🚨 Awareness Alert: Stolen NFTs in Circulation

Hello everyone,

We want to bring to your attention that there have been recent instances of NFT theft, where the stolen NFTs are being circulated and possibly sold. According to some reports, several NFTs have already been sold. Our community’s integrity and security are our top priority, and we urge all members to exercise caution.

:scroll: List of Stolen NFTs

:anger: legend :anger:

  • :green_circle: Public NFTs
  • :red_circle: Private NFTs
  • :large_blue_circle: Private Community NFTs turned Public

Here are some of the known NFTs that were stolen, along with their mint numbers (CTRL + F):

:red_circle: Private NFTs

NFT Name Mint Number
Body Oriented Therapy & SPA #1
Dragon Bone Armor #183
Egyptian Magic & Medicine #5
Hades #20
The Alchemy of Unicorns #5
The Dragon Alchemy #7
The Enchanted #11
The Smart Suit #11
Yggdrasil and the Norms #33

:large_blue_circle: Private Community NFTs turned Public

NFT Name Mint Number
The Black Panther Totem #55
The Nestling #45
Tuaoi Crystal #38

:green_circle: Public NFTs

NFT Name Mint Number
Abundance (Candle Series) #166
Aphrodite #86
Astrologically Inclined #154
Divine Intervention #242
Flight to Fight #195
Negentropic Dragon #4
The 9 Financial Points #28
The 9 Financial Points #66
The Eternal #247
The Fae Bones #14
The Fae Soul #28
The Lions Gate #95
The Scholar #172
The Seven Lucky Gods #68
The Silent Mind #107
The Silent Mind #110
The Silent Mind #243
The Solidifier #79
The Stone of Destiny #28
The Sword of Destiny #225
The Universal Om #187
Zealot of Positive Change #133
Zealot of Positive Change #145

By putting the items in a numbered list and grouping items with similar titles together, the list is now easier on the eyes and less overwhelming.

(Note: This list is not exhaustive and will be updated as more information becomes available.)

:clipboard: Procedure to Deal in Trading

Here are some steps to ensure safer trading:

  1. Verification: Always verify the owner of the NFT before making a purchase. More trusted users request NFT first and verify that NFT wasn’t stolen BEFORE sending any payment.

  2. Reputable Marketplaces: Stick to well-known and reputable NFT marketplaces for trading.

  3. Diligent Research: Don’t rush into a deal because it seems attractive. Take your time to research the NFT, its history, and its current owner.

:bell: If You’ve Been Affected

If you have had your NFT stolen and haven’t brought it to the public yet, we encourage you to reach out to us. Please send us a private message with the NFT name and mint number, and we will update the list accordingly while maintaining your privacy.

  • If, after analyzing the provided list, you find any NFT in your wallet, also let us know in a private conversation with whom the deal was made.

  • You can contact either @Zen, @Dr_Manhattan, @Rosechalice and bring up issues in relation to this.

Remember to report any suspicious activity. You could be the reason why someone doesn’t fall for these actors. Always exercise due diligence when buying, trading, or selling NFTs.

Stay safe, and stay vigilant!




Reserved x2


You are epic, Zen :pray:


How are the NFTs being stolen?

A lot were phished, which is the most common method of stealing NFTs. Have to be very careful when downloading/updating wallets, and never enter your seed phrase anywhere.


:100: % it is a scam if anything/anyone asks for this


Create a protective nft would be ideal to protect us from thieves and other ill-intentioned people.


There will still be scammers. And some are undoubtedly here on the forum.


If we have the nfts in our wallet, bought from Sapien store directly and claimed them from there, nobody can steal it from our wallet, right? Like data leak/cloud hack… Stealing can happen during trading or under the false pretense of trading, atleast that is my understanding, correct me I am wrong…