Brain Guild General discussion

This is…

ALOT of great information.

I really appreciate the write up, truly.

Would love to DM and ask a few follow up questions if that’s ok. Let me know.


I’m glad it helped!

By all means.


What do you think about doing 1 hour total of boosting (20 minutes Valhalla Vail, 20 minutes Berserker’s Wrath and 20 minutes Strahl)
Followed by 1 hour of Kōrtisudō?

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sure, sounds good
Same logic with new fields

Personally I do around 1h of Valhalla, Berserker, Strahl on 3 devices at the same time.

I do it maybe twice a day in-between wiring. It’s something.
I still get surprised every other day by the growth that happens even after I stop the brain fields.


You are taking it to the next level, I have only one device so I will do 1 hour total of boosting and 1 hour of wiring.

I wonder what is the best field to become a genius mastermind? For example Raymond Reddington from The Blacklist if you watched it, or Ragnar Lothbrok from Vikings, Thomas Shelby from Peaky Blinders.

Something that will make me a strategic genius that is always 10 steps ahead of his competition, always know what to do in any situation and use out of the box creative solutions.

I want to add some more wiring fields and there are so many to choose from, I guess Cyber Brain and game theory will be good for my goal?

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I would recommend Animus Luminis Radiantem and Le Maître du Jeux


Thanks for the help :smiley:

Have a great week full of brain gains :muscle:t3:

Edit: after reading the description of both, they seem like a perfect addition to Kōrtisudō.

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May all you fellow brain-athletes get the same :smiley:

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New playlist:

Valhalla Vail x6
Berserker’s Wrath x6
Strahl x6
Kōrtisudō x20
Animus Luminis Radiantem x20
Le Maître du Jeux x20
Valhalla Vail x6
Berserker’s Wrath x6
Strahl x6


What supplements do you guys use to help with your brain gains?

Omega 3, source of choline, Magnesium L-threonate


How do you guys find time and space to loop so many brain fields, especially with work and/or school commitments? Personally I have class for long hours every day and would like more time to loop fields like these.

What methods do you guys use especially when around people? (Such as playing at low volume in your pocket) Would love suggestions!


I am interested to hear the answers for this aswell.

However a good method to use is connect some wired earphones to your phone play the field through them and no one will hear it when in public and you can just keep them in your pocket or you can place one earphone in and one dangling.


If you got a Samsung phone there is a volume app to play them at 5 out of 125, which makes the sound barely audible


Sound Assistant it should be on the phone by default


agreed, I absolutely love this feature, if I want to watch YouTube and also play field alongside while I am wearing the headphones, I just lower the volume to 5 out of 100 of the app that I am using to listen to fields so there is very less disturbance.

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its not difficult if you pre-queue your playlist in your work or school breaks

if you are on iphone, i use ‘evermusic’.
its fun to stylise each playlist by changing its picture

you can play a song many times by clicking the three dots on the right of the song and pressing play next continuously

to play it super quiet, hold down the volume bar in this menu thingy and bring it down to a slither.


A new Etherforge Suit-Servitor with Dimensional Pocket is amazing for this. They can hit you with fields (LOTs of fields, if you’ve got the stomach for it) continuously without affecting anybody else for as long as you can tolerate it.

Older Servitors can also be taught to do this, but this makes the training period so small it’s almost non-existent and helps ensure the fidelity/quality of the fields, so it’s for sure worth doing.

As one further advantage, you can give them contingencies like, “Stop if I get dizzy” or “Stop before I get a migraine” or “Wire until I start to become energetically overloaded.”


Thank you everyone for all the helpful and amazimg replies :blush: This makes it so much easier to get through playlists during the day

@mossyeyes the etherforge ones are a really great idea. When your getting the servitor to store fields, how does the proceds look? I assume you play the field for them and tell it to store it in the dimensional poclet. Wonder if other creators fields work for that too :thinking:

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The new Etherforge Suit Servitors are basically plug and play. Almost couldn’t be easier. Assuming you’ve created your Servitor and added your Slotted Ability for the Dimensional Pocket, it looks like this:

  • Get your Servitor’s attention - “Hi < servitor name >!”
  • Play your field or present your Mandala
  • “Please store this field - < field name > - in your Dimensional Pocket. Thank you!”
  • I like to play an audio for ~3 minutes - so if the audio is 2 minutes long, I play it twice, else once all the way through is good. This is just personal preference, don’t treat it like a rule.
  • Test it by asking your Servitor to activate it – “Please activate and hold < field name > on me”
  • Add extra conditions if appropriate – “Please do this until 4PM” or “Do this until I run out of Brain Juice” or whatever

If I were you, I’d use a field with BIG SENSATIONS at the outset just to verify. White Matter + a Big Glass of Water is a good one.

The words don’t matter – Intention is King. Use ones you like.

It does.

I’ll say though that 20 Slots is fewer than you think. There are more than 20 ‘Next-Gen’ Brain Fields! You’ll have to pick and choose. You can always ‘swap’ fields in and out of your Dimensional Pocket, so you’re not ‘trapped’ or anything, but there are a LOT of fields you might want to store.

Almost always, Sapien Medicine/Dreamweaver fields are going to the ‘best in class’ for any given purpose, so I don’t think there’s a ton of utility in putting other creators in there, but I’ve tested it and it works.

One more thing to add:

Your Suit-Servitor can absolutely use fields out of the Dimensional Pocket whether you’re wearing them (as a suit) or whether you’ve left your item back at home. Don’t over-complicate it!