Brain Guild General discussion

Which is why Vahalla Vial will be such a great boost for Social Bonder.


Hmm? This is just definition difference then, because I don’t refer to intelligence as something measured by “Intelligence Quotient”, its utility outside of academic application is extremely dubious.

Broadly intelligence IS more than taking optimal decisions and actions even, “smartness” is more of a colloquial, “folk” language.

The IQ notion how it’s perceived outside of science is a PR disaster to be honest.

Not counting the fact that I never took any proper IQ test and hopefully their popularity will go down.

You wanna then use the term ‘General Intelligence’, alias g-factor, that’s very different.

And well, if u have other realizable way of measuring it, standardizing it, with reasonable sets of correlations, then I’m open to hear it. IQ still stays one of the best psychological measurable tools of assessing the traits. It still gives us lots of correlations even way beyond academia.

If I remember it right, you cannot join US army if your IQ is 83 or lower. Under certain IQ, you are not trusted with a gun. I don’t think an army like that doesn’t know what they are doing.

I often encounter people saying shit about intelligence and IQ, but never saw any real practical solutions.

It’s pretty fundamentally divisive. If someone tells u that u got this number and that puts your potential to certain limits. (as to a population that doesn’t use fields and ordinary people usually can’t change it) You got X number, the Adam got Y number that is significantly higher. Then Adam feels very good about himself and you will feel like “of less worth”, therefore many people don’t wanna be assessed like that.

So all in all, it just is what it is.

No solution at all really, it shouldn’t have been used in a goal-setting context, that simple, efficient businesses don’t use it, so that’s quite telling.

In academia IQ score however obtained would mean nothing for university application, career, studying, research, etc.

Army and gun laws, these are governed by political will, not to make them actually efficient at improving people’s lives.

Honestly even hearing people operating notions of intelligence measures and quotients outside of human intelligence studying is incomprehensible for me.

This is more of a General Discussion conversation.


Then they can be moved there afterwards.

But would rather propose IQ, Intelligence and Smartness Discussion thread for maybe brain guild section.

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That’s a good idea.

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That’s what I think fundamentally matters. It’s even easy to say that Quantum Physics and Einstein’s relativity are “not good”, bcs they don’t paint the whole picture. Yet they are important and the level of approximation is very beneficial for the society.

So you are discarding the IQ idea just bcs it doesn’t mean everything? It’s a rather narrow set of traits, but given how narrow it is, it’s still impressively useful. Of course it won’t predict where you will sleep in 10 years, but it’s something nonetheless.

And depends in which country you are. In mine, there are universities that will accept the Mensa’s IQ result to let you in instead of the entry exams. And nah, I don’t think that they don’t know what they are doing.

And well, try studying Physics with an IQ of 85.

So army all just bad? Believe or not, US army is still the best in the world, USA is still the world’s superpower. I am not saying they are perfect, but that’s how it is. And you don’t come on top by being just stupid and corrupted.

I’m sure it’d be practical to have a better measurement tool if it meant that there could be many ppl with IQ <83 that can be reliably trusted with a gun. You would potentially get a bigger army, especially when needed.

I understand. That’s your position. Based on what I have been studying, I have developed a different one. I don’t judge people based on their IQ results, but I see the connections and correlations in every day life.

Yes, I don’t see a point in such discussion, IQ isn’t remotely useful metric from my perspective, I have come from background where even raising point of IQ outside of curiosity context is frowned upon.

Well, the part that’s measured by IQs at least.
What’s wrong with that ?

What’s the point of measuring it if it doesn’t matter ?

:eyes: Let’s link standard IQ test first, also it was invented as research tool, not to draw decisions based on IQ.

I never said it wouldn’t matter. My whole point is that it matters.

I meant, I won’t take your IQ certificate and then for myself, determine what kind of person you are.

But if u give me 10 different trait results, I may at least try to make a picture.

That exactly what I talk about, draw a picture for what purpose? In a job application it should be done based on once credentials, past experiences, interview, etc.

Same in other contexts with small tweaks, IQ certificate will have same next-to-zero weight in each for all real purposes.

For my own personal judgement, I think it was clear from the part of where I wrote it.

I already told u, it’s not everything, but it’s no nothing either. Not even close to nothing.

If you are talking about IQ differences on the level of statistical error, yes. But bigger differences generally no, that matters.

Lol, anyways:

You don’t see a point, so then ig there is not a need to continue and bring whatever outside data here.

Sure, no problem, we end it here. As you don’t see a point and I’m guessing you wanna be consistent, so yeah. I already expressed my core points and I don’t rly care to continue much further, so we’re on the same page here.

And @mods, please move this discussion to a better place for the sake of sanctity of this thread. I love this field and intend to focus and discuss on it.

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Yeah, I’m moving it in a few minutes when I’m on my laptop


I would like to apologize for my overreaction.
Although I can’t offer any suggestions on improving question/answering flow about intelligence testing.

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ive never walked out of a exam room happier than when i walked in. i literally dominated that exam and i barely studied, i sort of just looked passively at relevant info and then wrote it down while superhuman genius looped

loving brain field journey so far


So, blurry vision really is a thing. A fixable thing, luckily, but it still surprised me because it’s still a challenge for me to be able to “feel” the fields. Well, the rewards are too great to not push through. PBoY here I come.

is this a side effect of the new booster?