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:thinking: :star_struck: Great name!
I recall that name from another timeline or some such…
all very fuzzy now.


You’re sweet though :kissing_heart: :grin:


Me too, I know it holds some significance in my heart, can’t explain why and how…


Some people, you see their post and want to like it even without reading it… @GianLee is absolutely that person…

And I’ve been told by “unnamed” sources (cough, cough) that he is hilarious too when you get to know him and talk to him :sunglasses:


Yea it deserve his name :grinning:. Especialy after all this ‘drama’ on youtube. Few years ago if you would say morphic field people would ask you what da fuck is that, can i eat it it :rofl:. Now almost everyone has some sort of knowledge of it because of sapien…


Eh… huh??
Just tell me, nothing to do with captain/SM though, right?
Isn’t this the name of one of the post-golden dawn branches like tesseract magick = the hawk and jackal system, otherwise known as “magic that I can read but is way too complex for me to really understand” ? :D
I mean I can’t find it and I can’T quite recall but I feel like it’s… something. lol… not my brightest self expression in this great language for sure.




lol @Maoshan_Wanderer and I are having a little fun
Dreammagick was the name of Dreamy’s original forum…
Link to the cursory story as always as it pertains to this particular thread ALWAYS.


Ah okay! I’m still going to spend probably ~4 hours over the weekend trying to find what I am thinking about now :smiley:


lol I was half-hoping for there to suddenly have been no mention ever of dreammagick forums, it would’ve meant I had memories from an alternate timeline or something lol.


Wow , Dream is even mentioned in that forum, really.
And I thought they don’t need anyone more.
I mean like they have already their “gods” for all purposes, you know, but you see, some of them also use Dreams fields… interesting

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Ah, thanks @anon44876465 I was hoping someone would remember haha!! I was on that forum too… forgot my username though lol…

It was something about octopus or something like that…


How/why did the dreammagick forum go down?

I have heard someone from their previous Sapien team cheated them back then, took all the money and went somewhere, and before all that he took down website I think…he was like obliged for financial in team I mean back then

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Woah that’s insane.

Vitality it was I think
They have named him like it back then

I don’t really know the details, but its quite possible. Knowing Dream, he is kind to a fault, very forgiving, never holds grudges and possibly decided to not do anything about it (assuming this actually happened) and just moved on to something else that inspired his ever-growing creativity. But, Karma gets to people. Sometimes the great and the magnificent don’t do anything, they forgive and move on, as is their magnanimous nature, but the Universe does not, and brings justice.

All good, now we got this amazing forum! The only thing I miss though are some amazing posts on the older forum.


Is this a private message?

Edit… see… let’s be smart guys…

Not favoritism at all… INTEGRITY and common sense.


I think I know the specific reason why the message was deleted beyond “it was a private message”, but since I wish to not instigate WWIII I won’t say it.

That’s not "cool’ man.
You don’t ever share private messages.
Again, I, me, OM is the one pointing it out to you, but there are 100 other people who would point it out to you as well.
I’m just the one saying it now.
So again, NOT favoritism…just basic common sense and hopefully doesn’t need to be told.

So in case you didn’t know… no condescension…no “favoritism”…
One doesn’t share PM/DMs on public forums unless you have PREVIOUSLY requested their permission first.
That pretty much goes for any forum or communication in any avenue of life.