Brain Guild General discussion

Yep, but these fields work differently for different people, generally speaking. I’m not surprised the fields are working for somebody at 0 volume. That person is also very adept, so his experiences hold some weight.

Be sure to update us on your results, I think many would be interested in hearing about your experience. I personally have not tried 0 volume, but lowering the volume to an inaudible level most definitely works.

It’s not per se “volume” but rather processing on circuitry that matters at 0 level, kind of signal is still present but isn’t broadcasted on air, yet you can connect to field being close to it. Most hardware/software drops processing when volume is 0 just to avoid wasting electricity, but it’s not guaranteed and depends on settings.

If you send output to virtual device you in theory should get it being processed. I guess @Forumuser (sorry for calling you up, but maybe you can clear some air here?) reported something like that.

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So I definitely could feel a palpable different with the device playing the music on 0 versus not playing it at all.

Btw I couldn’t sleep so here I am.

Anyways I had ABP playing on 0 volume from my device and I could feel the subtle energetic shift. It was keeping me stimulated and mildly energized. It’s like a tingly sensation around my body. That same sensation of electromagnetism you’d feel if placing your hands close together.

I think the inability to sleep could the attributed to one or more of the following (1) the full moon (2) playing too many stimulating fields close to bedtime (3) playing superhuman mutant close to bedtime (4) perhaps an overly energizing effect from ABP post all the wiring fields … likely a little of all of the above?

Not the most ideal situation given I need to be up in less than 5 hours, but hey, we’re evolving here. Spirits are high that’s for sure. I’m pretty stoked to get my additional mp3 players to really high-tail the brain enhancement.


ABP influences DRD2 among other pathways and this can significantly reduce perceived need to sleep.

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Let’s build that Tesla tower Again

@Dr_Manhattan :rocket:

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Which is why I’ve jumped on the bandwagon, now I’m quad looping, lol. I found an old android phone and my Pocket PC PDA from like 2004. It’s a botched together setup, but it seems to do the job.


I don’t know what issue you have, if we did it would be easier

Not knowing is problematic


Everything you described happened to me when I first started brain regeneration except the slow motion eyes and agony. My stomach area felt awful and my head was hurting and I didn’t feel great any time I used it for like weeks.

I just assumed it was repairing things that was broken for so long and possible detoxing was happening of some sort.

This answer may suck, but what I did was tough it out until the benefits rolled in. This is purely my experience and in no way should you do this if you feel that horrible from it. It’s just a suggestion.

It will limit brain field usage for you though. Not being able to use brain regeneration that is.


One question, If I listen to Plasma Brain of Youth, can I loop The Manhattan Method and Social Bonder with no issues? Thanks!

MM & SB are wiring fields and after spamming these you should use PBOY

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Perfect, so I wouldn’t need anything else, right?

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Depends on to what level of brainmania are you planning to be part of…scroll the thread while playing MM and then decide

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:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: At the moment I´m quite happy looping Manhattan M. and Social Bonder + PBOY (Even I read quite a bit of this thread I’m quite new to brain fields and I just wanted to make sure I was not going to do something too stupid) :pray:

Thank you!


Maybe this is just the healing experience.
You probably got very used to a brain not working in coherence and your ego tries to keep you there where you already made your reality calculable.
Maybe go slower. Use some other audios like Ego Dissolution, SRL, etc.
Maybe start working on your stomach too.
The brain field will come to you when you’re ready.


“Warfarin induced degeneracy” that’s a House MD episode. Serious stuff.

I’ll be reading more later, you can send this to me in private if you want


I’m going to be coming with the fire soon…

There’s not much to discuss.

P.s Philip is managing NFTs every friday so try not to @ him as much if you can wait. (Note to self as well. :rofl:)


you can be part of Gen 3 brainmaniacs and beat gen 2 maniacs like @Jojo @Beast and few others…


We’re still in gen 2.

BTW, I think gen 2 is lapping most of gen 1. :yawning_face:

Also beast just started as well. We have a big gen 2.