Decided to start a blog

Lol - thanks, Happyyear123 :slight_smile:

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Doesn’t make me enthused to write anymore though

I did


Is there a specific link where we can donate to you?

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I think its really cool that the people on the internet trying to learn more about it all, finally have access to some cool next level knowledge :muscle:


Patreon or buy more fields from him or if u dont want fields, just buy something twice, thrice, etc.


I think there is a cup of coffee field on Gumroad where you can price the field yourself, from 0 to whatever you want.

When I got it I’ve priced it as the regular cup of coffee in a good bar here in Italy.

Been my morning alarm since then

Yet take my words as a grain of salt


I think we are all enthused to read more though, if that goes into your decision-making :slight_smile:

Also for those who want to support Dream further, Patreon is an excellent way, and it gives back awesome dividends in the form of morphic field audios.

Also as @GamiroCFC said, the Cup of Coffee (Caffeine) audio on Gumroad is a good way. Just choose the price you want to pay for it. There might be a couple more $0 options on Gumroad as well. Plus loads of other audios and fields are available (as @Powren said)! ***

:partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

*** And I’ve done it once again, proving that my job of repeating what the computer says is indeed valid lol. Just call me Gwen DeMarco :slight_smile:


We all know how to paint a picture, there are art schools and well-published methodologies. But not every aspiring artist - even the one who knows the concepts - can become a da Vinci, Picasso, or van Gogh. Such artists come rarely. Enough said.

In Tantra, we talk of three concepts:

  • Jnāna: Knowing the concepts - material or spiritual, primarily through senses and intellect, sometimes aided by higher faculties
  • Vijnāna: Experiential realization of the intellectually understood concepts, usually the second sequential step
  • Pratibhā: A higher, intuitive understanding of concepts - bypassing the usual sensory/mind-based faculties and relying on higher faculties entirely - where the knowing and experience are not sequential, but simultaneous and spontaneous.

Dream’s writing comes from the third category. Do not just read the words, read, be aware, and be open. These are not writings, these are energetic experiences encapsulated in words and fully capable of inducing higher states of knowing and realization in the reader.

@Dreamweaver thanks for your precious words :pray:


Awesomely stated, Maoshan


For Us You are very much more than cute hello/welcome cards and forum utility links!


That is kind of you to say. Thank you.


I especially liked the bit about the Quantum Zeno effect (so far). Really explains a lot thank you


Yes please keep writing.
I mean you call them musings but it’s much more than that imo.

For the longest time I was looking for a simple explanation for the Kabbalah tree of life, but articles online seemed to, I don’t know honestly, maybe they’re ranking for keywords.

But this blog feels more like a diary.
It’s not easy to take such complex concepts and explain them in an easy way.


I already saved the posts as PDFs for later reference.

I also really like how you stream together all the ancient cultures and viewpoints and how they interweave with modern science.



I saved all of them to my iBooks, printed them out, and
have them next to the rest of your books. Biggest #1 fan, i think YES

We are so proud of you!! :heart::blush::innocent:So proud

Keep em coming Nemo I need more

Edit: i logged on today just to say that. I mean technically this should have been posted 15 hours ago but whatever blame my internet connection
Also Mr. Nemo sir, I think you are the ultimate epitome - or should I say negentropy-
of what really constitutes an artist (and poet)
Because even when it’s not poetry, you write so beautifully- it comes from the depths of your soul
Ah i cant even lol

Anyways I hope you release a physical form of your writings, like a book, soon because I was really
looking forward to getting your autograph!!! @Dreamweaver
Thank you x


hope you can write more, I really enjoy reading😉


yeh i will write more
after all, they are my musings lol




That’s probably the best thing you can do, even if the field has no interest to you. Back in 2021, when Dream had all those ‘chargeback’ problems on Gumroad and needed help, I just bought three fields off him instead to donate that way. Originally, though, people wanted to create a GoFundMe page for anybody who wanted to donate, which I was happy to go along with but never happened anyway, so we just bought his fields instead.


Yeah, keep writing, brother @Dreamweaver . As a Newbie to all this, I enjoyed the blogs from the official website. It gave me a very good understanding of everything here. And right now, my mind is more open to accepting the energy of the fields I listen to (Point of no return & Plasma light).
The new blog covers a lot of new concepts involving quantum physics, spiritual practices, dimensions and a lot. I’m sure plenty of people will gain immense knowledge from this blog.

I enjoyed reading “The Convergence of Quantum Physics and Mystical Wisdom and Consciousness, Matter and Evolution.” mainly this para with “Attracting experiences and circumstances resonating with our heightened state of consciousness”. When I came here, I was researching on vibration & frequency and how it affects matter/our reality. This blog contains all the information in dept.


My two cents but I don’t see it very good course of action to whisper on a fire that is not burning anymore and reopen the discussion.

We really don’t need to flame eachothers after days.

Be all well!