Alien Intercession

Yeah im gonna loop it and keep bugging them lol


How do you know its them and not some spirit guide thats doing it…?

Are you clairvoyant?

I tell them thats all I need, to see into the ether is to have all the power in this little world.

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Ah I see, yeah that word is butchered like “higher self” lol.

I meant closing your eyes and seeing the etheric plane whenever you want, without trance.

I did it when “demons” were around, was so fking awesome.

Lets hope these aliens will help me with that


I wish there was a field for this!


Everytime you play it, just have a strong intention on who if it is either a specific individual, group of beings, a specific species of ETs or civilization and just hold that intention in your mind and meditate with the audio. Be in a relaxed state to receive whatever message or help you are supposed to receive. But yes you can always call for a specific being if need be. however don’t expect this being to always answer your call as they may be busy doing other things as well. They have their own lives too.

Please understand that they have direct communication with your higher self and thus if it is your higher self who tells them “not now” or “don’t do it” or “he is not ready” or “This is not relevant for his path” They will NOT bypass the wishes of your higher self.

The same thing happened to me a month ago when I just wanted to have more adventures with my alien friends and discover more about their world… I got shut off by my higher self. At first, I thought they abandoned me but when I ask them why they are being distant, they said ask your higher self. I then meditated and connected with my higher self and got a better understanding. There are time-sensitive things that my higher self needs me to put into effect which will unfold to the best path for me in the near future.

So what I am saying is, really spend time with your higher self and understand your path clearly. There is absolutely no being who wants what is best for you other than your own higher self. Your higher self is the wisdom and knowledge of how to carry out this life experience perfectly so that you can pass the lessons needed and further develop spiritually.

Best advice I can give you on this one is bro stop with all the distractions of trying to get things done forcibly. At the end of the day, the only person you are fooling is your own self. This is the same advice I gave my self is to be true and honest with myself and look within, clean up house, dissect all the thoughts and emotions and keep what works and transmute what is not serving me to its polar opposite.

Aliens don’t judge you according to your past. They know how the universe works mechanically and the past or future don’t matter. What really matters is at what vibrational state is your consciousness at this moment. That’s how they judge on how they should interact with you but of course your higher self can allow it or not.

From all my communications with the different ET groups, trust me they all are so excited about our progress and they all cannot wait until we can officially join the galactic federation and have open contact. For this reason which is why they are all ready to help anyone asking to raise their awareness to ET existence without impeding their spiritual progress. “Ascension”, after all, is the journey back to the one non-dual realization which is measured on the soul level. Whether you know it or not, the entire universe is “ascending”.

Stop forcing the idea of being an avatar or an enlightened being because that kind of state actually delays your progress. I strongly suggest going deep within, you will realize you are already all of these things and a powerful co-creator and it was your choice to have this particular life with its specific lessons. The more honest communications you have with your higher self the clearer your path becomes to you. Then you will see things change in the way ETs interact with you.


Thanks bro, check your pm, I have a weird request lol.

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Just suggestion, nothing else

If you don’t want to be human anymore why don’t you just ask them to change whole your biological structure into what you want or even to be like them or ask them to take you away from here🤷

Higher self probably wont allow that…


Could we in some way have a power to convince our higher self into something what we want?
How to convince or force HS to do something or allow it for us? Is there any way?
How can we possess our HS and take command, control over it lol

@Samurai I would like your opinion also like everyone else or anyone else

@Nabs101 dear friend I would like your suggestions also on this question if possible?

Umm. why would you want to do that?
Do you view your HS as a stern parent that is only preventing you from doing things out of ______?


We would have to determine what the higher self is first of all.

Are Sammy and _OM right?

Or do we believe Dale Power?

Or the angel websites where they say that the higher self is your soul that determines everything?

Alot of different opinions, even Dream’s mandala and audio are vague descriptions :

“Higher state of being with a stronger connection to the source of all things”.

Can be interpreted a billion ways.


Dont believe anyone… Ask you’r Higher self!


Regardless of all the mental “technicalities” over whether the Higher Self is individualized/collective etc,…
your HS, above all wants one’s happiness.

Again, view it as “you”, far in the future, (or outside the time stream), trying to lead you to your ideal, happiest destination.

That’s gonna take several lifetimes and hundreds of thousands of experiences but it’s already there, technically, in that “state”/place.

On top of that, it wants the “you” that’s believes it is “separate” to get “there” with “it” as fast as possible.
It truly only has one’s best interests at heart.

That said, it values Free Will above all, so if one truly wants to do something that it knows is bad for you, it will allow it.

And then, when your life falls to pieces and everything goes to shit, it will still be there, unjudging, giving you advice via intuition on how to get back on track to your “ideal, happiest” destination


Yeah I get that, its like you said in our “argument” before,


There is our soul, which is a fifth dimensional, individual entity that evolves on its own.

Then there is the “higher self”, that is what you described.

So which one does Dreams field connect us with ?

Our 5D self or the supreme alpha super evolved fk knows what.?


And you know whats even weirder @_OM ?

When I play the crown chakra audio, I DO feel connected with everything around me.

But with the higher self audio, its like it uses a different mechanism to connect with the HS, not trough the crown?

Dale was Dreams teacher, and according to Dale, the higher self is our “wiser, more psychic side that operates based on our existing knowledge, and its designed to keep you going so it will tell you whatever you need to hear at the time”.

Maybe Dream’s field connects us with our human/physical “wiser/psychic side” and not the future evolved collective that you mean?

Ugh…Words lmao.

But srs, have you used that field? What do you think


So play the crown chakra audio for now instead.

Almost like it’s “in the future”/outside the time stream and already knows what can happen given all possible choices?
And it both values free will and wants to get “you” where “you” want to be as fast as possible?

lol again, same concepts, just using different words to express an ineffable concept.

I already have a very strong and open “connection” with my Higher Self, so that field doesn’t make me a good case study.


I thought our HS command or take control over our subconsciousness and therefore has a power over us in every segment of our life


Written by Dale Power (gives a whole new meaning to the deceiver in our PMs, coincidence?)


@Samurai Check Pm

Well technically, I guess it could and does. But it doesn’t and it won’t unless there are very extenuating circumstances that are life/death or vitally detrimental to your soul’s well-being…
Otherwise, it’s pretty “hands off” unless you specifically ask for help which still most time comes across as just “intuition” and “psychic nudges”

What you’re describing to be honest, sounds like a possessing demon… that’s not how the HS works… at all.