Brain Guild General discussion

I put myself the goal of fullfilment of Conceptual Conglomerate within the summer, so I’m planning to hit 1000hours on it.

Things started to make sense. Thinking on a layer of thought which it’s different, I don’t know how to describe it it’s like thinking without thinking.

And other things too, such as getting glimpses of someone else thoughts, making some fields ((speak)) with me…

My stack is Brain Key + Opus Manhattan to boost and heal, Your Energetic Being to Support, 70% Conceptual Conglomerate, 20% Manhattan Method 10% ProActive Brain to wire.

I avg around 6.30 Hours of work dedicated to the brain, YEB in loop for at least 16 hours daily, it is basically all the time in play


How u finding it?

I feel I gave always too little time to that field to kick powerfully in. Among all the ones I have is the one I wierd the less


Running Opus , white matter , stress and anxiety and brain key on 4 devices currently

gonna focus on manhattan method for the next few weeks and see what happens, seen crazy results from social bonder and deeper thought is coming to me when i heal up , also learning things quicker lol


how many brain fields do ya’ll listen to in your stack

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emm i hope i don’t sound that stupid but can i loop gamma on one device and listening to my brain stack on another(my laptop while watching the courses)? or that brainwave is not recommended for intelligence fields(health wise and effectiveness wise)

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From my understanding you can play fields on multiple devices simultaneously, but playing gamma for too long might put a little too much burden on your system, you can always test in increments to see what’s handleable, i havent tried that personally. Now that you mentioned it I think im gonna start playing some gamma everyday. Maybe @Dr_Manhattan can clarify for ya


I actually like ProActive Brain quite a bit but haven’t given it the time it deserves. I decided to go with Stress and Anxiety first as I believe the wiring will compliment each other quite well and my stress tolerance in terms of what I can hold is insane, but my capability to actually use it as fuel is near nill unless I’m backed into a corner. So S&A so I can access the fuel aspect earlier, then ProActive Brain so I actively do so.


Ya Brain Hemisphere and PBE both look good :+1: it’s all about what results you’re gunning for and you plan your stack accordingly, for general IQ increase I’m pretty sure the 2 mentioned above will help.

I would suggest getting Opus Manhattan as soon as you can because it enabled me to handle so much more and 100% worth it imo

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For the most part, I multi-device. One device for a boost/heal stack, and everything else is just looping a single audio file. The idea being to set an arbitrary goal at a large number (I do multiples of 250/500), keep the devices on me 24/7, and then swap.

I haven’t completed my first full cycle so I can’t really comment on its effectiveness so far, but I’ve seen some significant improvement in my mood since I started doing so with Stress and Anxiety and it’s at approximately 72 hours. Manhattan Method is at 160 hours and has either been far more subtle, requires significantly more hours to settle in, or mirrors thought processes from when I was younger so I’m not noticing its effects as much and subconsciously dismissing it as healing; I imagine it’s some combination of all 3.

I will say, on the subject of MM, that my body/mind connection is at a level it’s never been before and, without any intervening memory related fields, memories are starting to come to me of time periods I had to entirely write off as “blank” previously due to mold/fungi toxicity, a period of habitual drug use, and chronic sleep deprivation. Again though, is that MM, or is that PBoY healing my brain? :man_shrugging:


For those of you no longer within academia at any level, what sources are you turning to for learning and what is your methodology to go from introduction to a given subject to finer tuned detail?

hi,thank you for writing a reply i’ll listen carefully :)
also wishing you amazing results with it

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Depends on the subject? What’s yours?

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Really just looking for general steps/repositories. Methodology. I never really had to study when I was young, I just kinda absorbed what was going on around me well enough to pass. Then I made many questionable life decisions :stuck_out_tongue:

Now I’m wanting to give the fields something to build on. I don’t have a particular subject in mind, just wondering how everyone approaches knowledge acquisition for a subject they have no real foothold in yet.


Thank you! I’ll keep in mind. :blush:

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is this Dr’s last recommendation on ordering a stack based on free audios?

i mean it’s months that i’m reading these but i can’t really make one for myself and be 100% sure that it’s the best that i can get from free audios until i get a chance to buy premium ones
there’re some other playlist sharing from him but again i can’t trust my knowledge on the fields to make a perfect mix from those newer ones and this

and i’m actually so sad because with the simplest stack i could get some improvements in the past 3 months but my perfectionism didn’t let me and i’m just few months far from entrance exam
sorry for sharing my overthinks :(

Remember that ‘Perfect’ is the Opposite of ‘Done’.

Your comment below is dead on. Anything is better than nothing and the more you do, the better you can refine it. What works and what doesn’t work will be somewhat individual and there’s no better test subject for what works for you than yourself.

Since there’s a relatively recent link from the Doc to that post, it’s probably safe to assume that’s the ‘best’ free stack. But more important than the ‘exact’ stack are the principles.

The general principles as outlined in that post are still the same whether you use free fields, paid fields or some combination thereof.

Step 1: Prime/Boost
Step 2: Work
Step 3: Recover (Occasionally)

With free/Patreon fields, the Priming/Boosting phase are done with:

You don’t need a Brain Pump to get amazing results. These fields work. If you go at them slowly but surely over a long time, they will still work. If you use them sporadically over an even longer time, they will still work. If you spam the tar out of them, they will still work (maybe faster than you’re prepared to deal with). The boosters make them work faster and getting a good Brain Pump will make them work much faster.

The Brain Pump is the key to getting huge results. Maybe that’s why the successor to the Superhuman Genius field is called The Brain Key

If you’ve never experienced it before, don’t worry, you really can’t miss it at first. It will feel like your brain is literally swelling, just like a muscular pump – like your brain just did a hundred pushups. The first time I hit it, I could feel my heartbeat inside my skull.

Of course, it often becomes less noticeable the more you do it, so don’t assume a lack of sensation is also a lack of results. ‘Sensation’ is a red herring – it may or may not correlate to your outcomes. It can be ‘fun’ to experience, but it doesn’t mean these fields are or aren’t working.

Then you do the ‘Work’ with whatever wiring field you like best. Cognitive Enhancement, Enhanced Visual Processing, Brain Dancer, Synesthesia – these are all on YouTube or the cheap Patreon tier and they are still amazing.

Your Brain Pump won’t last forever – mine maxed out at around 4 hours, but your mileage may, of course, vary – so you will occasionally have to stop and ‘re-pump’.

Notably, the older free fields don’t contain any protection against overgrowth, so please be responsible and use the Autism and Brain Regeneration fields occasionally if you don’t have access to the Plasma Brain of Youth.

There are many tweaks, fiddly bits, enhancements and what-not that you can pursue or chase, but there’s no excuse to not get started immediately.

We’ll look forward to seeing you dispensing your hard won wisdom to other newcomers in a few months!

TL;DR – Brain enhancement is a marathon, not a sprint. Start now.

You’ll utilize the same principles for brain growth now (with free fields) that you will later. First Boost/Pump, then Wire. Recover occasionally.

Learning to categorize fields by ‘Booster’ and ‘Wiring’ will simplify the process of building stacks dramatically.

Experimentation is the heart of learning. Armchair esotericism (or endlessly perfecting stacks you don’t listen to!) is meaningless. Do the work. Test for results. Adjust the work plan and repeat. :recycle:


We have a connoisseur


With the recently added brain fields I’m thinking of just saving up for Kōritsudō and getting opus Manhattan as my two main fields instead of other ones, would that be a good idea? Or would it be better to consistently use the ones that came before like MM and another booster before hand? With opus is there really a need for any other boosters?


It’s a good idea.

You never need anything, but more boosters = better.

Opus is very strong, but more boosters together is stronger.