Childlike Wonder (Revamp Excitement in Life)

Childlike Wonder (Revamp Excitement in Life)

This field recreates the excitement of experiencing things as if it is the first time. It makes you feel the curious wonder toward nature and the world around you. Essentially it would make life seem magical as it once was as a child.

As a child, everything was new so it had a special spark to it. We awoke every day with a genuine interest in doing and learning things. As we grow older, we repeatedly see and experience the same thing so we generally don’t find as much excitement in many things anymore… When we get older, we tend to stray away from trying new things or genres because the excitement and sense of exploration we had as kids fades away. That’s why most of us as adults tend to stray away from newer music and stick to the songs we listened to as a kid. But these songs… we’ve heard them thousands of times. What if it could feel like you are listening to it for the first time?

What if you could feel like you are going to the park for the first time and experience the sense and wonder you would feel in the park the first time? Life would become more exciting again. Experiencing life anew will awaken the spark that gave you the infinite energy to explore and tr new things as a kid. You’ll notice things you didn’t notice when you were a kid when you heard those songs you liked or went to the park. But best of all, you’ll enjoy these things and kill the dullness in your life. There are many ways to use this audio…

Want to be creative?
Listen to this audio before diving into being creative. Creativity tends to become a chore to those who have been working at it for years. And creative blocks are a pain in the *. So, listening to this audio can open your mind to new ways of looking at something and awaken your drive In creating again.

Want to be productive?
Listen to this audio before doing work and you’ll find yourself enjoying work more. Want to enhance entertainment beit a book, video game or even movie? Listen to this audio before doing so and you’ll find that you enjoy it much more! The possibilities are truly endless.

Children are limited to what they can do because they are so young and innocent yet they possess the energy to do anything. We grow older and gain enough knowledge and freedom to do the things we want but don’t because we lose the energy. This field recreates the energy we so that you can enjoy life with the energy of a child but the mind/freedom of an adult.

Works even better when listened to 2-3 times in a row. 1 time may suffice though.

[Created a thread for this since there was no proper thread with the audio and description yet]


Also some nice music to feel like a child again :slightly_smiling_face:

:man_cartwheeling: :woman_cartwheeling: :running_man:


Say whaaaaaa?!

(Thank you)


I’ve been getting glimpses of childlike wonder throughout the day for the past month or so, even though I’m not using the field
And it’s such a pure bliss
I will add it to my playlist to hold onto the feeling


Is this one of the fields which is a rare gem?



(But, then, you might like to know that I think most all fields are rare gems. :wink: )


This field makes everything in life better lol

I used to have it in my pregym stack


I needed this again.

Innocence too.

Thank you for everything you do Captain.




I think this field is a great one to put at start of the stack because:

It excites you for the stack, giving you more motivation for it, this is at the level of as if you have tried it for the first time. You will naturally put in more energy ans focus on the stack which should also increase results because od that. You will be more likely to stick to your stacks, instead of changing them every few fays so this should help to bring in more pernament results as well.

The self work you do with the fields will be more exciting than ever before, and you might be more prone to listen to fields you’d rather avoid, those that bring to the surface that you need to deal with.

Yep, alongside everything mentioned, there should also be that extra energy to explore the fields more, becayse of which you’ll get even more out of them.

Soon one realizes they can do anything they want. tmThe excitementand wonder is the driving force and you are the pilot.

Also, in the blog post from enlightened states it says it open your mind, and open mind should bring in easier integrations, change is more easily accepted.

And in general, this field just adds a sense of meaning in life. Why not be excited about what it brings…

As my excitement vanished in the past, where was the point of anything really, i did not see it, makes it much more beautiful to live with excitement and wonder.
Might even build resilience indirectly. And lots of positive and exciting experiences await.

One just gotta stick to it.



True, and love the combo with New Perspectives. Total rewire happening bringing back the natural curiosity, inquisitive inquirer, excitement in life, risk-taking, open-mindedness, carefree attitude! :wind_face:

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And then the astro beast and the world is conquered :grin::v:.

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Childlike giggle :relaxed:

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Does anyone know how long does the effect of this field remain after listening it for couple of times in a row ?

Sorry i dont.

But i think it depends on your level of current excitement you have. And how much you have acumulated already.

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Listening to this after a long time so I searched for this topic and it was difficult to find it on Google.

Lets hear your opinions to boost the views on this bad boy!

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can we compare this field with overcome addiction?

(post deleted by author)


A-ha…. I will try this before learning a new language. I will finally achieve fluency, I know it.

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