A Guide to Working with Multiple NFTs

I think those NFTs give off energy from every source of them and idealy would be to download print and delete the NFT from your PC leaving the NFT from the wallet and the printed one to your service.

i found it very difficult to discover wher the dysharmony came but i fathom this is it.

i personally feel much better when i did that now…

of course this is a personal opinion.


Yooooouuu are gold!!

3 different uses in 2 days?? Haha that’s awesome man!!

Annnd did you just amplify the energy coming at ya and took it all in?? :star2: :star2: :+1::+1::+1:

Mannn this is some good stuff haha… So happy to hear these words made you do all this :heart::heart::partying_face::tada::tada::tada:


Get some aura repair action going in :muscle::muscle::muscle:

(hasn’t been my experience but I’ve seen members taking any source of the NFT away when there is an imbalance)!


i am using it every day. auric repair…

with Thoth for example when we first met i felt him in my chest as a fatherly presence.

then the previous week this connection broke.

now it is there and i feel like having him. am happy.


Drastic times call for drastic measures.
Last night, out of the need to solve some urgent financial matters.
I decided to set up something like this (the NFTs in the candle position), I laid out all the financial-related NFTs I have in a circle, then I sat at the center of the circle.

Then I played

  • Attract Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance (this one is a gem when it comes to money manifestation, even with new fields coming out, this one stands still as one of the best in this category).
  • Cone of Power
  • Rainmaker Redux

and mediated to the tracks, while sending my intention to solve the problems.
During the meditation, I imagined the power of all the NFTs radiate, interweaved and blended together to a point above my head, from which I could send it out to the universe.
I could feel it being amplified a thousandfold, and somehow I was under the impression that something was moving, something was being rearranged out there.
It felt overwhelmingly powerful!

And this very morning, just several hours after waking up, my problems were solved, unexpectedly!
A significant phase in my life had ended for a new one to begin :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I think this is worth a try at least once, and not just for financial matters, you can try everything you can imagine.
I used 13th Skull and The Weaver NFT as a medium to channel and alchemize the energy from other NFTs.


@Danny_Ho You win the award for the outstanding ways to use NFTs, and now that they sound like one of those rituals you just had me there!!! :trophy:

I enjoy learning all the manifestation things that you do! Truly! I also use something similar from the water manifestation that I learned from you!!!

Now that’s another win for you!! So happy for you man!

This is what I do and I also combine with Cone of Power and Hydrogen Accumulation for the Water Manifestation … It’s a game changer!!

Your post has inspired me however to make my own childish song and sing it to Cone of Power playing in the background haha

Incredible job you have done!

Adding your post to the main thread. ;) :trophy: :1st_place_medal: :1st_place_medal:


I wonder if the Crystallization Attunement audio can be used to try to connect with the servitor or even NFT?

what you think? @Desiree


the crystalisation audio is used to uprade and purify your energy system. the crystalisation ability with it also. it will upgade your intentions. it wont connect you to anything but it has an boosting effect of audios and all other sapien stuff.

you asked Desiree, i desided to answer …


hello, dear @Desiree … i will share something which happened to me thanks to alittle push from @Rosechalice … i feel it may be of great help to the users of NFTs…

so it goes…

i am carrying 9 NFTs on me now.

never felt better …all working coherently…

i am this crazy person yo know…

how does one not explode and have nosebleeds you may ask?

well…need is a powerful motivator for a crazy person like me and also i tend to glimpse tips from this forum that come in handy here and there…

in this occasion it was first @sensin-sensei with his collage of the tower NFTs and then also a post from @SammyG somewehere in this forum, saying you can staple the NFTs one over the other and they wouldnot clash,…this here was a very big blockadge for me to overcome and use, because how can it work…welll…it does marvelously…no doubt anymore.

so what exactly do i carry now:

left pocket of trousers: collage from all Tower NFTs without the Cover with the Sator NFT there also.

right pocket of trousers stapled one over another: begin with Gebo (thanks to @Kuma for the tip of how to use it) over it the Tower NFT Coverart, over it Blueprint of love.

i was feeling exausted before i did this pains allover , little brainfog…

you know how good one feels when these things work as team?

super brilliant work of @Dreamweaver!!! Thank you!!! very very much!!!

i felt them all today… each with its action and toll for my …wellbeing?

wonderful experience…wonderful unexpected gift…amazing,wanted needed result!

hope this post is coherent enough , pardon the mistakes of my writing! Take care! happy healing! and happy living!

this method will allow to combine the NFTs we owe and see which do and which dont work well together…

this i wanted to probe for a loong time now!

@Maoshan_Wanderer thank you for inviting me to write more on the forum!


update: this sith the tower cover with the other NFT seemed a push but then i became oveloaded and then i am with all but the Tower Cover art okay…

thanks for the ground/earth arround my block…


Hi Guys , just wanna reconfirm about the NFTs . The NFTs do keep on working with us with all their attributes even when we don’t physically and actively see them or carry them with us right ? As long as we own them in our virtual wallets right ?

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What you guys think of trying to get plasma or blueprint and foucsing on creating a connection?

Going to try it see how it goes. If anyone wants to try it to feel free too :upside_down_face:. In theory it should work right?

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Thank god am not the only one.

I can have chrion with me no problem but once I starting having ernest next to me my brain starts to get headaches and i start to get tried, yawning and pressure.


try the alzheimer and autist fields…

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I have been using autism

i also used the alzheimers once a couple of days ago.

Hi guys, when I print the NFT off, does it matter if it’s in colour or not? And does the picture quality from the software you use to print the NFT off affect the NFT? Any help would be much appreciated.

Already answered their other post (How to use a NFT that’s printed out properly - #5 by Presmokan).

(An aside: please help us keep this forum organized by asking your question in one place, rather than cross-posting the same–or very similar–questiom to multiple threads. Thanks!)


Does anybody have experience with deactivating certain effects of NFTs ?

What’s the best way to go about it?

Is it enough to just say for example : " NFT xyz , deactivate effect 1b and 3c"

Or should read the whole effect (or at least the headline) out loud ?

From my experience it’s possible to deactivate certain effects.
I just havent had much experience with it and am not sure to which extent it works or how to go about it exactly.


Interesting. I’ve never heard of anyone trying to deactivate effects / abilities. Why are you trying to do that?


Okay so…

I have a couple things coming to my mind when I read this…

Naturally, when we work with the NFTs on a first glance or passively, the things we would benefit from most at this moment + the highlighted benefits of the nft is what shows best, and almost right away

For example. If we are talking about Tungnath Temple, the high altitude is a highlighted feature of it. It is something very intrinsic to the NFT, which means by the special design of the product it will stand out in its exposure.


You can also have the choice to receive these specific information from the NFT or not.

I say you can have the choice because you can allow yourself to have this certain mastery over your experience with the NFTs.

So when I read this, I think of the ‘features’ as the set of psychic information present within the nft and the degree of allowing the energy body to receive and/or communicate within these specific information.

This, is totally doable, and one way or another is your choice.

Comes to my mind also how in meditation you have the ability to focus on specific parts of the NFT more than others. And by extension, allowing the other information to be either working in the background and supplementing this interaction, or fairly absent for the moment.

Not absent, rather faintly present.

To an extent, yes you have the ability to adjust how much of the energies you would like to experience at a set or extended point.