Hakuin’s Healing Egg Enhanced


Above your head sits a glowing white egg of pure healing energy. As you focus on it, it begins to melt and flow down through your body, cleansing your lungs and spine. It flows into your kidneys and down through your stomach, spleen, kidneys, liver and digestive tract. As you continue to focus on it, the energy flows down through the entire body cleansing the legs and pouring out the feet.
As the last of the cleansing energy leaves your body, the glowing egg releases its soothing, healing medicines. Fragrant elixirs pour out of it and flood the entire body, healing all of the organs and channels and soaking deep into the bones. The entire body is soothed and relieved. Excess is moderated, deficiency is made up, heat is cooled, cold is warmed. All is balanced, calmed and nourished.
This is the description of Hakuin’s Healing Egg, from a zen based concept.
This audio itself is made to work in the same way with some additions (Hakuin’s Butter Pill)etc.
The ‘egg’ is placed above your crown and slowly melts for about an hour following the method above.
The inside of the ‘egg’ has higher vibrational state of chi, that also travels down from your crown from the inside, recharging your organs while removing energetic debris.
all the patterns are carried down to the feet (joining with the outer melted flowing) where the negative patterns are removed and released. The energy then travels back up and collects in the lower dantian, (so it also cultivates and develops your energy)

(this is a 10 min looped trap track with waves in the back ground.)


That was fast! Must be quite the process. Adding this to the list for sure


Holy mother… wow that was quick, the concept is only 2 days old, i can see why Captain was excited about it and started working on it straight away :heart_eyes:


Yeah, he is a BEAST! Just look at his profile pic :d

Very interesting concept.
Just the other day was reading about it, and now already here.

Eager to hear you guys experiences on it :slight_smile:

If only Captain Nemo did the same for the much waited Lucid Dreaming 2.0 oh boy… I do hope he’s still working on it or plan too lolol


Yes, deffinetly! But hey, has anyone tried using LD audio with advanced healing? Maybe then the stimulated parts would regenerate more quickly, while sustaining weaker stimulation in brain with the healing field .?


haha man, you can try it out and tell us but most of us wait for the v2 of lucid dreaming, it will take some time

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Well I dont have the audio, but ill give it a shot with the card

that should work, but be consistent with it

48 posts were merged into an existing topic: Hakuin’s Healing Egg: The Golden Healing Elixir

congratulations to Sapien for creating and releasing so fast this morphic field👏
Very well done, and all only in 2 days… amazing


How long is this audio?


It was fast indeed and I would never doubt our Captain’s incredible abilities… But precisely because he’s also a master of time perception and time games, he could have spent a few weeks in another realm working on the Egg, while us here believe that it was done in only 2 days (our perception of “2 days”).

Interstellar… :p The new Lucid Dreaming is maybe already released “somewhere else”, according to the same principle…

No matter what, thanks Captain and @ryantraveling too ;)


:rofl: :joy:


:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Well it’s not. It’s rather a pleonasm but my generous soul (lol) always needs to crush naivety… Just in case. Damn me :rofl:

(Examples: “it’s not possible that he does that” or “isn’t X field a hoax?”)


I was so stunned when this came out so quickly, so thank you captain for the work and indulging my request haha. Replying to one of the posts, apparently this method can be used infinite times, so i’m not sure if sapien’s version has any limit to it.


Yup, after the discussion, he went to it right away, spent all day on it, enhanced it with other aspects in addition to what is part of the classic meditation, and had something for us to test by the end of the day! I LOVED it when I initially tested it, I hope you all like it too!


Sounds VERY cool! Thank u D.W.!


Thank you Captain for this Incredible gift and thank you @ryantraveling for requesting it!!!