Discussion for other Creator Channels

Which audio helped you in this?

rmv3 + capov1.1

you can also try hankami v1 which includes the 2 previous + has psychic attack shields and empath shield.

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Are they only for men? I’m a she :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

afaik capo is unisex. but rmv3 and hankami is male only.

this is unisex, so i think it should work the same


Finally, can someone who knows how to see and feel the energy go to the Kabus/Wrath/VnMx channels and review all those files to see if they are really safe to use so we can clearly know if they are worth those results or not ?

How does it compare to the Narcissist channel?

If it’s not safe already, what would be the replacement for this Slayer skull video?


Coming from this discussion:

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@kattlis This is my suggestion, besides Captain/Dreamweaver’s Fields.

If you read the description of this field, it mentions heavy metals too.

For me, Morpheus Fields is a Trusted Creator.


Wow… This is a gem of a channel, so many unique audios to choose from


whats the link to his channel?

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Truly Supreme Sub + The Ultimate integration tool…almost instant results


Has anyone tried this? Would Raise Positive Vibrations in Your Home help raise your own vibration as well?

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SZ fields seem to engage really well with verbal instructions.

I’ve tried visualization and “feeling” without getting much of a response, but when I start instructing/guiding the energies, I get all sort of feelings. Not that feelings are confirmation of anything, but they weren’t there before.


I find this quite interesting and willing to give it a try. Do I just say it in my mind and think that I am sending it to my past self?


Yes, looks good, actually I think it was discussed implicitly on forum here. As it’s said your “Higher Self” is to an extent a future version of yourself, so if you want to improve your current state with guidance from Higher Self - “act” to yourself in the past as if you want your Higher Self treat you in the now.

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Which truly supreme sub and whats The Ultimate integration tool?

is this some kind of a known technique?
I am curious and want to read more about it.

And… why doing this leads you to soon hearing from your future self?


My future self has been doing this to me throughout my life.


Same here.

I also believe that the Higher Self is actually already doing it all the time. It all comes down to our self that is the now to learn to listen to those Higher Self impulses.

For the Higher Self there is no such thing as a “past self”, since time does not really exist. Instead, it is like a change of conscious focus and perception that gets rolled up back into the Higher Self. This rolling back up is the experience of “growth” that we experience while being inside the time illusion.


Think about it as a revision of a sort. Instead of asking your Higher Self for favors, become such one to yourself in “the past” - a version to which you can consider yourself better and “higher” - now and get same guidance and support.