Big results - 2 years of using (Brain Stack)

Who is this man…?

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i just realised he was talking about the brian thread and not talking to me. i forgot this was a brain thread and not a genral discussion type of thing

He posted his Visualization results in this thread with being able to see a “3D simulation program in his head” and didn’t tell us what stack he was using to get such results

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He might’ve deleted it

Yeah look a bit more ;)
I linked it like 10 times :sweat_smile:

Also he posted an updated, better one in this topic.


So what is the actual brainstack LOL?


Superhuman genius for 1-2 hours?! Tf lmao I thought he said 2 times max

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You should read the topic, and some other ones like this

And whatever other topics like the intelligence experiment one. Its all addressed :)


Some thoughts on brain stacks
This is for experimented brainiacs :underage:,
I’m assuming that you have prior knowledge and are also fluent in "brain sensations". I won’t be sharing listening time anymore, I tried to come up with guidelines to make things easy, but it brings more question and it doesn’t reflect the real exercise. Don’t even ask for it (or you can share between yourselves).

:warning:I’m also assuming that you own fission (hydrogen accumulation) and the plasma brain of you (it’s a bundle). You can check the Plasma brain thread here.

It takes a lot of time to go back and forth to mix the ingredients depending on your condition on the day, you need attention. Keep in that in mind if you’re busy.

What changed is the new Plasma brain of you audio. Basically our brain have much more capacity and endurance, much much more. We can now think about building better pumps that last all day and more, with practically no side effects and 1/10-1/20th of the recuperation time.

To achieve that, we need to think less about strength and more about the half-life of the fields once we stop listening. We can achieve the same level of pump with different combinations of fields but some last longer, that’s really the key here.

Some of you might feel hungrier during the day, if you have an unstructured sleep schedule, it might affected that too with all the physical energy depending on how you use it.

I rely more on acetylcholine, it can be tricky because of side effects to the rest of the body (refer to previous post if you need to). Fortunately, I don’t feel them anymore. Not 100% sure why, it might be because of a combination of factors, plasma beach and infrared light probably played a part, though the body keeps adapting on it’s own too. Progressive increase is the word.

:point_right:It’s not linear, there’s some back and forth between fields to increase and maintain the foundation, keeping the fire alive while building up to the Hydrogen. Going from the first field to the hydrogen takes me 6-7h.

:raised_hand: Obviously you should start slow and stop if you feel uncomfortable, but overtime your brain will get used the stimulation and it will be piece of cake. No shame if you can’t do it, a long time ago superhuman genius twice would give me headaches (which is very different from a brain pump).

We go from


Plasma brain of you (a couple time is enough, I wouldn’t listen to it in the middle of the stack)
Superhuman genius
Nitric oxide
Blood flow enhancement
Gold & silver M-state
Glass of water

After that whatever brain area you want to focus on is up to you, the pump will be there.

So how to approach this ?
Like I said, it’s not linear, lot of back and forth, BUT there’s an order. You can think of it as juggling. Each field has a sensation, that sensation is like an extra ball you add, but you still need to juggle with the previous ones. You’re juggling with sensations in your brain.

I think it’s a pretty simple metaphor.
If you don’t, you’ll exhaust the first fields before reaching the last ones. You want all of them at the same time to last as long as possible. GO SLOW that’s my advice. If you rush and mess up the pump, you just wasted a lot of potential and you’ll go back.

Then you switch to your final fields, brain growth, Visual processing, Emotional mastering protocol, Conceptual realization.

Cool thing, not only do you only need to load the pump once, I found out this morning that a tiny bit of it lasted to the next day.

I didn’t mention the ENPP6, it’s the same, take some omega 3 supplements, enhanced absorption and ENPP6 enzyme.

Some things I’ll let you discover on your own, I think it’s better.
I think that’s all, if something relevant comes up, I’ll share.

Watch your diet too lol, you need nutrients


I want something to make me like Lucy ability


Sorry, but that’s impossible. If you want something remotely feasible, look at the results of Philip Weiss and others. You can even get more than this; however, there is a distinct difference between fact and fiction. Bummer ik, but what you can get with this is still great, according to the experience of others.


Everything is possible. I will achieve Lucy abilities.


Okay, Good luck then.


That’s the spirit :ok_hand:


Good luck achieving something that is physically impossible unless when your dreaming😂

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Hey have you use Brain Growth Work and what results did you get from it?

Can someone tell me where is the stack?

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Thank you! I also saw your experimented version just now. Does “Glass of water” literally means drinking a glass of water ? :crazy_face:

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