Attention Deficit Disorder

Hello, I realised I have ADD. Any way to heal that?

1 Like try this as instructed


Hi @Nietoperz,

Here’s an older post about that + the field mentioned in it (and by @shadowhunter176 while I was writing) + other ones which may help. No need to use all at once and as usual: moderation recommended (especially at the beginning).

(first :arrow_up:)


Beautiful recommendations way more in depth than mine,for me just using Adhd audio fixed majority of it,also one productivity hack:If you are doing something like studying for example,and a though about certain task comes to your mind,just write it down on a piece of paper,same with all other things u feel like need to be worked on later,I do that and it really helps me stay focused.Then while on study break I write to those people about something that came to my mind.


I believe Blueprint of life is going to help with this.

I say this because as I’m in bed and listening to the audio I had the idea of going “do” something and i would in the past but it was different, it was like the urge was there to do something but it’s power over me was no where near. It’s still pretty early to tell but if you can afford the audio get it.


@Bronyraur I just used M-Iron and man it just fixed so many small things I wanted to be fixed,I am adding it to daily list.


Thank you very much guys!


I’m glad for you my friend! And best wishes to you as well @Nietoperz!


If I might add,this is a gem I recently started using instead of grounding audio,and I rly resonate with it.I can feel tingles in the soles of my feet and my body naturlly becomes calm and I feel like I am paralyzed,basically every need to move an inch of my body subsides.


Strange synchronicity. I came across this comment today just as I was considering using it (randomly–for grounding/rooting purposes…“hyperactivity” in my case).

I started a brand new job I’m excited about but I’ll off my usual stimulants this week…so I’ve been desperately searching the forum for any thread (ha!) of advice or recommendation for adult ADHD.

(I’ll have to try the tree experience. )

While I’m on the topic, I do usually end up using the ADD/ADHD field, and while it certainly works in terms of helping me focus and attend to things (definitely), I still struggle in the area of producing “enough” dopamine to really replace medication or at least replace some of my usual doses. And I have tried both dopamine fields (well, all if we’re including say, my experiments with enpp6, parkinson’s, overcome addiction:dopamine repair, some others) dopamine redux, and dopamine overload–the latter, of course, I find most helpful, but it just doesn’t last long enough.


Brain regeneration, BDNF, ISIRB, TDC AND NGF can also help with that.


Does ADHD get better when you grow up (intellectually and physically mature)

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No, if you dont put any effort to heal, exercise, meditate etc and listen to fields.


Usually it’s a problem with working memory, for me it’s focus attention and reading comprehension, I guess mediation improves that.


Try dopamine detox for focus.

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Yeah ik but it will take a few months.

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Why do you think few months?

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Well, some of the one’s I am using are taking 4 months+ But they are brain fields, this will be like 2 months, considering I am of lower sensitivity

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I said dopamine detox lol.


Say the solution takes two months. Two months from now is going to arrive either way. So why not do it?

Btw, in some instances a focus issue can be caused by parasites. Maybe run the parasite destroyer a few times and see what happens. Many people don’t correlate the two but it’s more common than you think.

Either way, I hope you find some relief and get to the bottom of what’s going on