Woke ChatGPT

Lmao. I’m actually focusing on my feminine side right now (I’m not gay) but this is funny asf :sob:. Masculinity = Bad according to modern world apparently.


I really like tapping into my feminine portion of energy and give myself all sort of relaxing “princess treatments” like Spa, massages, parfumed oils and essences and sort of beautiful nice things :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Try freedomGPT


that is a narrative that has been promulgated for some time. I don’t want to sound conspiranoic but clearly the system knows that masculinity can be a threat to the status quo, for many reasons that I am not going to mention now, we can also see how they try to suppress or make it seem that it is bad to be masculine and encourage practices like obesity, Masturbation, pornography and sex everywhere, those things deplete testosterone and low testosterone = less masculine men, weak men, men who wouldn’t bother starting a revolution of any kind


Google Gemini will probably be even worse haha

The corporate structures are to be blamed for this woke-washing… Garbage in, garbage out…


What happens when you type these in?


The future of AI throughout. Wish I could share this on my linkedin profile with members who think ChatGPT is way better than Geimini.

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Dude I had the same thing a couple days ago!!

It was reluctant to find some Bhagavad Gita verses, and when I clarified the exact verses by numbers and asked why it couldn’t find it, it said that the verses were “misinterpreted” by the scholars…
and it kept insisting on that as I tried to “introduce” different angles of thinking. The mf was so evasive and reluctant! wtf! So in the end, I did a final prompt engineering hack to get a neutral response. Then it provided a different result:

PS: The topic is that chaos and uncertainty in society cause women to get corrupt (because they’re most vulnerable), and then societal decline happens. So, order, structure, and leadership are necessary to maintain a healthy (heavenly) society.

Case closed. DM me for a holy red pill team-up.


SoyGPT, CuckGPT, SimpGPT, LibtardGPT, OnlyFansGPT

Everything that I have seen so far from any of those “AI” tools, is really completely useless in my opnion and only good for creating colorful pictures or music.
These algorithms are able to handle colors and music notes, but anything that is “conceptual” or “logical”, they fail miserably, even when the algorithm is non-woke.
The answers are mostly 10x dumber and more useless than the tabloid press.

YouTube now even allows for “seethrough porn” all under the label “of girls trying on seethrough fashion”. It is a funnel to sexually trigger people (especially young boys) and push them onto porn sites and make them addicted.


Well, at least they have something useful lol.

Yeah, too much woke bull floating around these days…

Masculinity = Bad, not our policies

Femininity = Yay, Let’s Celebrate your (insert random words and phrases)

Femininity is Not bad, just too much saturating the market these days, and I’ve gotta say, Higher aspects of femininity aren’t even truly represented, I mean, feminine energy supports masculine one, it gives birth to it, for Christ’s sake, they are 2 complementary energies/sides, Not enemies…

But an agenda is clearly at work…
Well, it is what it is.

True Words of Wisdom here.


They are not even pushing authentic feminity or feminity at all.
They are pushing toxic aggressive irresponsible egocentric compassionless arrogant ingorant low-IQ behavior.


(This might get flagged lol, watch it while you can lol)

Good evening, cowards :joy:, best intro possible!!

Introducing occasional hashtags lol

#funny #peasantlifestyle (the second hashtag is my own hashtag on the forum)



Notice how the white knights in the background are instantly interrupting and jumping in to “protect” :laughing:. So embarrassing. Those are the same broken cucks who pay for OnlyFans girls. Truly pathetic.

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Consumer-facing AI seems like a psy-op to divert attention away from the progress AI must be making in science verticals.


I will take back everything I said above about AI tools when ChatGPT starts to create memes like these by itself:





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What do they actually teach in gender studies?
One of my cousins studied it…I tend to not like being around her lol


I don’t know.
But I see that only traumatized people do so.
I don’t need to dive into a dumbster of shit when I can already tell by the smell that it is shit.
And I also see the results of it, meaning that those traumatized people not just become even more traumatized through this, but additionally also become more angry, aggressive, frustrated and resentful.
The vibration of these people drops below incel levels.
And with them being in the ultimate passive aggressive victim mode, they then additionally attract the most scum lower astral parasites and entities.
Their aura becomes repelling AF.
No one wants to be around them anymore (except those like them).
Misery loves company.

I am sorry to hear this. Hopefully you can convince her to loop “Raise Your Vibrational State” for hours every day.