Brain Guild General discussion

Seems like I get better results from Manly Man in terms of brain masculinization

Since using the new boosters ?


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Guys if I have already opus and I don’t have the money to buy all these gems, which field of the Artemis series I should buy? Plus idk if buying one of the first 3 fields or wait for the drop of the other 4 fields of the series.

Then perhaps just leave the VV for later and on the rest, follow your intuition. Perhaps Strahl might be the best from those already made, but what will be made is unknown, so.

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Yeah probably I should wait, but it’s really hard reading about the power of these fields :grin:


Perhaps try to think what kind of changes would give u the best ROI and then ask @Dr_Manhattan for advice.

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@riky @Powren

To get the most out of the Artemis series, it’s best to get them in order.
You can technically get Strahl 332 before Valhalla but we release them in order, carefully considered and they all boost each others in a specific way.

Valhalla has Dihexa, the most potent element of Opus. That’s less than 10% similarity in a big concoction, again it kept the 1 strongest piece and everything else is different.

Berserker, Strahl get their potency from Valhalla. That’s the only way to make them super powerful. One begins where the other stops without overlap, redundancies.


Thanks for the informations :+1: maybe I will wait when I will manage to buy them together and I will focus on other topics that I want to improve COFF COFF EMOTIONAL MASTERY COFF COFF

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So we should listen to them in the order they come out?


You can listen to whatever order you want, as long as you use them all around the same time you will reach peak value.

To be clear you can use them on their own and get some value but it’s been designed under the assumption that if you use an Artemis booster you have the precedent and are using it too.


Can a bigger brain power increase how many fields you can effectively use or improve their effectiveness or is it just a matter of energy and brain power does not have any impact on it?

Your nervous system is definitely a partially physical limit on how many fields you can tolerate, handle and integrate in a day. A weakened or overwhelmed nervous system will cause you to overextend more quickly (and more painfully). Your brain is, of course, a significant part of that nervous system, but not the whole of it.

There are a number of fields that more holistically address the nervous system as a whole and they do have an effect on improving your energetic throughput and thus how many fields you can use before you slide over your limit.

You’ll also probably find that many of the brain wiring fields will enhance your sensitivity to energy – and becoming more sensitive to energy often goes hand in hand with greater results from fields.

Overall, if you’re trying to increase the number of fields you can handle, ‘growing your brain’ probably isn’t the most efficient way to get there, but it would probably help some.

Check out the Book of Card’s Energy Expansion card or Your Energetic Being for a more direct solution to ‘increasing the number of fields I can handle’.

Surplus energy in the form of Prana, Mana, Force of Life, Chi, Jing, Shen, Ojas and Tejas is also extremely helpful!


Already using Your Energetic Being. Was just curious about brain fields and how they can impact this.

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From a brain department I have White Matter, The Manhattan Method and Strahl 332 (Artemis Series)

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I like this OG Field: Nerve Growth Factor which encompasses the whole nervous system including the brain and gives it all a nice little encouragement. I used it a lot early on when I kept finding myself overwhelmed but refusing to cut the size of my stack.

That said, it sounds like you’re already well equipped!

White Matter’s enhancement of myelination directly increases the ‘insulation’ of your nervous system, which is helpful in terms of protective aspects as well as signal degradation, so it ought to be of ‘more use’ (for this particular problem!) than many of the other brain fields.

It’s like wrapping up the transatlantic cables with thicker coating so sharks can’t chomp through communications between the Eastern and Western hemispheres.



Just tried this Nerve Growth Factor field after I burnt my nervous system out a bit. It seems to help a bit.

Few questions regarding it:

  1. How many times did you loop it after a heavy session?
  2. Did it permanently improve the strength of your nervous system?
  3. Are there any other fields out there, besides this one and White Matter, that have this same effect?
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This was back when ‘Looping’ was contraindicated for most situations – I generally didn’t do it.

So 2-3x was usual.

Definitely. In concert with other fields and approaches I’ve used over time, I only very rarely hit my energy thresholds anymore.

Nerve Inflammation - feels super soothing on the nervous system after a long day of looping
Nerve Damage Help
Body Nerve Healing

Nerve Damage and Body Nerve Healing are also stimulating NGF, so they’re not wildly different, but you might prefer one or the other – especially if you’re feeling burnt out. I’ve seen them recommended for others after major energy and nervous system overuse.


Goldmine - love it. Gonna try these too.

Do you mind going into detail about your specific approach with this? If it’s beyond the fields you’ve mentioned already, of course. Building nervous system strength is a big focus of mine.

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This was a while back and then, as now, I tended to follow a ‘kitchen sink’ approach and threw a lot of things at it from different angles. Here are a few of those angles though:

The Book of Cards has not just one but two amazing tools for this.

The Energy Expansion card is fantastic and I spammed that one to high heaven. It runs its Energy Expansion field for about 20 minutes and I’d activate it 10-30x a day. Almost as often as I remembered to run it. I did that for months.

But there’s also the Energetic Support Servitor, which was actually my first ever Sapien Medicine servitor. This Servitor is phenomenal for expanding your energy system and your energy sensitivity and thus, by association, your nervous system. Besides that, the ESS is fantastic at supplying extra energy and balancing/grounding out overuse. But wait – there’s more! You can teach servitors anything with enough time and patience, and the ESS can be trained to specifically help grow, develop and strengthen your nervous system.

Of course, there’s the Energy Awakening Course. There are a suite of fields in the Course, all of which have an impact on the nervous system, energy sensitivity and throughput. After the initial run of the course, you can continue to use the fields, naturally… And the pairing of the NGF field above and the Energy Sensitivity field from the course is really, really effective. NGF first to prime the system, Energy Sensitivity second. You’ll feel it in a big way.

Outside of fields, I highly recommend Reiki Attunement (now we’ve got the Master Reiki Blueprint to do this) which has a direct impact on the nervous system and energy throughput. Besides which, it also gives you an incredible and versatile tool for healing – obviously you can use that healing on your nervous system too!

The Star Reiki exercise and the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP) (now part of the Potion of the Oracle!) are also extremely productive.

Fields are great, of course, but nothing beats doing the work yourself.

All of this, of course, is Nervous System Development through the lens of Energy Expansion. Though I’m a field connoisseur and try almost every field, even ones I don’t think I need (like the Body Nerve Healing and KCC2 Activation) , I’ve never set out specifically to help heal, build or grow my nervous system outside of that scope. Which is just to say, if you’re not trying to build your energetic capacity, this advice may have only limited utility!

Having said that, energy sensitivity/throughput goes hand in hand with a growing, developing and strengthening nervous system, so doing one is likely to benefit the other.

Does that help get the gears turning in the right direction?