamused:


Watching it again.


:face_with_monocle: :relaxed: :joy:



@MonkeyOwl and @Maoshan_Wanderer

Urrgghh… I took a look at season 3. Oh my… :s Are they just trying to prove how messy timeline jumpings can get?? I mean what the… :))) But ok, I’ll try to watch the whole season before being too harsh on them.

Ok now Maoshan, you may leave the conversation :p Because:

So… I found the name of 2 designers: Özgür Masur and Züleyha Kuru who are indeed local names. But of course there are other many brands in the show, including foreign ones :)

Me neither :))) I mean maybe I would but depending on the kind of job/workplace…

I still have a slight preference for Beren Saat’s style when she starred as Bihter in Forbidden Love (I think we talked bout it here briefly). The how was lame as can be but she was usually pretty. It was the Bihtermania era in the whole country (and shops) lol

Ah when you come, you call me please! :)

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Just watched the movie Abigail. There were some cools concepts in there and I liked the steampunk design. There was a small fairy in there who was like a helper and that reminded me of Dream’s Fae servitor.

There was so much potential in this movie but it never reached it. The story and characters could have been developed further. Too bad.