Aesthetics University / Psychic University Gumroad - Discussion/Testimonials

When does the sale start? I can’t wait :joy:



Wonderfull post.
So detailed.:boom:


@This_Boy_Here can you send me a message in private? I want to ask you something, thank you.

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hey @Psychic_University will the sale be only on ES store?

Code: PU1YEAR for 16% off

(Ends 23/07)

This is an auto-workout product that has the following exercises in its database:

  • Calisthenics (basic to intermediate movements)
  • Jumping Rope
  • Main movements of weighting training (Dumbbell, Kettlebell and Heavy Club)
  • Triathlon (15 min for each exercise)
  • Yoga

The field will select a perfect training program for you on the day based on this database, and apply the effects of:

  • Muscle Hypertrophy
  • Metabolic Changes
  • Hormonal Responses
  • Neuromuscular Adaptations
  • Flexibility
  • Other beneficial changes in your organism

equivalent to the series of exercises selected.

It has protections for joints, ligaments and nerves, and additional healing for these parts.

Safe for organs and systems. Better used in conjunction with physical exercise.

Audio only.

This product is a blend of Ambrosia energy integrated using sacred geometry patterns.

Audio Only.

’The Expanse’ is designed to expand and develop your energy system with the focus of increasing your field usage capability (total amount).

Audio only.

Thulium laser treatment is a form of non-ablative fractional laser resurfacing, which is often used in cosmetic dermatology for skin rejuvenation purposes. This laser has a specific wavelength of 2,000 nm, which can be tuned to target certain layers of the skin with precision. It’s most effective in targeting the superficial layers of the skin, making it a good option for treating skin discoloration, age spots, sun damage, and fine lines.

Non-ablative means that it heats up the underlying skin tissue without harming the surface, stimulating the body’s natural healing process to boost collagen and elastin production. This can lead to improved skin texture, reduced fine lines and wrinkles, and a more even skin tone.

The thulium laser is also characterized by its high absorption rate in water, which is beneficial because the skin is largely composed of water. This property allows for precise treatment with minimal heat diffusion to the surrounding tissue, reducing the risk of damage and promoting quicker healing time compared to some other laser treatments.

Face and neck only.

Use it up to 2 times. Don’t use it every day. Once a week is good.

Audio Only.


Hi @Psychic_University these new fields look very exciting.

As a crystal addict I would like to know if you don’t mind sharing- do you make use of crystals in The Expanse?




Thank you


With The expanse. Is it the more you listen the more you expand? or is the recommended listen the usual 2-3 times a day?
can I listen to it same time as other fields?

The motion mimic appeals to me a lot haha.

Does the field then automatically apply all the workouts listed based on what we need during the day?

Or select one from the list and apply it?

How many times can we listen?

Is it possible to listen together with Manly Man, Muscle Roar and Hardcore?

Thanks in advance for your replies :pray:


thank you for the sale and new releases

can you tell us more about what are the benefits of this blend?


Yes, but try to see how you react to it first before looping it


Yes, exactly. It’s not only one but a smart collection, based on what you need for the day.

Use this one up to 5 times.

The focus is anti-aging, longevity, vitality, energy levels and overall health.


Does this work for removing calluses in various parts of the body?

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It’s for the face and neck only. I thought it was in the description, my bad.

If anyone who bought it wants a refund feel free to ask.


@Psychic_University How many times can you listen to Scorching Sanitizer?

Hello LunaMoon,
Did you feel any noticeable gain in functional strength from the motion mimic field at the end of your testing period ? I would be grateful for your Pointers .


Umm…could you please explain that How is the Expanse Field different in its effects compared to the Ultimate Integration Tool Field ?

Both of them are supposed to Speed-Up the Effects of other Field’s ?



i wonder if the geometry patterns are the same from the" The Highest Sacred Geometry Pattern" field or this different.



But The Utlimate Integration Tool is focused in increasing the integration, making it deeper and more refined, while The Expanse is focused in energy expansion and speeding up the effects via this dimension.

Sometimes you don’t have the energy levels to fully process and integrate what you’re using. The Expanse tries to help with this. And hopefully decrease the cases of nervous system overload due to the excess of tools used.

No, different. Same stuff used in The Ultimate Integration Tool.

The Highest Sacred Geometry Pattern contains the highest pattern only.