Any Indian who can help me with buying Gumroad Audios?

That’s the stuff that got us in this mess

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Thank you Phillip for explaining the situation in more detail🙏

I would love to ask something from a different perspective that wasn’t mentioned in this thread,
Both for the team, and the people from India (since I’m not from India and I have the same problem)

Although gumroad is not really the solution,
I’ve never had problems with purchasing from the sapien shop (non NFTs also…)

If it turn out that people are able to purchase from this particular site with no issues,
Would it be possible to upload the new releases? (move the gumroad audios to this site?)
I’m even imagineing a brain category :wink:


It’s understandable.

Ohh… I jusr re-read what Phillip wrote and i totally missed the fact that he mentioned the sapien shop :woman_facepalming:t2:
My bad…

I was able to purchase using debit card, it was a master card

I was not able to use my credit card, I think

because of multiple attempts.

Gumroad is blocked by RBI , I didn’t realise and tried multiple times. I was surprised since the transactions were always smooth earlier. I contacted the bank later but by then the card was blocked. Even though gumroad was unblocked by the bank I couldn’t purchase. I has not tried my debit card earlier maybe that’s why I can use it now since gumroad is not blocked by my bank now.

So…was the purchase successful or not? Im confused

It was successful with my debit card not credit card

Ah :ok_hand:t3: congratulations! I tried with both debit and credit but nope. i don’t have a master card

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since gumroad payments was not working, I started exploring the sapien shop catalog. and was reminded about the knight warrior mindset but i thought the payment wont go through as I was using the card which was connected to paypal and the same i was trying on gumroad before. So i meditated with imaginarium drive and had this thought pop up that the payment will be succesful. so I tried and voila! it was successful and i got the knight warrior mindset. Perhaps my higher self wanted me to get it rather than the gumroad audios i wanted. Nontheless, It’s safe to say payments are succesful through paypal. and for my Indian folks, I used HDFC CC


This seems to be a nationwide policy on your government. I think many of you perhaps have some (perhaps distant) relatives residing abroad. As far as my understandings of Indians’ operation goes, you’ll find willing agents to buy them for you with a markup.

you’re right, and i do have some relatives and many friends living abroad, and thought about it too. but for now, i dont want to deal with all the questioning about what it is as you may know that morphic fields and such are not very acceptable to the common folks. so I’m saving the trouble for now. Although a forum member has offered to help me, so i’m gonna contact him when i want to buy from gumroad. Thank you


bro Bob visa debit card gumroad par kam kar rha



can i pay in any other manner and have drops of memory field. like can i transfer money to you or sammy or dream weaver directly…and then you can send me the field email, WhatsApp any other ways?

I’m afraid we can’t do that.

can you help me with any other payment method…?this field is really important for me at the moment for the exam which is after 8 ,9 months…!! that will change my life its a life changing opportunity i dont want to miss it

Your best bet is to find an intermediary to buy you the fields as a gift with your email.

can you buy it for me? is it possible?