Yggdrasil and the Norns (Private Project)

The subject of Yggdrassil is endless in nature. A tremendous amount of information can be found in open sources. If you have access to any large forums where Scandinavian magic is practiced - you will realize that it is a very multi-layered energy that covers all areas of human life and its applications are limitless. I will not describe all nine worlds of Yggdrassil - I will leave this topic for those really interested in Scandinavian traditions.

In addition to Scandinavian mythology the image of the World tree or tree of life is found among the Slavs (almost a complete copy of Yggdrasil, but the tree itself is an oak). A similar image is found in Iranian legends, in Islam, the Kabbalah and Buddhism. In most of these cultures the Tree is represented as the world axis - the connection of different levels and dimensions, symbolizing the universe and its structure, all levels of a person, including consciousness and subconsciousness.

Yes! The World tree is a very important image in various world religions and among different peoples. Yggdrasil is the symbol of harmony - intertwining the worlds into one important system, the Tree acts as the pivot, axis and pillar, the spine for the universe. Probably in the soul of each of us, too, should be a Yggdrasil, a Lotus or an oak tree. A powerful pivot, giving support to our inner world and our soul. To live in harmony with ourselves, to live in harmony with our Tree - this is what the Slavs, the Scandinavians, the Kazakhs, the Malaysians (in general all the peoples of the world) aspired to. All of them, speaking in different words about the same thing, understood that without balance there is nothing in the world (even chaos and emptiness are meant to equalize, not to destroy). Balance of all parts of the universe, equilibrium, interconnection of all worlds and human systems, smooth movement of energy through them - isn’t that what one should strive for, strengthening and carefully keeping the Tree of Life inside one’s soul? Yggdrasil has a complicated multi-level structure, which, perhaps, goes beyond the three-dimensional world we are accustomed to.

Do you need additional energy resources? for health? Deep nourishment and rejuvenation of the body from the earth and space? manifestation, wish fulfillment? grounding? higher, universal knowledge? exploration of inner and outer worlds? Communication with the earth and the cosmos? Optimization of the energy system? To develop worthy and strong qualities of character, to develop as a strong person? Do you need access to any of the worlds of Yggdrassil? This list is truly endless…

Beneath the roots of Yggdrasil live three Norns called Urd (which means “fate” or “past”), Verdandi (which means “becoming” or “present” in Old Norse) and Skuld (which means “duty” or “future”). [If you study Greek mythology you can find a relative analogy - the three sisters of Moira]. The Norns spin the threads of human destiny, they determine who is destined to be a great hero and who will perish in obscurity… The Norns supported the Yggdrasil tree, did not allow it to grow old and die. In modern Northern Paganism, the Norns are probably the most underestimated characters. And yet they are perhaps the most powerful of all the deities, for in their hands is the power over destiny and the Vird. As hypostases of Time, they themselves, however, stand outside of time.

By the way, before submitting this project to the Captain, I came across a comment on another resource that interested us a lot:

"Many texts claim that the Norns are ‘past, present and future,’ but this is not quite true: the ancient peoples had a dual rather than a triple concept of time. For the Norse ancestors there was, on the one hand, a comprehensive ‘what is,’ of which both the oldest and the youngest layers belonged to the same time and were equally close and real, and, on the other hand, ‘what is becoming,’ i.e. the present moment.

A sense of the future did not exist: prophecies that spoke of what ‘might happen’ were understood literally as utterances of the Vird - as ‘what is’ perceived in terms of wisdom knowing what is to arise next as a consequence of a cause that already exists.

From a magical point of view, if one perceives the past as part of the present, one can, through ‘retrospective’ magical action, subjectively alter the past and thereby influence one’s future. The Norns modify a certain emotional resonance coming from the past and give rise to a new stream of events, which subsequently forms our beautiful future life".


The picture is called “The Court of Yggdrasil and the Norns”



There is one already.

Yggdrasil - The Tree of worlds Servitor (Testimony) - NFTs - Sapien Medicine (enlightenedstates.com)


our project was sent to the Captain first
and we didn’t mind that another group had created a relative counterpart, and we didn’t make a big deal out of it.
the other group’s release was first by accident.

our project was based on different principles.


Ok, I didn’t know about that. If Captain agreed then both are definitely different. :+1:


The Captain confirmed it even before the release of the first group
no worries :)


Original image:


This NFT is absolutely incredible. The energies are unreal…

Still trying to navigate around its cavernous nature and learning a lot about the lore from fellow group members.

It’s so dynamic and multi-faceted with a whole host of benefits and functionalities.

Lots of “goodies” to be had as well…Notice the the rune at the bottom and the spider at the top.

Not even close to scratching the surface on this one.


The blessings are immense…


Hello! I’ve gotten a copy of this but am not an original member in the private group and was wondering if I could be added in just to get a better understanding of the project, if not it’s fine :sweat_smile: edit : thanks for adding me!



Yggdrasil is fed by three wells located in three of the Norse realms.

The first well is Urdarbrunnr, the Well of Destiny. It is located in Asgard which is also the dwelling place of the Norns, the Fates of Norse mythology which are an integral aspect of this project.

The second well is Mimisbrunnr, the Well of Wisdom. It is located in Jotunheim and is the home of Mimir :heart: the wisest being in the cosmos of Norse mythology.

The third well is Hvergelmor, the Burning Hot Well. It is located in Niflheim. This well feeds eleven rivers that flow through the Norse realms. The dragon Nidhogg lives here and gnaws on the roots of Yggdrasil. The stag Eikthyrnir also lives here. He feeds on Yggdrasil, causing water to spout from his horns and replenish the well.


Anyone have the full description?

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Hey, just acquired this NFT, can I be added to the group too?


There is a some problems with adding members to this particular group. First - the group is completely full (it has 30 people), at the moment there are no discussions in it. Another problem is that some people, acquiring this or that NFT, are asked to join the group and immediately run to sell the NFT (the question arises - why then they are asked to join the group, as the basic information is provided in the first post of the presentation).

I don’t mean you, but such actions have been seen before

The third problem is that this group is very old for certain reasons, it has experienced ups and downs, and there is a lot of discussion, and there is some information on other projects and plans (these ideas have “moved on” to other groups, but still).

In order to optimize the interests of some participants, which have been expressed in personal correspondence too - admission to this group is closed


It’s alright man, we’ll just figure out what this NFT does through more usage, best way to learn is by doing anyway lol

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Information on Yggdrassil is infinite. It is a very versatile energy. It contains more than you can imagine.

a little info on the goddesses of destiny (info for thought)



How do you buy this?



Hey UgniS,

what do you about the idea of a 2nd private testimonials group for this NFT, where there would be shared the info about fields, subfields and stuff. Some owners outside of the original group would rly like to know what is it about more, I have one friend to whom I lent my extra copy and it is unclear for him how it works and for me hard to explain, since I worked mainly with other NFTs that are often similar.


The problem is that it is not clear who has copies left and who would like to be in such a group. Since many participants take advantage of the NFT purchase to resell it later. This is not bad or good - but they definitely will not share reviews, as they originally had other goals.

Also, modest reviews in closed groups are becoming rare - which is why I’ve disbanded some groups completely (I’ve “closed” them). If members want to say something and share feedback - let them do it openly, in product threads

Your idea to create a group on Igrassil (for those interested?). I agree. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes, I would be happy to keep this treasure if I had a clue on how to use it. Good idea.