Brain Guild General discussion

I have Alzheimer in the family on my fathers side.
Which 2 fields offer the best protection?


Opus Manhattan should be enough to help with this issue :ok_hand:t3:


Thanks man! :+1:

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Hi guys any fields effective for autism? Am making a stack for my twin to help symptoms and make life easier.

So far I have plasma brain, bdnf and nerve growth, hemisphere connectivity and dna repair included.

Any paid or free field welcome, and am looking for permanent improvements over time to help him best.

Would fields like blueprint of life help fix mutations causing the autism symptoms for him?

@Dr_Manhattan would love your expertise on this! As always thank you all so much

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I recall there being an experimental autism field. It’s on Sapien Medicine’s Patreon. Check it out.

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Thanks for linking in my post! Its a bit long so I thought id be concise asking for help here. Autism has a lot of symptoms to manage so its a tough one for me to figure out.

This functions to introduce synapse trimming. So that there will not be an overloading of stimulation in specific areas.
Highly experimental, it will use Semaphorin ligands, the receptors neuropilins and plexins and some apoptosis to induce retraction of the axons.
So this should cause a reduction in over stimulation which should lead to normalizing of behavior and learning.
Highly experimental and no guarantees,
The effects may not be as profound on someone who is high functioning/high IQ but on the autism spectrum as they may be on someone who has a greater level of disability.
It should provide those overwhelmed by sensory stimuli with a way to cope with our synapses intact.
It only targets overgrowth that can be detrimental to everyday functioning.
Use as much as 3 - 4 times a day, please keep me updated so I can learn, tweak and upgrade etc. if I can.


Thanks alot! Ive included plasma brian of youth field which I think includes this trimming effect as well

Which new brain fields y’all working with atm? @Jojo @Dr_Manhattan @mrpixeltech @everyone The Loop Crew already seeing some results?

Ah sorry i just read "new fields "

Nothing at the moment ahah

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Would love to hear your results on your current brain stack as well my G

Currently healing. :slight_smile:

But I posted subtle results in the introduction thread.


Nothing new, just a freebie boost stack with MM and S&A, 3-13 days out from swapping MM for CC depending on how settled it feels, then another 4 days to swap S&A for either IPF or Strengthen Old Memories providing I don’t need a heal by then.

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I’m currently working with “foundational” level fields

Brain Antioxidant Complex

Super Human Genius
Manhattan Method

Autism Healing
Gentle Brain Regeneration

I have also added Synesthesia in my night stack. Haven’t tried Brain Hemisphere and Permanent Brain Enhancement one. Any suggestions?

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I put myself the goal of fullfilment of Conceptual Conglomerate within the summer, so I’m planning to hit 1000hours on it.

Things started to make sense. Thinking on a layer of thought which it’s different, I don’t know how to describe it it’s like thinking without thinking.

And other things too, such as getting glimpses of someone else thoughts, making some fields ((speak)) with me…

My stack is Brain Key + Opus Manhattan to boost and heal, Your Energetic Being to Support, 70% Conceptual Conglomerate, 20% Manhattan Method 10% ProActive Brain to wire.

I avg around 6.30 Hours of work dedicated to the brain, YEB in loop for at least 16 hours daily, it is basically all the time in play


How u finding it?

I feel I gave always too little time to that field to kick powerfully in. Among all the ones I have is the one I wierd the less


Running Opus , white matter , stress and anxiety and brain key on 4 devices currently

gonna focus on manhattan method for the next few weeks and see what happens, seen crazy results from social bonder and deeper thought is coming to me when i heal up , also learning things quicker lol


how many brain fields do ya’ll listen to in your stack

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