Conjunction of Spheres (album)

No this is not recommended. The fields will interfere with each other.

You might want to reconsider your playlist. IMO 11 hours is way too long. But anyway, this new album is more like an advanced tool kit.

Just stick to the classics, they are shorter and will work for 24h:


In sorry for all the questions ,but what if the square says :" Saturn square Pluto " ,do I listen to Saturn ,Pluto or both ?
They offer to analyze your results for 25$, do you thinks it’s worth it if you know nothing about astrology?

Btw I counted the square and opposition planets and it comes to me having to listen to 7 different planet videos ,wtf ? Like do I have problem with almost everything or what :D

You’ll survive :) Mines all have squares and oppositions, except Mars.

When I say all, I really mean ALL: Sun, Moon, AS, MC, asteroids included.

Oh okay I only counted the planets .
But for me for some reason it’s all squares . I dont have 2 planets that are in opposition to each other …

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As far as I know, you’re luckier, then. Because squares do not necessarily doom you; they just “challenge” or push you a little more, about certain issues. Requiring more effort from you.

Trust me, it’s far better than having a Uranus opposing your Sun in your natal chart :)


They are in opposition to each other. I will oversimplify now. If Mars and Saturn are in Opposition, then you could have a hard time getting Courage and Discipline to help you out at the same time. Anytime you tried to act on one it would be at the expense of losing the other.


Both. Or which ever you feel better about.

Thanks. I do feel like that sometimes , now I know why !

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Is there a need for retrograde planets to be looked out for in the birth chart?

So If square brings challenges what’s the role of opposition?

You will have to find a “middle path” between two aspects of yourself.

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You can focus a little, since they may be pointing out delays and blockages in some specific aspects of your life, personality, relationships, etc.

But no need to overthink about them though. With Dreamweaver’s fields and the useful information regularly provided by Atreides, we’re good :)


Somebody’s soul decided to incarnate on nightmare difficulty. LOL



My abundance and Luck stack

Coincidence and synchronicity
Luck and probalitiy alteration
Taaffeite crystal energy
The hand of glory
Jupiter(Luck and abundance)
Venus( I am Taurus)

Need advice some of members here.


Looks bad ass to me. I might add Subconscious Limits Dissolver to the start of the list.

Welcome to the Sapien Medicine forum & community :four_leaf_clover:


Great list!

If I may offer a suggestion, I would add Life of Magical Abundance to your list. Either before or after taaffeite :grinning:


Yes, “La Bamba” 24/7 lol. Maybe the next time will be calmer.


And I just learnt that every single planet of mine squares or opposes other planets. Except Uranus, which opposes Chiron. << ah I see that this is commonly shared.

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@_OM Are the Nullify and Amplify dog tags something you would wear all day or just for a few hours? I wonder if they work like the audios i.e working for 24 hrs after wearing for an hour or two?

No soul got buff by going easy on their workouts.

Gotta get those GAINZ BRO! :muscle: