Discussion for other Creator Channels

You can try it out to see for yourself, it is free. Worth my time, but everyone’s experience may vary.


Anyone used this channel

Tried their boosters and they definitely work

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This is APold, many used his work :slightly_smiling_face:https://www.patreon.com/ApoldSubliminals download from Patreon where more subliminals are available, note that he said to use energy charging after Concordia.


Oh i just tried it

Whats the sequence you’d suggest?

Have you had any results

Oh and thank you for replying:)

You are welcome.

Omnidimensional cleanser 1hr daily if you think you need it, maybe your body starts to heat significantly if you try to loop ot, should be a reasonable indicator.

Otherwise Concordia 30min. to 1hr daily or Matrix subliminal 1hr daily. I haven’t tried other APold’s audios yet.

Concordia induced shift in perception of other audios, but never did anything close to “spiritual awakening” or whatever people imply under this name.


Did you see subliminal audios appear working faster??

Not really :slightly_smiling_face: But I don’t use almost any long-term subliminals.

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Ah okay :) thanks for the comments though!

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You are welcome. Probably latest Matrix audio is the best to go unless you’re pretty sure you want to use Concordia.

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Sent soap a pic of my object and he told me the servitor got killed or ran out of essence :sob: :sob:
just wanted to tell someone about this

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who is soap


I doubt there are any fields there. Once Sapien Med got popular everyone started making “fields” but the truth is; even advanced magicans/manifestators etc. have trouble making fields.
People underestimate how much skill is needed to make a field
DreamWeaver is both incredibly talented and hardworking, a combination of traits rarely encountered


soap seems legit too but idk. I asked Dreamweaver for confirmation (to what soap have said) and I hope he replies


Dream is busy so dont be sad if He dent reply. If he had to confirm every “field maker” he would not have a time to create fields.
Also, its my opinion, but soap does not create fields


true that, all I can do is be patient

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For 786RealityOM: the field I’m using for hydration is by Quadible Integrity and is called Superier results booster + hydration amplifier. You can find it on YouTube.


I doubt anyone making true ‘morphic fields’ other than dream and PU

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Has anyone used meditations from this “Dauchsy” Channel on Youtube ?..One of His Unlisted Videos was even requested by the Absolute Power Subliminals in his Channel.

I would be grateful for some pointers @Alkul :pray: