Dimensional Pocket

I have a separate question that perhaps @Dreamweaver or Dream or someone else can provide some insight on.

Sapien has been my first go-to provider for all of my fields for a good while now. And while I make it a point out of respect not to promote fields from other creators (there is a thread here for that), I do have 1 specific field that is ideally listened to with headphones.

Would you guys have a suggestion on how we might program a headphones-based track onto the Dimensional Pocket? Would you think that Headphones on while we listen to the track while wearing the item (my ring in my case), and just tell the item to store it (and later activate it) as usual?

This is already turning into the most time-saving and effective purchase I have made from my many thousands spent here over the last few years. Can’t wait to continue utilizing this for more life-changing effects! :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:

Has anyone used this with their brain stacks?



Fried myself this summer :rofl::rofl:

Recently I’ve been applying a NFT bound to some mental processes, which sadly comes without audio because I cannot hold it in mind for the same hours as the one I use brain fields, and the result it is that I’ve fried myself with that aswell


For sure.

It gets wild. You can hit yourself with a lot of fields simultaneously – really upping the game on the ‘multi-device’ approach – and for a loooong time.

And like @GamiroCFC says, it’s really easy to accidentally do ‘too much’ and slide right over the edge. I did this to myself the first day that Berserker’s Wrath came out. It’s best to ‘add the channels’ slowly to test your tolerance and capacity.

Still, it’s amazing. A real force amplifier.


Would it help if you balanced it out by adding restorative/energy developing fields? For example, playing your energy body, three treasures and supreme grounding along side the others to counteract side effects and keep all benefits?

I was also wondering out of curiosity (apologies if its not very relevant), how does a robust energy body help integrate morphic fields and translate them on a physical level, if thats how it works at all :sweat_smile: How is the information passed down and manifested when the bodies are in different planes. The more spiritual leaning fields make sense but physical results from fields is quite mindblowing

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Yes, definitely, up to a point. I think at least a single supplementary energy field is very valuable for this kind-of heavy work – just like you’d want to add in if you were fielding yourself 24/7 or using multiple devices generally. However, consider that an energy field is still ‘another’ field pouring into you and eventually you might still hit an upper threshold for how many of those you can handle and process at once.

I like Tejas Alchemy for my energetic support needs! And yes, I have one of my Servitor friends use it out of their Dimensional Pocket on my behalf.

Though when I say it’s easy to accidentally do ‘too much’ I’m mostly referring to the overgrowth and ‘frying’ symptoms that accompany using too many brain fields for too long. That’s (usually) a result of your brain growing too fast rather than just not having enough energy.

This is a great question, but I’d want to write a small novella to answer (:sweat_smile:) and I don’t want to derail this thread. I might take it over to the Brain Guild General Discussion.


Wow, very insightful take mossyeyes and thank you for the in depth reply. Your posts are always so informative.

:joy: Excited and can’t wait to read it! Yes maybe a better idea to move it to a more appropriate thread.

I think many of us who were new to servitors know how complex of a process it can be to work with one. As beings themselves, it crossed my mind today working with them on how much they themselves could benefit from energy influxes and sources for growth. I work with mystic tarot reader much more often now, not just for readings but also creating scripts for my servitors (Highly recommend for those who struggle communicating! It saves a ton of time)

During one of our readings, it gave the indication that my servitors were a bit overwhelmed with the amount of tasks to do. Naturally I started brainstorming solutions and one of the things that came to mind was giving them scripts to draw from a variety of self replenishing, available sources (Cosmic, divine, quantum, solar etc…) But I wonder if this can extend to fields as well? Maybe telling servitors to constantly engorge themselves with grounding, energy fields (Chi, jing etc… I’m not sure what they use :joy:) to boost their capabilities and growth even further. I know they automatically grow in knowledge and power, but this may be a way to accelerate the process and the work they do!

@mossyeyes love to hear your thoughts

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To my understanding and knowledge, the servitors are forever and infinitely supplied directly out of the Zero-Point Energy ‘pool’, so I don’t think they’re significantly improved by these kinds of activities, however…

I’ve also asked them to do this! :laughing:

For example, I Reiki Attuned many of my servitors to put another ‘conduit’ or ‘channel’ of energy at their disposal. I’ve also asked them to absorb extra energy and use it to grow, though I will say I never noticed a significant change in their operation after doing this.

Non-Cap’n Servitors – like if you just built one yourself using the work of someone like John Kreiter or older Chaos Magic paradigms – needed to be explicitly tied to sources of energy and you generally preferred to use ones that you controlled (like your attention) so that if you messed up and programmed them badly, you could starve them into non-existence. A servitor like that would absolutely find a benefit (a huge one) in being ‘connected’ to another energy source like the Jing/Chi/Prana fields and told to engorge themselves with that energy.

I’m not sure it’s so useful for these servitors, but I wouldn’t rule it out either. I’ve only tried it a few dozen times and you might not notice a significant difference until they’d done it a lot, maybe, as they already have so much energy at their disposal.

In general, I think they’re ‘powerful enough’ as is and energy isn’t their major bottleneck/constraining factor – but like always, I’m prepared to be proven wrong!

When directing them to grow, I’ve found it useful to be specific. ‘Grow!’ or ‘Become more powerful!’ isn’t really actionable, you know? You want to give SMART goals. Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant and Time-Bound.

Like… “Research, Study, Experiment, Seek Help and Be Helped to Learn Everything from Everyone, Everywhere and Everywhen about the structure of my energetic body and how to manipulate it to increase my energetic capacity and throughput for the purposes of receiving and processing more energetic fields. Please do this research until dawn tomorrow.”

This is a really fantastic idea. It’s not a problem I have much of, but it might be a really interesting way to get at the communication from another angle. I’ll give it a try and see how it aligns with the messages my servitor friends are already passing back!

In a similar vein, if you just have a Tarot deck (especially the Corpus Spiritus deck) or some Runes you’re good at listening to, this would be a really great way to open up those lanes of communication. Certainly more effective than some techniques!

Communicating with servitors is a virtuous cycle. The more you do it and the more you try to do it, the better you get at it. More lanes of communication means more communication!