Wholistic Thinking

If you read The Guide to NextGen intelligence fields

It speaks of different brain circuits intertwining to create more hybrid, abstract functions.

Most compound. Mathematical madness, drops of memory, and manhattan method all improve working memory, while this can slow down time in your brain leading to working memory enhancements.

That’s just one example of brain fields combining to give gains into one skill.


This brain field has helped in so many ways. I feel as though (maybe even in a slightly delusional way) that I can be dropped in any environment and figure my way out.

The “widen your frame of reference so as to make contexts more obvious to you” is done psychically. As well as seeing more patterns, and seeing more nuances. So many psychic abilities are given to you through this field.

I have decoded various liars and lies being laid before me and quickly reformed my opinions of the various topics to newly developed conceptual frameworks of information.

I can’t say the word conceptual enough. Cyber brain, wholistic thinking, Manhattan method, conceptual conglomerate, etc. all form a superior synergy to that of my previous brain.

My working memory has been freed up by a large scale, and I can go through a 5-10 step solution within 15-30 seconds to everyday problems.

If you sleep on this field, you are tripping….


I was attracted to this one initially because it makes so much sense. Haven’t yet gotten it though, so I appreciate your review. Very compelling.


If you want to get yourself out of any problem and already have a good base with Manhattan method, check this field out guys.

It takes time, just like cyber brain, but soon you’ll be able to tap into huge data patterns in your daily life. Different interconnections will show up, information will become more obvious to you, psychically, and then you’ll begin learning and a very unconscious and refined rate.

Want the ability to zoom towards the finish line? The ability to make decisions and have complete faith in yourself? You could settle for some “prefrontal cortex growth”, or you could simply tap into unconventional and completely next level information with unmatched precision.


Could you elaborate, what exactly do you mean from a cognitive enhancing perspective?

You will have brain circuits that automate complex thinking algorithms to create a much smoother analysis amongst various forms of data.

Information will be seen in different patterns and nuances unconsciously leading to more obvious assessments.

Your working memory will be freed up elongating the evaluation process allowing for deeper processing and decoding of information.

You will be able to see subtly into the future, I’m talking seconds to minutes, not days and weeks.

You will know when you don’t know something, allowing you to go find data and overall answers more quickly.

Your self awareness will go up seven fold. Directly expanding your consciousness.

All of this will be done psychically and mostly unconsciously.

Probably more too, but I’m driving.


Thank you for the reply, Bro!! Great response!

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Acquisition of Wholistic Thinking complete.

Let’s see what the new brain combo does.


Started to work with brain fields. Now most people probably imagine the brain and brain activity to be in the head region, within the skull. As I understand, that’s where most of it is?
But there’s also a lot of brain activity along the spine and central nervous system.
And then I think third is within the stomach, gut area?

My field work can sometimes be all over the place and at times I’m not sure what’s affecting what.

My main question here is, would Wholistic Thinking “repair” and/or strengthen neural activity throughout the whole body? For example, if there had previously been physical/emotional trauma in certain parts of the body that had been lifted, or healed, or no longer present, would WT lead to overall better neural connectivity & communication throughout any areas of the body where they were/are currently present?


It’s not that type of “wholistic” thinking, it’s not meant to repair anything. You can refer to the description to see what it does.


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Appreciate the clarification :slightly_smiling_face:

Ok so not repairing. Not physical neural connections. My guess is indirectly, through “consciousness expansion, and noticing interconnections toward finding guidance.”

So in the “context” of bodies, here as in the physical body, auric, and emotional body, if there had been an emotional block that was released, e.g. stored fear as trauma held in the physical, then that pathway would become open. Previously there would have been ignorance of such a pathway since it had been blocked. My guess is that WT could help identify these areas, and then the physical body/brain would do what it does to reestablish the connection/communication?

I’m kind of processing as I’m writing and I’m not too familiar with the brain fields or working directly through the physical.

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The way I see this filed is it trains your pattern of thinking to become more holistic in nature, see the relations and correlation between things, it allows for you to form connections.

For example, often times when someone has a physical pain at 1 place we get so narrow minded and solely focus on that area of pain instead of looking at the body as a whole, a system made up multiple smaller systems all working together, regaining this understanding can help upu better understand why your shoulder pain is actually caused by your breathing pattern and the position of your rib cages.

One has to be able to build those connection and think outside of what seems un-correlatable.




Since the right hemisphere is considered the ‘holistic perception’, this might make the brain right hemisphere dominant, which is profoundly beneficial for every possible facet in life, according to Iain McGilchrist

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