Brain Guild General discussion

since we are talking about these things can i also ask if there’s any good audio player(ios,android and windows) that doesn’t effect the potency of audios by changing tempo,filters etc? they do sound different on each of my devices although i didn’t set any specific output settings so yeah :slight_smile:

Such an amazing and in depth explanation @mossyeyes :star_struck: Thank you for taking the time to write this all up!

Im currently still working with the more old gen servitors and this has more than convined me to give these etherforge ones a try. It seems like a very beginner friendly option that allows users a great introduction to servitor workings, seeing as its probably the most complex aspect of sapiens work.

Wishing you braniacs many more gains to come!


What would be the best brain field to start off with?
Not starting a stack but in general to use one brain field and then implement others gradually.

For speech related Broca area, is out there any better field than Permanent brain enhancement?

Can’t go wrong with Manhattan method


Thank you for the advice

Just play them using your device without modifying them yourself and they will work

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Hi, any plans on making field specifically for healing social anxiety?

thank you for the reply! as always you’re so kind :slight_smile: :four_leaf_clover:

i’m ashamed to ask this because i’m already beyond thankful for everything you’ve done but just wanted to know if you have some free time and okay with me to send you a DM?

Nothing to be ashamed of.

I’m a bit behind in replies this week. I’m preparing to travel for the retreat.

You can still send me but then don’t be afraid to bump it.


i promise it is brain related

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:slight_smile: thank you so much(i really mean it)!
take care and i wish you all the best time out there :four_leaf_clover:
it’s okay we can talk about it later :grinning:

Use Social Bonder


hii :slight_smile::four_leaf_clover: just wanted to know if they do help in being able to concentrate after looping brain fields? i’ve used autism and grounding as i don’t have PBOY but i still can’t stay on cognitive tasks i also tried ADD one but i stopped it as it’s also a wiring one
after ~30 mins of studying i get very tired and discomfort but i also want to pass 1500-2000 hours of MM before the exam

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They might help some – particularly the Nerve Inflammation field. Definitely try it. However this, if it’s new:

…sounds like classic overgrowth. However much you’re listening to Autism, try listening to it more. If you’ve got an intense Brain Booster and you’re doing a lot of Wiring, the overgrowth can get wild and it can accumulate faster than you think. Don’t stick to just 3x loops and think that’s enough. Listen until you feel good.

You might even try listening to it overnight. Otherwise, you might take a break.

Discomfort is one thing, but don’t be too rough with your brain – you’ve only got the one!


:sweat_smile: you caught me! i’ll fully follow your advices, thank you for always being so kind and supportive i feel so safe in the forum :slight_smile:

you’re right i should behave better…


An important consideration for using these new boosters is when using them while actively engaging negative circuitry or pathways, like addiction pathways, fear responses, bad habits etc.

i believe if you begin to use a booster, you have to continue to use it until you have removed negative habits, otherwise you risk imbedding the negative circuitry to a degree that is very difficult to reverse without the booster.

correct me if i’m wrong

Updated brain stack:

White Matter x6
Valhalla Vail x6
Berserker’s Wrath x6
Strahl x6
Kōrtisudō x6
Le Maître Du Jeux x6
Animus Luminis Radiantem x6
Social Bonder x6
Plasma Brain of Youth x6

Next on my list is Opulentia Caelestis.

I enjoy my brain gains a lot :grin:


I love that moment of the day in which I brew myself a herbal tea and I cool down the brain with Plasma Brain untill I fell asleep