🦷 Dental Tech: Preventive Restorative Dentistry (Public)

Thank You Sir :pray:

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So i have this nft for 4 days now.

1st day - Had massive speech improvement and speech was so much clearer.

2nd day - No more pain when flossing and no more spitting blood after flossing.

Third day - I have some redness around wisdom teeth, and on second day noticed that if i press with tongue the wisdom teeth, it was painful. Well on third day, there was 0 pain.

Fourth day - Before, eating foods and chewing was painful. Now there is no pain when chewing food.

My teeth are very damaged. I cant even chew food properly because of the damage.
Will see how the regeneration process goes. :tooth: :shark:


It’s great to hear about your positive change! Here’s hoping for full recovery.


I started to use it yesterday. My mouth has all kinds of feelings. I usually have toothache and often bleed from my teeth. After using this nft, I feel different. I hope that if I continue to use it, it will improve so much that I won’t have to use mouthwash so often to stop the pain.


this field is extraordinary


I want to give some explanations, because yesterday I was contacted by a person with personal specific questions (of course, I will not touch on them), but one of those questions was general, and I think it is worth quoting

How does remineralization of tooth enamel happen with this NFT,

what if there are not enough minerals in the body for this NFT to work? In that case will this NFT “take” the mineral from the bone?

Before I give an answer, I will give a theory for a deeper understanding of the process. This theory is very concise, I have really tried to shorten it for a clearer view of the mechanism of action

in a “global” sense this theory is not important to the user

Info 1

Caries resistance and enamel “strength” factors:

I. At the molecular level:

  1. enamel hydroxyappatite type;

  2. Micronutrient incorporation of hydroxyappatite;

Natural apatites containing six or more calcium atoms Ca8H2(P04)6 - 6H2O, Ca10(P04)6 - (OH)2 and, therefore, having Ca:P ratio in apatite 1:3 and more, and also fluorapatites Ca10(P04)6F2 have the greatest acid resistance.

Presence of vacancies in crystal structure;

  1. The degree of mineralization of enamel;

  2. Correctness of formation and deposit of protein matrix;

  3. Interaction of protein and mineral components of enamel.

II. At the level of tooth enamel structure:

Functionality and caries resistance of the pellicle. The pellicle is an organic film that is the structural element of the enamel surface layer

Regularity of enamel structure;

The presence and number of enamel defects;

The nature of formation of enamel fibers and bundles, the peculiarities of their exit to the surface;

The mosaic nature of the electrical charge that prevents or promotes the adsorption of microorganisms to its potential

Also, it should be noted that the resistance & strength of tooth enamel to caries is influenced by:

The quality of tooth structure formation (prior to eruption);

The level of mineral metabolism in the body;

The functional state of the dental pulp;

The concentration of fluoride, phosphorus, calcium in the enamel and oral fluid.

The strength of enamel itself is formed prior to tooth eruption (formation of enamel by ameloblasts and their production of calcium-binding protein. Growth of enamel crystals due to the placement of Ca ions in the nodes of the three-dimensional network of calcium-binding protein molecules), then there is “maturation” of enamel

After the tooth erupts, post-eruptive mineralization (during the first year that the crown is in the mouth)

Calcium is one of the most important macronutrients in the prevention of dental caries, as its large proportion in the human body is concentrated in the mineralized tissues. If there is a difference between the amount of calcium consumed and the body’s need for it, enamel with low resistance is formed (vitamin D should be taken at the same time, BUT IF There ARE INDICATIONS, AND UNDER THE DEPARTMENT’S CONTROL). Phosphorus, like calcium, is one of the most important elements in the prevention of dental caries.

When there is a difference between the amount of phosphorus the body consumes and the need for it, enamel with low caries resistance is formed. The daily norm is 1000-1500 mg.

Fluorides contribute to the formation of relatively stable fluoride-containing apatite in the enamel. Optimum is the range of the factor that is most favorable for the life of the body. Speaking of fluoride load, its optimum is determined by the dosage necessary to achieve caries prevention rather than physiological needs. N = 0.02-0.04 mgF⁄kg per day.

The concept of negentropy was included in the project itself, also approximating the recovery process: :bulb:

Assistance in the maturation of apatites (calcium, phosphorus);

assistance in the formation of acid-resistant forms by isomorphic incorporation into the appatites (fluorine replaces the hydroxyl group, strontium, iron, tin-cadmium, vanadium replaces the phosphate ion);

influencing and catalyzing the rate of de- and remineralization reactions (fluorine accelerates remineralization processes of appatite by 3-5 times);

Fixing the crystal face and protecting it from dissolution (fluorine, hydroxyl-ion);

supporting the concentration of fluoride ions in the oral cavity;

exposure to calcium and phosphorus ions for exogenous prevention of dental caries allows to achieve supersaturation of oral fluid by apatite and, therefore, will prevent dissolution of apatite enamel or promote precipitation of calcium and phosphate in the tooth enamel when the pH decreases.

In modern preventive dentistry to replace the opinion about the need to use low concentrations of drugs Ca and P (1-3mmol/l, which corresponds to the content in saliva), based on the fact that their high concentrations due to precipitation and closure of the enamel surface pores prevent further remineralization of dental tissue, is increasingly being introduced a modern concept. Its essence is a directly proportional relationship between the concentration of calcium and phosphorus in the preparation and the quality of remineralization of enamel.

Dyscuttable questions are whether Ca and P can be delivered to the enamel: in the form of ions or neutral compounds (CaNRO4), and whether an acidic or alkaline oral environment can be favorable for remineralization.

Nevertheless, I would trust the creativity of the energy fields

Now let’s get to the main question.

Info 2

If all systems in the body are working and functioning normally, and if all trace elements are absorbed naturally, then there is no problem.

Are you asking if this NFT will “take away” minerals from the bones? I am confident that all of Captain’s fields are optimized to not harm the body or its integrity in any way.

Human bone tissue is constantly changing throughout a person’s life. As stresses change or as injuries occur, it is able to change its structure.

There are two types of cells for this purpose:

Osteoblasts form the bone matrix itself;
Osteoclasts break it down. This process is called resorption.

Osteoclasts make new tunnels in the bone tissue, and osteoblasts fill them with bone.

In adulthood, certain conditions cause calcium to be washed out of the bone tissue, causing it to weaken. For example, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, a woman must consume more calcium, as the body actively uses it to build the baby’s skeleton.

Oestrogen deficiency is one of the strongest factors that affect the bone health of women. They inhibit the work of osteoclasts and thus slow down resorption processes. At menopause, estrogen production decreases significantly. This causes the level of bone resorption to increase. Bone tissue thins, becomes more fragile, and bones become more brittle.

Increased intake of natural calcium-containing foods helps preserve bone tissue by reducing the number of osteoclasts and increasing the number of osteoblasts.

Normally, thyroid hormones increase the activity of both osteoclasts and osteoblasts. But with hyperthyroidism resorption begins to prevail over the creation of bone tissue, which also leads to its weakening. If its pathology is suspected, an endocrinologist should be consulted - and the sooner the better.

Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) is involved in the destruction of bone tissue (resorption), promotes the formation of osteoclasts, and its metabolites increase the absorption of calcium in the intestine and the excretion of calcium by the kidneys. It would seem that the less vitamin D, the better? But no. The situation is exactly the opposite. Vitamin D is also involved in the production of citric acid, which forms insoluble salts with calcium and thus increases mineralization of the bone matrix. In a cholecalciferol deficiency, this process is impaired and plasma calcium levels are reduced. In the worst case this leads to osteomalacia - softening of the bones.

The sun is a factor that affects the production of vitamin D in the human body. Regular exposure to the sun is enough to protect against rickets and a whole list of other equally unpleasant diseases.

I’ve written what I know and what I had in the records :laughing:

I want to emphasize again that in the future, very specialized medical questions I will reject, because I believe that for a detailed diagnosis, analysis, prognosis need a doctor’s consultation :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you bro for sharing this precious very detailed information :blush::pray::sunny::orange_heart:!!!


Another helpful effect is saliva quality. I wonder if mine is more alkaline now. My breath rarely smells in the morning anymore. Plus, my mouth doesn’t dry out as much either. That could be a part of helping to prevent cavities.


That was the 1st thing i notice was the like super fresh breath


in medicine to assess the caries-protective properties of oral fluid are indicative of the following parameters:

salivation rate / viscosity of oral fluid / acidity (pH) of oral fluid / buffer properties of oral fluid / remineralization rate of enamel & mineralizing potential of saliva.

the crystal-forming individual properties of saliva are quite variable. The mineralizing properties of saliva are evaluated by its ability to restore enamel damaged by acid

From the project theory:

Caries-protective capabilities of oral fluid:

forms a pellicle on the surface of teeth due to glycoprotein mucin; forms a biofilm (interacting community of microorganisms); shows antimicrobial activity due to the presence of immunoglobulins that reduce adhesion of microorganisms to enamel; fermentation (lysozyme, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase - which have bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects; dissolves (clearance) food residues due to the amount and viscosity of saliva, salivation rate; neutralizes acids due to the buffer system; participates in (re) mineralization of hard dental tissues due to the calcium, phosphate and fluoride contained in saliva, etc.

without the restoration of these properties, and the mechanisms of the salivary glands, the protection will not be complete. Of course, all this is included in the project. :grin:

There are tests available, they are sold in our pharmacies. I think you can find them in your area if you ask around


Wow! That is great. I knew this had something to do with that improvement. I may never want to part with this project LOL.


It would be nice to add alchemy and grow gold teeth. Tooth extraction every day… :relieved:

Look forward to your field about abundance and wealth.



That’s what I always say after every release :laughing:


I got this one. Its description is very suitable for me at present.
I have also been conceptualizing some concepts about wealth recently. So I think of this :grin:


Update: I am religiously using it 4 times every night. My biggest dental issues have been:

  • Teeth and gum sensitivity: these are 99% gone
  • Yellowing: I make a lot of herbal potions and alchemies and drink them. I tell myself to use a straw to sip the drinks/teas but if in a ritual, I lose my localized senses and forget all these “plans” and shut down my mind. So, that has not been working. With this field, my teeth are sparkly white with no additional effort (brush twice a day, waterpik once)

what if a person already has problems with hypersalivation?

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excess saliva production has been taken into account

the correction includes the normalization and treatment of the salivary glands, also important is the aspect that eliminates the failure of the functionality of the exocrine glands (glands that secrete substances on the epithelial surface through the duct)

But this symptom can occur for numerous other reasons: gastrointestinal diseases, otorhinolaryngologic problems, numerous neurological pathologies

you need to know the exact cause of this symptom.
If it is related to the above problems, the focus should be on treating the underlying problem and not the symptom :wink:


my hypersalivation started with the problem of periodontitis, and it almost always occurs at night, during the day little or nothing…so I’m glad to know that it has been taken into consideration in this field! I asked why I have noticed a “worsening” these days since I started the camp!


I have AMAZING results with Plasmafied Teeth and Gums so I’m really excited what this one will do! With the Plasma teeth, my gums immediately stopped bleeding when I flossed. That really really caught my attention! I’m so exited to use this!


oops me too!