Automated Upper Body Workout (Energetically Programmed Audio)

This is designed to provide a upper body work out, which will also cut fat while increasing muscle mass.
Rev-ErbA targeted to all upper body muscles (biceps, triceps, deltoids, shoulders, back etc etc) along with micro contractions and apoptosis of fat cells,
For muscle growth there will be Myostatin inhibiting, HGH and Testosterone boosting along with platelet derived growth factor AB targeted directly to muscles.
Use 3 - 4 times at most. (per day)
For all genders and especially beneficial to those who are paralyzed or have muscle wastage or for whatever reason, unable to freely work with their upper body muscles.

None of these statements have been analyzed by the FDA,
but as such, none are these are designed to diagnose or offer medical advice.
The listeners are presented with information that they may choose to use or not.
As usual, always consult your General Practitioner or Hospital if you need urgent treatment or advice.
This may fall under a class I type of device or a general health benefit app or program.
As per FDA guidelines they do not intend to regulate medical or biological information.
This channel exists as a presentation of information to you and will never diagnose any of your conditions.

(no dedicated topic existed)


Commonly reported benefits (forum and Youtube):

  1. Increased muscle tone and upper body strength.
  2. Improved physique, including muscle growth and fat loss.
  3. Enhanced muscle contraction, particularly in the abdominal area.
  4. Relief from physical discomfort, such as back pain.
  5. Endorphin release, providing a feeling similar to post-workout euphoria.
  6. Noticeable gains in bicep and tricep size and tightness.
  7. Realistic sensations of muscle tightening and engagement, akin to performing exercises like crunches or sit-ups.
  8. Accelerated muscle growth, especially when used in conjunction with other related audios.
  9. Potential for increased testosterone levels, although caution is advised to avoid overuse and potential side effects.
  10. Long-lasting effects even after ceasing to listen to the audio, indicating sustained muscle growth.

Warnings and precautions:

  1. Overuse of the audio may lead to potential side effects, such as excessive muscle soreness or growth.
  2. Excessive testosterone stimulation from the audio could potentially lead to hormonal imbalances or unwanted effects like gynecomastia (enlargement of male breast tissue), extra hair growths on legs, etc.
  3. It is advisable to moderate listening time and frequency to avoid adverse reactions.
  4. Alternative audios, such as those targeting myostatin inhibition, may provide similar muscle-building benefits without affecting hormone levels.
  5. Individual experiences may vary, and sensations of muscle engagement may diminish over time, similar to the adaptation process in regular workouts.
  6. It is important to listen to the body and adjust listening habits accordingly to prevent overexertion or discomfort.

Note: Anecdotical experiences. Experiences may vary from person to person.

References to related topics:


Does this target the neck?

intuitively i think not

Indeed I think the neck isn’t impacted