Conjunction of Spheres (album)

My abundance and Luck stack

Coincidence and synchronicity
Luck and probalitiy alteration
Taaffeite crystal energy
The hand of glory
Jupiter(Luck and abundance)
Venus( I am Taurus)

Need advice some of members here.


Looks bad ass to me. I might add Subconscious Limits Dissolver to the start of the list.

Welcome to the Sapien Medicine forum & community :four_leaf_clover:


Great list!

If I may offer a suggestion, I would add Life of Magical Abundance to your list. Either before or after taaffeite :grinning:


Yes, “La Bamba” 24/7 lol. Maybe the next time will be calmer.


And I just learnt that every single planet of mine squares or opposes other planets. Except Uranus, which opposes Chiron. << ah I see that this is commonly shared.

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@_OM Are the Nullify and Amplify dog tags something you would wear all day or just for a few hours? I wonder if they work like the audios i.e working for 24 hrs after wearing for an hour or two?

No soul got buff by going easy on their workouts.

Gotta get those GAINZ BRO! :muscle:


Looool! Agree: no pain, no gain.

But there’s another problem, BRO: I haven’t chosen La Bamba as a random example.

Remember these lines in the song:

“Yo no soy marinero, soy capitán”

I don’t want to be anybody’s captain, but the captain of myself and of my own life in ANY context. Emphasis on the ANY… and that, my Arizonian bro, is hell of a challenge.


Cool story, BRO :rofl:

Okay, seriously tho, I understand that. You’re definitely working on a challenging task. Hopefully these new audios will help to integrate some of the missing pieces…a bit of pre-workout juice if you will. LOL

All day.


Thanks for confirming!


that would be great…

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Wouldn’t nullifying the negative effects from astrology be almost like cheating?

Wouldn’t the negative effects be things we can learn and grow from? Karmic debt as I’ve read it described?

It’s the lesson from each planet’s energy that you need to learn and change according to. You can respond to the energy the wrong way and that would be the negative. If you go with what it is trying to teach you then that is the positive.

Neptune’s energy can make you empathic or it can make you naive. Which path it takes you depends on whether you deal with its energy in a positive or negative way.


The Sun is by far the best track :sun_with_face: :fire: :notes:


:ringer_planet: :musical_note: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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common you all already know very well what track is the best😏
:globe_with_meridians: :large_blue_circle: :1st_place_medal:

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Mmm. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But “by far”? Come on. Saturn.

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I like that summer feeling in Neptune :sweat_drops: :stuck_out_tongue:

I love so many of them. Venus too. I might have a techno slant.