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Anyone try dr virual implant remover, felt very weird while using it

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Yep, I used it for a few weeks; it might make you feel off a little, it mentions that in the description.

I might link a couple other audios here, that could/should help, if needed.

This one is mostly for the Reptilian problem:

This one is for all sorts of Species:

Edit: I won’t go into details, but I’m 100% convinced that certain “aliens” are actually demons or something else; it’s a muddy territory.

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Disclaimer: There are Positive E.T.s too, who are willing to help, of course.

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Okay, now after I finished playing it 10 times like the instructions said I feel so positive!, my brain is buzzing! usually I’d be tired and not in the mood to function

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Yep. And you have to continue with 2 times, daily, for a while (I forgot the instructions).

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Jaundice fields !! please let me know guys… Urgent help


You need to go to the hospital IF you have Jaundice due to Billary-Tract obstruction, it is Very dangerous and life threatening!

Maybe it’s from Gallbladder stones getting stuck on that duct, and that’s life or death situation!

Leave any fields for later and go to the hospital or get the person in need there!


Thank you so much, in the meantime I just found this video, as well as many others on this channel that seem interesting. Is this channel and its magic completely safe?

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In my opinion, it is.


Nothing is ever “completely” safe.

Cause and effect have a funny way of producing unpredictable outcomes, ultimately, the main variable is you. I have no control over that, nor can I peer into what you are outside of the “now” …

You have an infinite array of choices at your disposal, I can never predict if it will be safe or not.

In general, however, the videos don’t seem to carry any bad or malevolent intent.


Thank you for the warning. That’s exactly what I had in mind, making sure the videos themselves don’t carry negative energy or any intentions that contradict what’s being presented, as we often witness. I usually rely on my intuition, which often responds better than I do, but it’s always better to check. The outcomes vary so much, we never really know exactly where they might lead us. Thanks.

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I came across this YouTube channel thanks to the girls over on the subliminal subreddit.
and sheeesh I’m getting fast results no lie, she uses subliminal + morphic fields. :fire: :fire: :fire:
she has things both for the ladies and gents. highly recommend.


How does he approach the production of morphic productions?

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Suddenly, everyone became a morphic field expert now because it’s cool.

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When in urgent help always use the intercession fields first. Specially the alien one (for this kind of thing).

I had it for years and never healed but it went away on it’s own too.

Use the advanced detox field :man_shrugging:

I think plasma beach kind of nicked it forever.

Anyway…you must have another diagnosis. Or maybe if it is a sudden thing you’re scared. But for some it is chronic and nothing to worry about.

I mean since I had it for years I’m just saying “chill”. Cause it can stay a while…


I use her too, she’s one of the only channels that gave me physical results.


Hey can u please tell the channels name as I m also going through very bad phase because of bad channels its good to mention names :pray:

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Hlo anyone which channel you find better results with out of spirituality zone and sapien medicine?

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SM is subtler/gentler and you can loop and listen to more fields.

SZ is denser and gives more immediate results but taxes your energy bodies. Older videos had an astral disruption chant which unwinded astral energies, and that makes it pretty much mandatory for your to shield yourself.

Use both to match your goals.