When dale taught dream how to make fields, he would simply give pointers as well. Most of it was learned through consistent and everyday practice. He didn’t walk him through everything. You can’t do that. Dream was already pretty psychically developed at that point so he understood dale’s vague directions and practiced them daily until he ‘got it.’ Dream also is special in a way. Kind of like Usain Bolt can run 27 miles per hour, Dream is able to make coherent fields in much less time than dale could.
I do go over how to create the fields in the course and I’m sorry if my directions don’t satisfy many people. Reason why is because I tell people that they should master several other things before going into the creation of fields. But look at this way, an architect doesn’t learn how to design buildings in a matter of months. That’s years of knowledge and practice that goes into that level of mastery. He wouldn’t even be able to learn how to design buildings if he doesn’t have basic knowledge of language, mathematics, ext… he got in grade school!
Same applies here. It takes a pretty high level of mastery to make coherent fields that function properly and are highly self sustainable to the extent that they become permanent data in the collective consciousness (permanent).
But you do not need a high level of mastery to make fields… Making basic fields is not that complicated (unconditional love, confidence, ext…). In fact, you won’t need 16-18 hours and can program them and can make them last several years at least. You can make fields that direct the subconscious or body too that can last a long time without that level of coherence that dream or dale make with the fields. So I don’t want to discourage people from creating them. Please, make them! You will only get better through practice. Which leads to the next question…
Will the knowledge to make them be passed on? Well we left the blueprint here for anyone to follow and learn and we’re here to answer questions. Me personally, I’m his student but I’ve drifted off the fields creation and do things my own way. But who knows… we’re all growing pretty quickly and have many years ahead of us… and at this rate, I can’t even imagine how we’ll be years down with this exponential level of growth