Sorry to hear about what you are going through man. Are you able to purchase NFT’s?
The Silent Mind has been a God send (Or Dream Send) for my partner. She had no control over he thoughts and emotions and now she is feeling great. An over active mind is a terrible thing to have to deal with, it causes many physical problems.
I’d recommend the new Shielding NFT to help with what may be dark energies or negative emotions, entities and so on. Its very very strong so just be a small bit mindful of feelings and sensations which may arise. If it feels too strong put it away from you for a while, even do 5 minutes of meditation looking at it 5 or 6 times a day until all the negative emotions and so on start to subside and slowly work your way up to when you can keep it on you fully.
If I was you I would give all fields a break except for Aura Deep Cleanse, ISIRB, Nerve Growth Factor and Nerve Inflammation Help. If they still feel too much then cut them also.
Something I recommend to everyone who asks me about overwhelm and a overstimulated system is get a stainless steel spoon and rub it along the bottom of your feet, do it for as long as you want, it’s a great way for getting excess energy out of your body. I feel its the best way for grounding, even as good a standing bare foot in the grass. Do it for as long as you like.
I feel the best thing to do first is to help quiet your mind, when you say you are unable to get out of bed that leaves so much time for your mind to be over active and thinking about everything, the anxiety and awful thoughts. Please try silent mind if you can afford it, if you can’t, make a wallet and I’ll send you my copy.
The Shielding NFT should help you a lot but in your current condition you will need to be very mindful of what it will release from you and take it slow.
I can only imagine what it feels like what you are going through man but you are strong enough to get through it and come out the other side even stronger.
Meditate on the Silent Mind NFT and keep it on you at all times, you should notice a shift almost immediately.
I wish you well, send a PM if you would like to talk further